I just downloaded the Debian fahclient package and installed it. The program started folding with no further setup, but with root privileges, not using a fahclient user as the install guide says. Can this be changed? Is there a work-around?
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
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sudo adduser fahclient video
sudo adduser fahclient render
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Description=Folding@Home Client
ExecStart=/usr/bin/FAHClient /etc/fahclient/config.xml --pid-file=/var/run/fahclient/fahclient.pid --daemon
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sudo systemctl start FAHClient.service
sudo systemctl enable FAHClient.service
This machine doesn't have a GPU slot, so I assume this is not needed.gunnarre wrote:First run these two commands (without sudo if you are in a root shell):Code: Select all
sudo adduser fahclient video sudo adduser fahclient render
This is my first post to the forum. I am running Devuan Chimaera on several machines and I'd like to use the lab ones for folding@home. I have difficulties installing the fahcontrol and fahviewer packages, although fahclient is running and folding its 19th WU. However, the client is running with root privileges and I am unable to find a 'don't download a new WU so that I can reinstall fahclient' button (obviously I am describing a function not an actual button title!) so at the end of this WU, I'm going to stop folding via Web Control and uninstall the fahclient, with a view to installing a version that doesn't have the python2 dependencies. My questions are these: which version should I download and install and how do I follow the above procedure for a sysVinit system to ensure that the client doesn't run as root?toTOW wrote:It's a bug introduced in v7.6.21 installer ...
Is a non-gui fahcontrol planned? I run fahclient in a headless machine (through ssh) and, lacking fahcontrol, I can't see what project I'm currently computing for, nor does it appear in my statistics page, like it does in boinc projects.Joe_H wrote:There will not be an official distribution of a fixed FAHControl for version 7. They are currently working on a version 8 client, that may be released for beta testing later this year or early next year.
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root@fah1:/etc/fahclient# /usr/bin/FAHClient --send-command queue-info
06:45:52:Connecting to
PyON 1 units
{"id": "02", "state": "RUNNING", "error": "NO_ERROR", "project": 18420, "run": 51, "clone": 3, "gen": 34, "core": "0xa8", " unit": "0x0000000300000022000047f400000033", "percentdone": "86.70%", "eta": "5 hours 30 mins", "ppd": "310045", "creditestim ate": "534326", "waitingon": "", "nextattempt": "0.00 secs", "timeremaining": "8.51 days", "totalframes": 100, "framesdone": 86, "assigned": "2022-03-22T18:59:51Z", "timeout": "2022-03-29T18:59:51Z", "deadline": "2022-04-01T18:59:51Z", "ws": "129.32. 209.203", "cs": "", "attempts": 0, "slot": "00", "tpf": "24 mins 49 secs", "basecredit": "255850"},
{"id": "01", "state": "RUNNING", "error": "NO_ERROR", "project": 17768, "run": 41, "clone": 0, "gen": 111, "core": "0x22", "unit": "0x000000000000006f0000456800000029", "percentdone": "31.64%", "eta": "41 mins 01 secs", "ppd": "3062403", "creditest imate": "127600", "waitingon": "", "nextattempt": "0.00 secs", "timeremaining": "1.99 days", "totalframes": 100, "framesdone" : 31, "assigned": "2022-03-24T06:26:21Z", "timeout": "2022-03-25T06:26:21Z", "deadline": "2022-03-26T06:26:21Z", "ws": "128.1 74.73.74", "cs": "", "attempts": 0, "slot": "01", "tpf": "36.00 secs", "basecredit": "21361"}
root@fah1:/etc/fahclient# /usr/bin/FAHClient --send-command slot-info
06:47:05:Connecting to
PyON 1 slots
"id": "00",
"status": "FINISHING",
"description": "cpu:10",
"options": {"cpus": 10, "paused": False},
"reason": "",
"idle": False
"id": "01",
"status": "RUNNING",
"description": "gpu:7:0 GA104 [GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Lite Hash Rate]",
"options": {"pause-on-start": True, "paused": False, "pci-bus": "7", "pci-slot": "0"},
"reason": "",
"idle": False
I don't know full details, based on what is visible on the GitHub public repositories there will be a web GUI similar to the current Web Control and a background client. I have not looked deeper into the actual code posted publicly. They may publish an API like what exists for the current client for connecting third party apps to the client, but will have to see what gets posted as they get further along.BDA wrote:Is a non-gui fahcontrol planned? I run fahclient in a headless machine (through ssh) and, lacking fahcontrol, I can't see what project I'm currently computing for, nor does it appear in my statistics page, like it does in boinc projects.Joe_H wrote:There will not be an official distribution of a fixed FAHControl for version 7. They are currently working on a version 8 client, that may be released for beta testing later this year or early next year.
Please don't run old versions of the client, due to security. See the solution further up in the thread for how to run the client as the fahclient user rather than root.leloft wrote:Found solution for the issue about root privileges. I uninstalled v7.6.21 and installed v7.6.13 and rebooted.
No, but you can control your headless client remotely from a machine that has FAHControl (or HFM) installed.BDA wrote:Is a non-gui fahcontrol planned? I run fahclient in a headless machine (through ssh) and, lacking fahcontrol, I can't see what project I'm currently computing for, nor does it appear in my statistics page, like it does in boinc projects.