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Updating team record on the Stats server

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:12 pm
by GraceCourt
I have a depressingly bad feeling about the likely answer to this question, but here goes anyway...

Some years ago, I registered as a team on the FAH site because I had access to a dozen or so PCs that were just begging to be used for the project... :lol:

Of course, other than keeping the clients up-to-date (and the PCs cool!) there was nothing for me to do otherwise. Then, of all things, I happened to spot that the team logo on the FAH team stats page was being displayed as a broken hotlink, and I realised that I needed to change the URL held on the Stats team details, but...

Yes. I don't remember anything but the team name and (probably) the password, but without the user name and e-mail address used for the registration, I think I'm stuffed. The annoying thing is that I've had a passkey for years and the team name is not an English word in any dictionary - and I own the relevant .com domain name that would have been used for the e-mail address! - but, putting myself in the shoes of the sysadmin, I just can't think of how I can authenticate myself to FAH as being the real team owner.

Any ideas, anyone?

Re: Updating team record on the Stats server

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:21 pm
by GraceCourt

I spoke too soon... I just discovered, through patient trial and error, that the user name is case-sensitive (isn't this somewhat unusual?), and because mine was composed of two concatenated dictionary words that were both capitalised when I registered, that strange arrangement with a second capital letter inside the team name was what was causing the problem for me... maybe this should be a plea for case-neutral verification of user names (but, obviously, not for passwords!) on the server's authentication systems?

Re: Updating team record on the Stats server

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:48 pm
by GraceCourt
OK, so I appreciate that this thread has become a boring monologue, but the scripts on the team details update page are broken... I get changing the passord from the new one e-mailed to me by the "lost password" facility, but when I did so I was getting locked-out... the update produced a page confirming that the password had been updated but from that point on, neither the old password nor the new one would work.

I tried this three times, it consistently produced the same result. So, with my logical/analytical head on - the one that helped me to reason out the above answer to why I couldn't log in, nor obtain a replacement password using what I thought was the correct user name, I looked at the 9-digit replacement passwordsbeing sent to me and realised that maybe the problem was my 8-character password being accepted but producing some sort of corrupted 9-character internal representation on the log-in server.

Eureka! That's the problem... the password has to be 9 characters long but the server allows a shorter "new" password in the "change password" process, which produces something that is neither the old password nor the new one. That, of course, mandates yet another password reset and another "down the rabbit-hole" journey through the crazy FAH Stats password change Wonderland!

C'mon guys, you've produced some superb client software, why is the Stats server set-up so unacceptably crap??

Re: Updating team record on the Stats server

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:19 am
by 7im
Yes. PM esorin with much personal info.
No. More secure.
Won't change.
Worked for 10 years, not sure it's broken. Include that feedback in your PM.

See also: Regaining Control of a Folding @ home Team