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My server crashed. Lost WU. what to do?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:57 pm
by mhmediaonline
Hi, i was about 0.5% into a newly-downloaded WU when my server crashed and took my SSD with it. I've had to do a complete reinstall of Linux so basically i lost all trace of the WU.
I've now setup FAH from scratch using a saved config file and it's waiting for a WU. How long will it be before FAH realises nothing's happened with the lost WU and hopefully send me another?
Re: My server crashed. Lost WU. what to do?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:35 pm
by Neil-B
The WU you had will have a Time Out attached to it - when no response received by then it will be reissued .. Don't stress over the loss of the WU as these things happen.
Your new install should pick up a WU as soon as it can get a slot on the assignment servers (fairly loaded at the moment) - the fact that there is a WU in limbo shouldn't impact that (iirc).
Re: My server crashed. Lost WU. what to do?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:46 pm
by toTOW
Anyway, you should make sure that such crash doesn't happen again ...
Re: My server crashed. Lost WU. what to do?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:51 pm
by Neil-B
Reminds me of the car salesman who suggested to my brother that he might not want to "write this one off" after he totalled his car and had to buy a new one