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Refreshing FAHControl config from database

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:16 am
by Arathald
Hi, I'm in a bit of a friendly competition with some friends to get the most points, and to that end, I'm working on a system to automatically provision extra computing capacity based on our point totals.

As part of this, I'd like to be able to automatically add and remove new remote machines on my local FAHControl (advanced control) on my macbook (running macOS). I've gotten as far as figuring out there's a SQLite database at ~/Library/Application Support/FAHClient/FAHControl.db that I can edit to manage remote machines, but FAHControl requires a restart to see these changes.

While I can work with that, I'd like to ask if there's a better way to get FAHControl to refresh from its SQLite configuration database. Any method, including editing the source, is fine if it's more elegant than having to restart the program.


Re: Refreshing FAHControl config from database

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:28 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum Arathald,

In the past versions of FAHControl, I can simply click Add under the Client panel on the right-hand side, add the details and within 10 seconds, I can see all the details. I don't think there have been any remote changes since the last time I used it. I am aware that FAHClient may need to be restarted after the network configuration changes which is different than FAHControl.

Re: Refreshing FAHControl config from database

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:32 am
by Arathald
Thanks for the reply PantherX. Adding through the client panel in FAHClient works perfectly for me. I'm specifically looking to update the FAHControl database from an external program/script and have the program show the changes. Restarting the program works for this purpose, but I'm looking for way to do it more seamlessly. This is definitely outside what the program was probably designed to do, but I was curious if anyone could point me towards a way of doing that.