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How-To: Access Web Control on Ubuntu Server using Nginx

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:53 pm
by AndyBossert
moin from Germany,

I rejoined the Folding@Home community due to the Corona pandemic and own 3 Ubuntu Servers in total where i run the fahclients.
It gets sometime annoying to manage them via remote: the web-allow configuration has to be adjusted everytime my home router ip adress gets changes (every 24h) ...

I havent found any other convinient solutions to address this issue (probably there are some, however i couldnt find them in the documentation ...) so i come out with my own "quick and dirty" solution by simply pass the web control interface via proxy_pass of the nginx http server (analogous approach with apache):

1. Setup the fahclient according to the documantation.

2. Install nginx server on your Linux machine (code example here with ubuntu):

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sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx
3. Allow for port 80 connection (consult documentation ufw firewall or similar).

4. Open the fahclient config.xml file with editor of your choice:

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sudo nano /etc/fahclient/config.xml
5. Include the following lines within the <config></config> in the fahclient configuration files:

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<allow v=''/>
<web-allow v=''/> it should look similar to this:

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  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
  <gpu v='false'/>

  <!-- HTTP Server -->
  <allow v=''/>

  <!-- Slot Control -->
  <power v='FULL'/>

  <!-- User Information -->
  <passkey v='somekey'/>
  <team v='0'/>
  <user v='someone'/>

  <!-- Web Server -->
  <web-allow v=''/>

  <!-- Folding Slots -->
  <slot id='0' type='CPU'/>
6. Open the nginx default config file in sites-available folder with editor of your choice:

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sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
7. Include the following lines within server { }:

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        location /foldingathome/ {
        } it looks similar to this:

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server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server;

        # SSL configuration
        # listen 443 ssl default_server;
        # listen [::]:443 ssl default_server;
        # Note: You should disable gzip for SSL traffic.
        # See:
        # Read up on ssl_ciphers to ensure a secure configuration.
        # See:
        # Self signed certs generated by the ssl-cert package
        # Don't use them in a production server!
        # include snippets/snakeoil.conf;

        root /var/www/html;

        # Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
        index index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;

        server_name _;

        location / {
                # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

        # FAH proxy pass
        location /foldingathome/ {

        # pass PHP scripts to FastCGI server
        #location ~ \.php$ {
        #       include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
        #       # With php-fpm (or other unix sockets):
        #       fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
        #       # With php-cgi (or other tcp sockets):
        #       fastcgi_pass;

        # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
        # concurs with nginx's one
        #location ~ /\.ht {
        #       deny all;
...this is an quick example without ssl
To enable this you have to setup ssl in nginx first (follow the documentation)

8. Restart both the fahclient and the nginx server:

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sudo /etc/init.d/FAHClient restart
service nginx restart
9. Access the web control interface via browser of your choice:

Code: Select all


PS. If someone has a better solution (also in terms of security) please let me know! :wink:

Re: How-To: Access Web Control on Ubuntu Server using Nginx

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 5:51 pm
by MobileGamesMotion
Maybe you could use FAHMM It is a mobile app that you can use on an iPhone. to promote everything

Re: How-To: Access Web Control on Ubuntu Server using Nginx

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:35 am
by AndyBossert
MobileGamesMotion wrote:Maybe you could use FAHMM It is a mobile app that you can use on an iPhone. to promote everything
Thank you for the suggestion, that looks awesome.
Unfortunately I have an android phone :lol: