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Unable to Install Window Client (currently using files)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:18 pm
by mkrupnic
When installing Folding@home Client 7.5.1 on Windows 10 Enterprise (1809) I get an error "Failed to install files. Most likely some software, possibly Folding@home is currently using one or more files that the installer is trying to upgrade...." The last "step" in the installer was "Extract: ssleay32.dll". I've tried restarting, disabling endpoint protection and picking up my laptop and shaking it to no avail....

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Might be good to provide an error that is a bit less vague?

Re: Unable to Insatll Window Client (currently using files)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:32 pm
by bruce
Welcome to, mkrupnic.

My Windows installation has a copy of ssleay32.dll in Program Files...\FAHClient. Does yours? Does it have a time_date that matches your installation date?

I didn't reinstall, so I don't know if ssleay32.dll was the last file written or whether it immediately goes on to something else -- or which might be a clue to the problem.

Is FAHClient actively running on that machine? If it is, there's a good chance that's where file-in-use error arises (depending on other things).

Re: Unable to Install Window Client (currently using files)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:02 pm
by mkrupnic
The partial install seems to leave a FAHClient folder (Modified Date 3/30/2020). I tried deleting the folder and installing again but I get the same error. The folder is recreated.

There is no active FAHClient running (checking Task Manager). I also tried to look in "Remove Programs" to uninstall and there is no listing.

(NOTE: I am running the install as an administrator so I don't think it is a permissions issue)

Not sure what file is "After" ssleay32.dll. Is there some "more detailed install log" or a list of install files somewhere?

Re: Unable to Install Window Client (currently using files)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:08 pm
by bruce
I recommend you do not install as administrator; install as the user that's going to be logged on while folding. It will ask you for permission to write in Program_Files and you don't want to have to constantly run As Admin. Permissions on FAH's working files should match the non-admin user, not the Admin.

Re: Unable to Install Window Client (currently using files)

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 4:52 pm
by Vananovion
Hi, I registered to answer this, since I had the same problem. Turns out F@H adds its program folder to PATH variable. As there are some 3rd party libraries in there, some other application on your PC might be using them - in my case it was GoG Galaxy application.

To find out what it is you can do the following:
1) Download Process Explorer - since I can't post links yet, Google it :).
2) Run it, then press Ctrl+F
3) Type in your F@H installation folder and click search
4) Close whatever application is found except explorer.exe
That should unblock it - did for me.