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Increasing Awareness

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:27 pm
by MrArcadiaMine
I, for some reason or another, see folding as the best thing since the internet. So about a week ago when a coworker asked me what was up I had couldn't pass up the opportunity to gloat about my number (relative to my computing power) and he was impressed and kind of amazed. He asked me for something that Im pretty sure doesn't exist, at least not in a strongly meaningful way.

He asked if I could bring in some fliers to work. This lead me to think about a few things

How do you dissuade people from inaction with a flier.
How do you get their attention in the first place?
-Not an artist, at least not in a traditional sense

Do you work on the pros? should I be specific at all?
-Help cure cancer (though not negligible folding is way more important than that one set of diseases)
-The easiest way to make a difference in the world

Do you work on the cons?
-Very little strain on computer on anything but high, the difference between having to replace a computer today that shipped with xp vs vista
-At a minor increase to your cheapest utility you can help untold numbers of people.
-Yes you have to install a program on your computer but its safe (says some guy you don't know) and you'll be getting more value out of your computer before you eventually upgrade.
-It will take less than 5 minutes (but doing nothing takes no time.)

How do you help them overcome any confusion without a significant barrier to entry?
-Might list some of my contact info through google voice or something. I know people like using searches but direct small urls work best and show up better on searches.

_Any thoughts?

Re: Increasing Awareness

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:18 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum MrArcadiaMine,

I suggest that you watch this video ( and you can use some of the information presented in it to make your fliers. By making it easy to understand what F@H is and does, you may get a lot of positive results. Too much information may make it difficult to understand so you need to find a good balance, depending on your situation.

Re: Increasing Awareness

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:10 am
by bruce
I moved your question into a new forum called "How can we help FAH grow." There are a lot of similar suggestions here that you might want to read.

Re: Increasing Awareness

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:42 am
by bollix47
There is an executive summary that may also be helpful: ... ingFAQ.pdf