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Project: 5113 (Run 95, Clone 96, Gen 0)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:09 am
by bill93xfah
I just downloaded this WU and it seems to be stuck. It keeps reading 0/500. Any suggestions?

Bill Denholm

Re: Project: 5113 (Run 95, Clone 96, Gen 0)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:46 am
by sortofageek
Is it possible you just haven't given it enough time to finish a frame? Could you post enough of FAHlog.txt for us to see the startup and the WU in question so we can get a better idea what is happening, please?

Re: Project: 5113 (Run 95, Clone 96, Gen 0)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:42 pm
by bill93xfah
Well, today it seems to be working. I don't know if I had a real problem yesterday, or if I just didn't give it enough time.


Re: Project: 5113 (Run 95, Clone 96, Gen 0)

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:03 pm
by sortofageek
Glad to hear it is working. We love success, however it comes. :)