getting a passskey replacement [solved]

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getting a passskey replacement [solved]

Post by Fldngbob »

For years I have been running FAH on Linux. Now I have one installation on a W10pro machine. When I attempt to connect to my group with my 20 digit passkey (that works on my Linux machines) I am receiving: "The passkey must be a 32 character hexadecimal string." How do I acquire a 32 character passkey?
Last edited by Fldngbob on Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: getting a passskey replacement

Post by Joe_H »

Welcome to the folding support forum.

Where did you get that 20-digit passkey? They have always been 32 character hexadecimals, I am still using the one I got over a dozen years ago and it is exactly that. If you are confusing the use of a passkey with setting a password for FAHControl to access remote clients, that is different from a passkey and you can select your own.

The current link to obtaining a passkey is this - The name used does not need to match the username you use when folding. Using the same name and email address will get you the same passkey sent to your email address.

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Re: getting a passskey replacement

Post by Fldngbob »

I got this 20 digit passkey years ago. I think, if I remember correctly it was for v6.

Okay, so my bad, the form at asks for "Name" and "Email" so I set my "Name" as my actual name and now I read that it should have been my username (Someone might want to consider correcting the graphic to reflect a request for your "username" rather than "Name".) The 20 digit passkey I have still connects my linux machines to my username and team number but, due to the 32 character hexadecimals requirement does not allow my Windows client to correct. I can convert every client to the 32 character hexadecimals passkey once I get it.

However, when I went back to correct to my true 'username' and email address, I am being told that I am locked out for four (4) hours.
I have years of folding records connected to my username that I would like to continue.

Is there someway to reset the four (4) hour timed lock out?
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Re: getting a passskey replacement

Post by Joe_H »

No, it does not have to be your username as I stated above. That has never been a requirement, and people keep putting that it is a requirement are repeating a bit of misinformation someone posted years ago. There is no registry that ties usernames and passkeys beyond the database that ensures there is just a single one assigned for a pair of "Name", not folding username, and email address. You can use the same passkey with multiple folding usernames.

You do not need to wait and get another passkey.

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Re: getting a passskey replacement [solved]

Post by Fldngbob »

I apologize for not pay attention to the whole message you sent. I'm sorry.
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