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p4120 [not on Psummary] ?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:31 pm
by noorman
Why is a new (returned) member of ours Folding this Project: 4120 (Run 11, Clone 2, Gen 0)
while this project isn't to be found in the Stats anywhere (even in the [Mod EDIT])?

I cannot check what it is, from which server it is dependent and how long it can run (deadline) ???

I thought I read these project Stats were kept up-to-date automatically ?

He didn't start it just an hour ago, 'cause he 's already finished it with an off the shelf PC ...

This is a public section of the forum. -7im

Re: p4120 ?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:49 pm
by uncle_fungus
It has been on psummary and was public.

Code: Select all

Project Server			  Name							        	Core		 Credit 	Frames Atoms 	Pref	  Final	 PI
4120 	p4120_ntl9_folded_Amber03_Native 	GROSIMT 	168.00 	100 	14856 	31.00 	46.00 	gbowman

Re: p4120 ?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:52 pm
by sortofageek
While I can't answer all your questions, I can tell you the WU has been returned by someone who received full credit of 168 points. If you tell me the folding name and team number of your team member, I'll tell you if it was him/her.

If it was him/her, please ask the member (if running Windows) to check to make sure Use IE settings is set for no. Whoever this is keeps trying to send the same WU again over and over. This can mean the work folder didn't get cleaned properly after the first send and I have seen that happen when that setting was set for yes.

Re: p4120 ?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:06 pm
by 7im
noorman, I had to edit your post.

And I have already told you this once: The Psummary page is dynamically generated. If all of the p4120s available have all been sent out, then it WILL NOT appear on the summary page. When some finished WUs are returned, more of the next generation will be created, and it may reappear on the Psummary.

Re: p4120 ?

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:52 pm
by noorman
sortofageek wrote:While I can't answer all your questions, I can tell you the WU has been returned by someone who received full credit of 168 points. If you tell me the folding name and team number of your team member, I'll tell you if it was him/her.

If it was him/her, please ask the member (if running Windows) to check to make sure Use IE settings is set for no. Whoever this is keeps trying to send the same WU again over and over. This can mean the work folder didn't get cleaned properly after the first send and I have seen that happen when that setting was set for yes.

It won't be him, because he reported to us (on our Forum) that his results couldn't get sent; we are trying to solve his networking issue(s) because I found that server to be working, as did the Stats report.

I already named the project, 4120 (Run 11, Clone 2, Gen 0), the Folding member is called cabal_88 ...
I was curious about this project type ( of a series I don't know because I 'm Folding SMP since Dec. 2006 and never before had any 4xxx projects on any of my machines ... ) and wanted to find out by researching it through the psummary page.

It 's a terrible coincidence that his first WU (since he restarted) would be the last of the bunch, but everything is possible.

Re: p4120 [not on Psummary] ?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:20 am
by sortofageek
Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 07:01:59 for 168 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 07:01:59 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 07:01:59 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 07:01:59 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 19:01:03 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 19:01:03 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 19:01:03 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 19:01:03 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-24 19:01:03 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-25 00:59:36 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-25 07:00:23 for 0 points of credit.

Hi cabal_88 (team 734),
Your WU (P4120 R11 C2 G0) was added to the stats database on 2008-01-25 13:01:38 for 0 points of credit.


The client will continue to try to send for no more credit until he removes the result file from his work folder.

Please note that he did get the credit the first time he sent.

Please check to make sure he tells the client not to use the IE settings.

Re: p4120 ?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 12:38 am
by bruce
noorman wrote:It won't be him, because he reported to us (on our Forum) that his results couldn't get sent; we are trying to solve his networking issue(s) because I found that server to be working, as did the Stats report.
Obviously it WAS him. Even though he believed it was not being sent, he was incorrect about that. That's exactly what happens when someone sets Use_IE_Settings to Yes -- the WU does get sent but the confirmation message from the server is blocked by Windows security. The FAH client improperly reports that the upload was unsuccessful and tries it again and again every 6 hours.

Re: p4120 [not on Psummary] ?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:24 pm
by noorman

OK, issues resolved.

As you reported, it was him; I instructed him to change his network settings (IE-related) and how to do that.

Thanks for the lookup !

