NVidia joining with ARM, might be the breakthrough we need..

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NVidia joining with ARM, might be the breakthrough we need..

Post by Theodore »

Sounds like the best of both worlds!
One of a few articles mentioning NVidia and ARM joining together in the near future (2020).

If NVidia cards will run on ARM PCs, and FAH will support it (coding for arm is easier than for x86/64), would be a step forward in deep learning, and supercomputing...

https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/06 ... computing/
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Re: NVidia joining with ARM, might be the breakthrough we ne

Post by bruce »

A breakthrough? Certainly, but probably not as great as the article suggests. A super-computer made up of large number of ARM SOCs is certainly possible, but in one sense, NVidia has already built (sort of) the same thing by aggregating large number of "shaders" and called it a GPU rather than a superconputer. They'll be competing with their future selves.

Is it making it easier to program a good thing? Certainly, but by how much?

Is making the basic unit of computing hardware non-proprietary a good thing. Absolutely, but who will be reinvesting their profits into future developments?

Will FAH support it? maybe ... maybe not -- and certainly not soon. They did off-load the development of the Sony client, so a small part of the work on FAHClient has already been done, but not the FAHCore for GPUs.

FAH limits their development efforts to a relatively few platforms that are really very popular as a home computer. FAH certainly won't be among the first software developed for it -- at least until the resulting OS and hardware are commonplace.
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Re: NVidia joining with ARM, might be the breakthrough we ne

Post by toTOW »

nVidia GPUs and ARM cores in a SoC already exists : it's called Tegra ...

Folding@Home beta tester since 2002. Folding Forum moderator since July 2008.
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