I upgraded yesterday from v7 to 8.3.18 on my 2 machines and everything went fine including monitoring from my Iphone from Safari, until I tried later during the day to view again my progress on client URL. I saw a message ‘loading’ then my phone became unresponsive and hot. Took me 10 minutes to reboot the phone. Saw finally the Apple logo and phone restarted. A strange thing is that my Iphone did not ask my Sim Card pin after the reboot and I had all connectivity enabled! Rebooted immediately and then was asked for Sim card pin.
When the crash happened, I had a tab already open with client URL and I hit the reload button of Safari to accelerate things.
Kind of scary experience!
Iphone 15 pro max with up to date iOS using Safari with no extensions.
Crashing Iphone 15
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