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Pass Key Q
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:55 pm
by Agencyman
I have, as usual, searched several ways, and, as usual, failed.
I have some new members at our team Kitguru Folders, and I'm uncertain on how to answer the question of pass key portability.
For those who fold under another name elsewhere, -can they/should they apply for a new passkey; and for those who fold under the same name elsewhere, will their current key port to our team?
Bruce Hinton
Re: Pass Key Q
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:05 pm
by Jesse_V
The passkey is tied to the username and email address. With it, you can get bonus points for SMP WUs, and it also servers as a protection against another donor violating F@h policy whilt using your username. In the latter case, with a passkey you basically distinguish yourself so you won't get your points zeroed out as a consequence of the others donor's behavior. This works best if you get a passkey each time you change usernames. The passkey does not relate to team affiliation so it should transfer over.
Re: Pass Key Q
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 5:33 pm
by 7im
Correction. The passkey is generated using one fah user name, and their email address when created. However, in regards to points, the passkey is not tied to ANY name, nor any team, nor any client. Passkeys are completely portable, just like your fah user name.
You may, if you wish, use your one passkey with any number of fah user names and team numbers for submitting work. The recommendation is to use only one passkey for all of your folding, so that you can track your points separately, using your various fah names, or combined, using your one passkey.
There is no rule against using multiple passkeys, but there is no need for multiple passkeys. The one exception I've seen is when participating is a points contest, you might use a shared group passkey to simplify the tracking.
Re: Pass Key Q
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:24 am
by Agencyman
Thanks guys,
Where else in this whole world is the the help desk so knowledgeable and, well,... helpful!!!
I have passed along said info.
Bruce Hinton