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Project: 2605 (Run 9, Clone 571, Gen 5) [Error 0x0]

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:47 pm
by MoneyGuyBK
EDT: oops I should have posted in "issues with WU" board, my apology.... would a mod move this thread please? Thanx

Was there an issue with 2605 (9, 571, 5) ???
My client tried to download it, and kept getting 0x0 Error..... As you will see in the snips I am posting below.
After trying a few times, it has now downloaded and working on a different WU. Just reporting here FYI.











Re: Project: 2605 (Run 9, Clone 571, Gen 5) [Error 0x0]

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:24 pm
by Flathead74
MoneyGuyBK wrote:Was there an issue with 2605 (9, 571, 5) ???
There have been continuous issues with this WU... viewtopic.php?f=19&t=442&p=16691#p16691

In fact, I believe that it has not yet been returned successfully, though many folks have tried.

You got just as far with it as everyone else has, MoneyGuyBK.
It is very consistent.
Quite a time waster, this WU is.

You must have overlooked it in the Issues with a specific WU forum before you posted. :wink:

Re: Project: 2605 (Run 9, Clone 571, Gen 5) [Error 0x0]

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:03 am
by MoneyGuyBK
my bad Flathead, Thanx budd.
Good thing it didn't waste my time and the client quickly picked another WU to work on :)
