It sports two Xeon X5355 CPUs, each with 4 cores (so, 8 total). All 8 cores are accounted for in /proc/cpuinfo - interlaced between physical IDs 0 and 1 almost randomly (it goes "physical ID" 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 in order of core IDs 0...7).
F@H client reports all of them:
Code: Select all
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8:************************************ System ************************************
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5355 @ 2.66GHz
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 7
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: CPUs: 8
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: Memory: 31.36GiB
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8:Free Memory: 29.42GiB
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: Threads: POSIX_THREADS
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: OS Version: 5.4
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8:Has Battery: false
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: On Battery: false
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: UTC Offset: -8
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: PID: 1515
09:03:41:WU00:FS02:0xa8: CWD: /home/falcon/fahclient/work
I have 3 slots - one CPU (3 thread, leaving one for GPU) one GPU, then another CPU (4 thread). The main star of the show is an R9 280x, which performs admirably once my "house of cards balancing on the head of a toothpick" style software setup actually works (I boot with Alt, select "Windows" to boot Linux, then once I get a black screen, I Ctrl+Alt+F2 over to the console, log in, cd to /fahclient, and run FAHClient. If i try setting it up as a service, it fails to run GPU workunits with the dreaded "Error initializing context: clCreateCommandQueue (-6)" error every time - but not if I run it from the console).
The CPU workunits seem to be... how do you say... underperforming, even for a CPU that scores only about 1900 on Passmark these days (compared to what, 33000 for a new Ryzen?). But they underperform in a strange way - the slots intermittently start reporting that they have "6 days" ETA, then crash down to mere hours while the other slot gets the "6 days" curse.
I looked into top, and I found the culprit:
Code: Select all
top - 01:12:49 up 28 min, 2 users, load average: 4.40, 4.20, 3.57
Tasks: 197 total, 4 running, 193 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 0.1 us, 0.9 sy, 52.3 ni, 46.7 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
MiB Mem : 32111.5 total, 29984.9 free, 1355.3 used, 771.3 buff/cache
MiB Swap: 1383.8 total, 1383.8 free, 0.0 used. 30359.6 avail Mem
1427 falcon 39 19 382780 138436 11992 R 299.3 0.4 32:48.80 FahCore_a7
1515 falcon 39 19 529356 147708 12980 R 112.0 0.4 10:18.62 FahCore_a8
1261 falcon 39 19 1662988 765912 67688 R 12.6 2.3 5:44.44 FahCore_22
520 root -2 0 0 0 0 S 0.7 0.0 0:06.11 comp_1.0.0
61 root 20 0 0 0 0 I 0.3 0.0 0:00.50 kworker/1:1-events
313 root 19 -1 59900 24932 23652 S 0.3 0.1 0:00.64 systemd-journal
Where do I even begin to diagnose this?