NVidia Drivers
Moderators: Site Moderators, FAHC Science Team
NVidia Drivers
I've noticed for awhile the news says: NVIDIA 375.57+. I've ignored this, as two machines have 376.48 & one has 376.53, and were quite stable or not stalling (yellow circle) for awhile. Today found 2 gpu's stalled, and one stall last week. I believe the 376 to be hot fix. Is the official release 375.57+ more suited/less problematic than the 376? Should I switch?
Re: NVidia Drivers
Re-phrase. 375.57 more advantageous than hotfix 376?
Re: NVidia Drivers
The 375.xx series has morphed into the 376.xx series. NVidia adopted and interpretation which causes an OpenCL error periodically. A (hot-)fix for the problem wasn't introduced until 376.48 but this caused a (small?) performance reduction. FAH is working on a change to FAHCore_21 that is a second work-around for the problem, thereby avoiding the hot-fix and hopefully also avoiding some or all of the loss in performance.
If your hardware can run with drivers older than 375, you'll probably avoid both the crashes and the performance degradation but they don't support the latest hardware. Things are still in flux and there are no universal answers yet.
It should be noted that the AMD OpenCL implementation works fine with the preexisting FAHCore_21, so it's not clear if a unified interpretation of the OpenCL specification exists.
Topic closed.
For more details, there's a 20 page topic here:
Subject: WARNING Do not upgrade to 375/376.xx drivers (for xx<48)
If your hardware can run with drivers older than 375, you'll probably avoid both the crashes and the performance degradation but they don't support the latest hardware. Things are still in flux and there are no universal answers yet.
It should be noted that the AMD OpenCL implementation works fine with the preexisting FAHCore_21, so it's not clear if a unified interpretation of the OpenCL specification exists.
Topic closed.
For more details, there's a 20 page topic here:
Subject: WARNING Do not upgrade to 375/376.xx drivers (for xx<48)
Posting FAH's log:
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.
How to provide enough info to get helpful support.