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MacBook Pro Battery Drain Even Plugged In and F@H on "Light"

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:58 am
by suchnerve
Hello all,

Anybody know how to get Folding @ Home to only max out but NOT exceed a laptop's power supply? Even though my MacBook Pro is plugged into its 87 watt power adapter, its battery still drains (albeit slowly) when F@H runs. Setting F@H to "light" further slows the battery drain, but System Information still says:
AC Charger Information:

Connected: Yes
ID: 0x0000
Wattage (W): 86
Family: 0xe0004008
Charging: No

Re: MacBook Pro Battery Drain Even Plugged In and F@H on "Li

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:09 am
by Joe_H
I don't know how many cores/threads are supported on your model MacBook Pro, but you can do further changes than Web Control using the slider by using the advanced control FAHControl. You will find it in a Folding@home folder in the Applications folder.

In FAHControl, click Configure at the top left. Then select the Slots tab and click on the CPU slot shown there, and then Edit at the bottom right. You will be changing the CPU thread count from a -1 which leaves control to the software and slider position, to any number between 1 and the maximum CPU thread supported by your processor. The FAHControl window would have shown how many were being used, set it to a lower number. That should us e a bit less power.