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Where do I see my progress so far?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 5:48 pm
by tarkon333
Hello there, just joined the folding today and I wondered how to see how much % of a work unit I already completed, also to know if I can make it in time
Oh I took another look at the info panel and think I got it now. So the number on the left, for me 11394 points per day is the expected outcome of points for my current power setting in 24h?
And work unit (ETA) is how many hours I'll probably need to complete the current work unit? And estimated points is how many points I need to complete the current WU?
If somebody could either confirm/correct this that would be great :)

And another small question, for getting my dogecoin wallet adress (I'm using dogecoin core) I just created a new receiving adress for the folding and copied it there to my name at the foldind and joined team 226715. Was this right?

Best regards and thanks for your help, Tarkon

Re: Where do I see my progress so far?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 6:24 pm
by bruce
FAH only records points for WorkUnits that are completed and the results uploaded. Progress on the assigned WU can be seen with either WebControl or FAHControl together with the Timeout and Deadline.

ETA is calculated based on the recent rate of completion for that project but it is decidely inaccurate when you first start that WU or when you pause. It does a pretty good job if you fold continuously.

FAH is not associated with dogecoin or any other cybercoin organization ... but they are associated wit us. We are strictly a scientific research organization and we report points. Other organizations translate our points into coins at their own discretion. (Contact them directly.)

For work in progress, your first 10 WUs with a passkey do not receive bonus points even though the FAHClient's report assumes everybody does earn bonus points, so the numbers won't match. Also, to earn bonus points, you need to maintain a completion rate above 80% with the passkey.

Re: Where do I see my progress so far?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 6:33 pm
by tarkon333
Okay thanks!
And for me I can choose between the power settings light, medium and full, but there is no inbetween. And I noticed that my GPU is doing something on medium and high but nothing at light. Is it supposed to be like that?
And would my CPU and GPU work on the same WU or on different ones?

EDIT: Oh sorry I noticed that I can click on CPU and GPU to see that they actually work on different projects.

Re: Where do I see my progress so far?

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 8:45 pm
by bruce
Yes, processing by the GPU and the CPU are independent of each other. Most GPUs earn points faster than most CPUs but by default, you'll run both.

The slider does have only 3 settings but there probably are a lot more choices if you open FAHControl. GPUs are either ON or OFF, with no intermediate settings. With CPUs you can select the number of CPU cores (threads) that are used for folding. One thread is always reserved to supply data to the GPU but other choices are available in FAHControl (depending on how many threads your CPU supports).