Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?[Nov 12 problem]

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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by TheWolf »

On avg. I see around 7.5K points every 3 hours "this could be 5+K to 9+k" depending on the WU's.
So with the 9pm update I'm seeing somewere around 13k extra being added.
Looks like they may be finding a few of my missing WU's. Keep diggin, there's more.

Keep up the good work, we're looking forward to those updates.

Only another 185+K or so to go. lol
Last edited by TheWolf on Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by SantaFe »

uncle fuzzy wrote:Yup. Got my first big lump of points tonight- about half of my estimated shortage.
Hmmm...was checking the F@H stats at Extreme Overclocking for me, and I know they are a bit behind when The stats are released from the main F@H stats server, but am noticing some interesting activity at the top of my Hourly Production chart.

11.23, 9pm 225 1
11.23, 6pm 336 1

Since all I've been getting are 905 point WUS these look interesting. Maybe I'm being visited by the GHOSTS OF WUS Past? :mrgreen: :o :D
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

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I just saw some credit that I cannot attribute to recent work. So it looks like the catch up is happening. Patience pays off.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by stanmc »

Progress is definitely being made. I stopped folding 4 days ago when I had completed, by my log, 2906 and as of last night I was still at 2899. This morning @ 6:48 am Chicago time I am at 2902. I guess I can start folding again. If I don't get the other four I won't be too unhappy. Computers do mess up now and then.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by toTOW »


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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by coolamasta »

Sweet seems I got back an extra 100k last night, another 50-100k to come and then all will be back on track for me. 8-)

Anyone else been getting theirs back? :mrgreen:
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by mephistopheles »

Yes, I got mine today. I don't have exact statistics, but it looks like I got 70-80% of the points that were lost during the stats outage.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by Grandpa_01 »

I got around 25% of mine
2 - SM H8QGi-F AMD 6xxx=112 cores @ 3.2 & 3.9Ghz
5 - SM X9QRI-f+ Intel 4650 = 320 cores @ 3.15Ghz
2 - I7 980X 4.4Ghz 2-GTX680
1 - 2700k 4.4Ghz GTX680
Total = 464 cores folding
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by cdb »

I got the recredit for the 12th, are you still working on the 10th and 11th?
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by Mactin »

uncle fuzzy wrote:Yup. Got my first big lump of points tonight- about half of my estimated shortage.
Same here
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by shark99z »

Mactin wrote:
uncle fuzzy wrote:Yup. Got my first big lump of points tonight- about half of my estimated shortage.
Same here
Ditto. Seems odd to me that we all got a big lump like that... I would have expected them in dribs and drabs rather than like this because of the manual entry process. No matter, as long as it gets done. =)
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by »

I got half in one blob. Waiting for the rest. I guess it depends on your mix of WU.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by J_M »

Nothing here yet - still down just under 30k /cry :wink:

As much as I'd like the missing points back I still have to remember that the reason I do this is for the science and not the points. It's too bad that Pande Group has to spend a bunch of time and resources on the points system instead of the project itself, in a perfect world we would just continue on and ignore the hiccup but I know more than a few people would get their knickers in a bunch if it went that way.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by »

Exactly. I was happy that the science was not lost. In the long run a few points here or there don't bother me. A lack of WU does since that means no science.
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Re: Is it just me or are the Stats not updating?

Post by statesidecoma »

Well science and scientists and professors don't work for free. So even though we are in it for sciences' sake the point system is our little paycheck or reward. Without it who the hell would do this. We spend countless hours and money doing this and all I would like in return for my donation is a little reward(points). Was the Stats Server bought out of a van in a dark alley somewhere just to save a buck. Sorry for the rant ahead of time.