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lost all credentials
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 9:48 pm
by southernpride1865
Been a member for quite a while and recently had some non-forum issues with my computer. Had to take it in for repair, and the guy removed several "unnecessary" (to him!) programs without letting me know first. One of which was Folding@home. He also wiped out my email client and all of my system backups when he (supposedly) did a system reset. So, now I have no access to my old passkey, username, or ANY of my login info. Any way of getting any of this back? I'm honestly not too interested in the lost credit (hey, it WAS nice to see those big numbers!) so I just started a new account. But for future reference, is it even possible to regain this info when it has been wiped completely from my machine?
Re: lost all credentials
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 11:39 pm
by aetch
A couple of thoughts
old config data
A couple of folders you could check for latent configuration FAH data, you're looking for a file named "config.xml".
7.6.13 and earlier -> c:\users\<your username>\appdata\Roaming\FAHClient
can also be accessed through %appdata%\FAHClient
7.6.21 -> c:\programdata\FAHClient
scavenge hunt for your folding username
If you know roughly how many points you were on you could check in with to see if you recognise your old folding username
retrieve old passkey
take your recovered username and email address (I'm going to assume you haven't forgotten this) over to the passkey page to recover your old passkey, if you want.
I think this bit might be superfluous as the important part is you have a valid passkey to get the quick return bonus.