stuck on waiting for idle CPU

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stuck on waiting for idle CPU

Post by B35 »

Hi guys, how are you?

Well, I have the following doubt with the folding@home software, it turns out that when I leave the computer inactive for 3 hours, it always stays on waiting for it to be inactive and does not start the projects when the computer is inactive, so my questions are:

1. How to solve this error?
2. Does this have to do with the fact that I don't have a compatible graphics card? My graphics card is Intel, I don't know if it has something to do with it.
3. When does Linux consider a computer to be idle?

my graphics card is an intel graphics 2000, i have an i5 2320 and ubuntu mate 20.04 operating system

I appreciate any help in advance, I want to help in the folding@home project and help the scientists who are associated with this fantastic project
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Re: stuck on waiting for idle CPU

Post by calxalot »

I believe idle detection is broken on most Linux distributions. On Linux, the client tries to get the user idle seconds from the xscreensaver module. Some people are not using said module. Furthermore most systems have a module that keeps resetting the idle seconds. So idle is never detected.

There is a tool ‘xprintidle’ that has a workaround. It is GPLv2 code. Maybe that can be added to the v8 client.
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