Estimated PPD inflation after crash

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Estimated PPD inflation after crash

Post by arisu »

Shortly after changing my name and team affiliation, I accidentally put the system into an almost-unrecoverable state (doing things unrelated to FAH) and had to use sysrq-E to kill a non-responsive Xorg that wasn't letting me change VTs. To my surprise, fah-client was still running but at 100% CPU (not the cores, the client!). I stopped the service and then started it up again and fah-client began to report that I was getting over 250M PPD, which obviously is not possible since my iGPU maxes out at around 250k PPD. The estimated PPD has been slowly going down since.

I apologize that I don't have more information about this event.
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Re: Estimated PPD inflation after crash

Post by muziqaz »

While PPD issues is being worked on, I would suggest using FAH on the machines which are 100% stable, please. Leave your experiments on the machine which has no FAH on it :)
FAH Omega tester
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