The GUI (FAHControl) is its own .deb package, and it's not guaranteed to work on all Linux distributions.
You can stop or reduce the folding power by going to the web client at
If you draw the slider to "light", it will reduce the number of CPU threads it uses after the current work unit gets finished.
You can also send commands via the command line, like
Code: Select all
FAHClient --send-pause
FAHClient --send-unpause
FAHClient --send-finish
You can edit the config.xml file directly at /etc/fahclient/config.xml
There you can reduce the number of CPU threads in a more fine-grained way, by changing
(auto) to for example 4 threads:
or less, depending on what CPU you have.
Then you can stop and start the client with
/etc/init.d/FAHClient stop
/etc/init.d/FAHClient start
or you can put in a systemd script if want to start the service in a more modern way: viewtopic.php?p=339973#p339973
If you want the FAHControl GUI on a more recent Linux distro, there is a guide to make it work: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31972 and it is planned to upgrade it to python3 in the future.
If you're going to CPU fold, you might be better off with an after-market cooler. If you have a laptop or small PC with a discrete GPU, you might produce more results by folding on the GPU only, without CPU folding. GPUs are more efficient at folding than CPUs, and in a thermally limited machine it might thus be better to not fold on the CPU.