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Issue with WU 14190 (3, 25, 58)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:11 pm
by xvallugx
New Folder here, but this WU seems odd. Normally my CPU WUs are 2ish hours long, but this one is estimated at 22 hours. There are 1.25 million steps which is a ton more than the previous units. I included a bit of the log below, starting where my last work unit was uploaded/sent and where the new one begins (end of log file).

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2020-03-31T16:55:21Z ***********************
13:48:44:WU02:FS00:FahCore 0xa7 started
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:*********************** Log Started 2020-04-01T13:48:44Z ***********************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:************************** Gromacs Folding@home Core ***************************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Type: 0xa7
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Core: Gromacs
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Args: -dir 02 -suffix 01 -version 705 -lifeline 11076 -checkpoint 15 -np
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:             3
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:************************************ CBang *************************************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Date: Oct 26 2019
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Time: 01:38:25
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Revision: c46a1a011a24143739ac7218c5a435f66777f62f
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:     Branch: master
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Platform: win32 10
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Bits: 64
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Mode: Release
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:************************************ System ************************************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:        CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:     CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       CPUs: 4
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:     Memory: 15.95GiB
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Free Memory: 11.94GiB
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:    Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7: OS Version: 6.2
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Has Battery: false
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7: On Battery: false
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7: UTC Offset: -4
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:        PID: 6308
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:        CWD: C:\Users\schwa\AppData\Roaming\FAHClient\work
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:******************************** Build - libFAH ********************************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:    Version: 0.0.18
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:     Author: Joseph Coffland <[email protected]>
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:  Copyright: 2019
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Homepage:
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Date: Oct 26 2019
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Time: 01:52:30
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Revision: c1e3513b1bc0c16013668f2173ee969e5995b38e
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:     Branch: master
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Compiler: Visual C++ 2008
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:    Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /Ox /MT
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:   Platform: win32 10
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Bits: 64
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       Mode: Release
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:************************************ Build *************************************
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:       SIMD: avx_256
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Project: 14190 (Run 3, Clone 25, Gen 58)
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Unit: 0x0000004e0002894b5d5d2f3895735b0c
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Reading tar file core.xml
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Reading tar file frame58.tpr
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Digital signatures verified
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Calling: mdrun -s frame58.tpr -o frame58.trr -cpt 15 -nt 3
13:48:45:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Steps: first=72500000 total=1250000
13:48:47:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Completed 1 out of 1250000 steps (0%)
13:49:04:WU01:FS00:Upload 3.42%
13:49:10:WU01:FS00:Upload 18.21%
13:49:16:WU01:FS00:Upload 33.01%
13:49:22:WU01:FS00:Upload 47.81%
13:49:28:WU01:FS00:Upload 62.61%
13:49:34:WU01:FS00:Upload 77.41%
13:49:40:WU01:FS00:Upload 91.07%
13:49:45:WU01:FS00:Upload complete
13:49:45:WU01:FS00:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
13:49:45:WU01:FS00:Final credit estimate, 1944.00 points
13:49:45:WU01:FS00:Cleaning up
14:02:19:WU02:FS00:0xa7:Completed 12500 out of 1250000 steps (1%)

Re: Issue with WU 14190 (3, 25, 58)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:22 pm
by bruce
Some recently released projects are bigger than earlier releases. It all depends on the number of atoms and the number of steps.

Since this is a new WU for you, the initial estimate for completion may be inaccurate, but not necessarily so. In either case, the estimate will be refined as you get further along with the WU.

Re: Issue with WU 14190 (3, 25, 58)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:35 pm
by xvallugx
How long should I wait? I'm about 30 minutes in and ETA actually went up to 23 hours and 35 minutes. Initial time said 15 days but after a bit it came down to the 22 hours I mentioned.

Re: Issue with WU 14190 (3, 25, 58)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:00 pm
by Neil-B
For some of the larger CPU WUs I seen through my box (24 and 30 cpu core slots) the completion times are around 3 hrs (average usually less than an hour) so your 3 core slot is not doing too badly if it is one of those ... Nothing to be alarmed about from what I can see - it has a 15 day timeout according to and a bag load of base points ... You might find your PPD is quite nice.

Re: Issue with WU 14190 (3, 25, 58)

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:47 pm
by Joe_H
I have checked my older logs and have processed Project 14190 before. The number of steps is correct for this project, it was one of the large projects that I have done on this laptop. The ETA sounds reasonable from what is shown in my log. It has an i7-3520m.