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Project 13879

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 11:03 pm
by uyaem
Hi all,

I've been folding with client-type advanced for 12h, but the project in question was moved to public anyway which is why I'm posting this.

My GPU is working on Project: 13879 (Run 0, Clone 68, Gen 20), atnd it seems to have double the steps (1m) compared to previous GPU project in which I participated. Is that normal/intended? Total time on a GTX1060 is 8h30.
Also, is this particular project taxing the GPU more? I've noticed a significant increase in lag, with GPU temperature being stable at 76C even keystrokes on this forum take about 2-4s to appear.


Re: Project 13879

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:04 am
by Joe_H
Each project will have a "normal" number of steps that only applies to that projects, or perhaps a group of projects working on different aspects of the same protein system. Normal can range from 125k steps for some CPU projects to several million for some GPU projects, the number will depend on the size of the system being worked on and other factors.

In this case I was able to look up someone else's log report, and 1 million steps is correct for WUs from this project. At 159K atoms, it may be utilizing your GPU a bit more heavily than a smaller protein system would. Another factor could be what types of testing is turned on in the scientific code, there are a number of options available to be used by the researcher.

Re: Project 13879

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:26 am
by uyaem
The WU finished overnight, and now being on a different project, my PC no longer displays the laggy behaviour even at full GPU usage.
Thanks for the info :)

Code: Select all

22:52:38:WU00:FS01:0x22:Project: 13879 (Run 0, Clone 68, Gen 20)
05:35:55:WU00:FS01:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:13879 run:0 clone:68 gen:20 core:0x22 unit:0x0000001634e06d4a5e81129eebf4d85e
05:35:55:WU00:FS01:Uploading 48.08MiB to
05:37:13:WU00:FS01:Upload 95.93%
05:37:16:WU00:FS01:Upload complete
05:37:16:WU00:FS01:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)