I found this guide, but it wasn't exactly useful:
https: linustechtips{dot}com /main/topic/990176-howto-remotely-access-your-folding-systems-part-1-fahcontrol/
Let's say my LAN setup is router on a.b.c.1, old PC on a.b.c.2 and new PC on a.b.c.3. These are related config.xml settings:
Code: Select all
<!-- HTTP Server -->
<allow v=' a.b.c.2 a.b.c.3'/>
<!-- Remote Command Server -->
<command-allow-no-pass v=' a.b.c.2 a.b.c.3'/>
Code: Select all
09:30:08:9:a.b.c.3 GET /
09:30:08:WARNING:9:a.b.c.3:401 HTTP UNAUTHORIZED /
09:31:55:10:a.b.c.2 GET /
09:31:55:WARNING:10:a.b.c.2:401 HTTP UNAUTHORIZED /
Code: Select all
09:32:00:12: GET /
09:32:01:13: GET /css/normalize.css
09:32:01:14: GET /css/main.css
So, basically Web Control works only on localhost. It does listen on a.b.c.2, but replies with 401, even though <allow> directive clearly says to allow access to the IPs I try to access it from. Even more, if I put these into <deny>, it does deny:
Code: Select all
09:32:35:WARNING:Denied 4:a.b.c.3 access to URI: /