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Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:47 pm
by JoeHz
Just started a team recently and one of our members noticed an interesting artifact of our team number. Specifically that our team number happened to correspond to a cute mathematical formula.

But if I want to add it to our team name, say (making up such an example that isn't our actual team number) 2¹⁸+1, when I try it I get this error.

Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x81\xB8' for column ``.``.`_name` at row 1

Any chance Unicode strings could be supported here?

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:07 pm
by cfhdev
I also want to comment that the @ sign can be used in a team name but when used as a donor name is ignored and all characters after are also ignored.

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:23 pm
by Rel25917
@ is not ignored in a doner name, it is hidden so one could use an email address without the being shown.

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 11:54 pm
by JoeHz
And if I add it "old school" to the end of the team name, (2^80-2^2 or something), it accepts it but doesn't appears to actually save the new characters

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 2:34 am
by cfhdev
Rel25917 wrote:@ is not ignored in a doner name, it is hidden so one could use an email address without the being shown.
I have tried it with several names and the point get added to the name without the @xxxxx and don't show up as unique.

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 3:55 am
by Joe_H
The part to the right of an @ character does not shown in any search by username, so [email protected] will show the the same as johnsmith.

As for team names, stick to alphanumeric and the only character that is recommended is the underscore "_". Some other punctuation characters will usually go through okay, but occasionally cause issues. Avoid characters from the extended character sets such as ones with diacritics.

Re: Legal Characters in a team name

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:32 am
by Rel25917
Search the stats with the whole name@whatever and it should show just those results. Just searching for name and they get lumped together.