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Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:30 pm
by mrbillium
If the team is struggling with building more hardware servers please consider cloud based virtual servers.
The first one will take a few hours to build, but once done many systems will allow you to replicate that server very fast - minutes
I use DigitalOcean and I can stand up a new server from a an existing server's snapshot backup in about 2 minutes with a new public IP & certificate based secutity, ready to go.
Given their strong support network I suspect you would get lots of help from them if you ask for it.
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 11:47 pm
by bruce
We put up three Azure instances and it is now so busy people can't get in. (It was really fast until it got overloaded when it got tied into our Assignment Servers.)
Demand has repeatedly grown faster than we can increase Supply.
They're getting 56,808. / 10,800. / 1,002. hits per/hr
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:02 am
by Scrappy
Does Azure have something similar to AWS where it will Auto-Scale? So that based on a certain threshold, it will fire up a new instance, and shutdown again when not needed?
I dont' know what is involved with setting up a new instance, so this might not be feasible, of course ... if not, are more instances going to be coming online then the 3 you just added?
BTW, you guys are, IMHO, doing a great job of trying to manage, and reduce, the load ...
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 12:58 am
by mrbillium
Have you reached out to Azure?
I know how we all hate to ask for help but everyone wants to find a solution and once you explain what you are doing and how important it could be, you may find the Azure folks willing to support you to solve the problem in short order with as many instances as you need - perhaps at no cost too.
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 6:28 pm
by andwalk
Guys, without trying to be too much of a shill I work with a group that provides scaling technology that works with Azure plus bare metal providers interchangeably. We do it already for game servers and we would be happy to figure if we can help you scale.
We are based around the idea of containerization and can spin up Azure instances on demand. I know you have hardware requirements on diskspace. It would require engineering to containerize and use our orchestrator API but it could solve your issue.
Check out the website for Gameye game session hosting (Google it, I can't post links as I am a new user).
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:16 pm
by Joe_H
@andwalk I have forwarded on your offer
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:37 pm
by ouhman
mrbillium wrote:If the team is struggling with building more hardware servers please consider cloud based virtual servers.
The first one will take a few hours to build, but once done many systems will allow you to replicate that server very fast - minutes
I use DigitalOcean and I can stand up a new server from a an existing server's snapshot backup in about 2 minutes with a new public IP & certificate based secutity, ready to go.
Given their strong support network I suspect you would get lots of help from them if you ask for it.
Could you provide me the steps needed in order to fully backup snapshots please? I am folding on ec2 and sometimes the WU doesn't have time to complete and gets terminated :/
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:47 am
by gunnarre
This thread is about work servers - the machines which you download and upload work units from. Are you asking about cloud folding on Amazon EC2?
Re: Suggestion to ease server scaling issues
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 9:06 am
by ouhman
gunnarre wrote:This thread is about work servers - the machines which you download and upload work units from. Are you asking about cloud folding on Amazon EC2?
Yes sorry if I went out topic just had the impression that my issue was related. Yes I was referring to cloud folding on Amazon EC2.