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Memory usage around 70%?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:34 pm
by quackguy
Hi there,

I installed Folding@Home yesterday for normal use on an everyday laptop. Yesterday, it worked fine for a few hours.

However, today my browser (normally Firefox but I have also found this to be the case with Chromium) is eating a large percentage of memory. (I know this is the case because of Windows task manager.) This never happened before, so I think the culprit is Folding@Home.

I have tried different settings (high/mid/low) for Folding@Home and I have also paused the folding process, but the high memory usage continues.

There haven't been any other changes I can think of to my laptop.

Is there anything I can do to limit CPU usage or do I need to uninstall Folding@Home to return my memory usage to "normal"?


Re: Memory usage around 70%?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:46 pm
by bruce
Are you looking at memory (RAM) or processing (CPU) commitment?

FAH uses very little RAM but a lot of CPU processing ... approaching 100% if it's working the way it was designed. 100% compute loads are uncommon and they to generate a lot of heat and run the battery down quickly. Laptops tend to be less able to dissipate excess heat but a well designed one will turn on the fah. Do blow the dust out of the passages to improve airflow and DO NOT run your laptop on something soft (like a bed) which covers the underside where a lot of the heat goes out.

If the heat turns out to be a serious limitation, you can reduce the number of CPU threads with the power slider (or better stil with FAHControl.)

Re: Memory usage around 70%?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:29 pm
by ipkh
Ate you folding in the browser? If not, there is no impact of folding on your browser memory usage.