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Best Linux drivers for 650 Ti?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:32 am
by billford
According to here the best are the 304.xx drivers- I'm using 319.32, 64-bit Linux Mint.

They seem OK, giving ~30k PPD on a manufacturer overclocked card, would the 304.xx be much better?

As a Linux newbie I'm still operating at the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" level, but if there's a substantial difference I might get adventurous and change drivers :wink:

Re: Best Linux drivers for 650 Ti?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:38 am
by ChristianVirtual
If it run: don't change it for a few points up or down. Just stay away from newer driver for older cards (and vice versa). I returned to the 319.x version for my 660ti after experience the negative impact of newest versions.
Easier to optimize the CPU slot in case you mix GPU and CPU, much higher impact.

Re: Best Linux drivers for 650 Ti?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:51 am
by billford
Fair enough, I'll leave it alone.

I think the cpu slot is OK, I'm using cpu:3 on a Core-i5 and the PPD is what I'd expect in comparison with the other i5 machines running cpu:4.

It was noticeable that during the recent shortage of WUs for GPUs that the cpu slot was giving about 5-10% higher PPD than usual- I assume this was because the other programs that I was running (and possibly the OS) were using the temporarily idle core that had been reserved for the gpu, rather than impacting the 3 cores that FAH wanted... Moral: I must use the computer less :wink: