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several hopefully simple questions

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:09 am
by Delrave
I just got a few questions I'm looking to get cleared up, kinda new to F@H. getting to the point:
1) if I have multiple devices folding at once, will this kill my bandwidth? KInda hoping its just like a short download now and then, and not like streaming a video.

2) how much hdd space does F@H need? is it possible to boot a hdd-less computer off a usb, install F@H on the usb, and run it like that?

3) does the ps3 for a good store bought dedicated folding machine? quite mouthful there. also a little new to the ps3, but if it is, can I do similar to number 2, and run F@H without a hdd? perhaps with a usb?

Re: several hopefully simple questions

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 2:33 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum Delrave,

1) The F@H Clients connect to the Servers whenever it needs to download a new WU or upload a completed WU (wuresult). After that, it doesn't use the bandwidth at all. How long it takes to finish a WU is dependent on the hardware used for processing.

2) It varies from one F@H Client to another. On my systems, it is from ~25 MB to >100 MB. It is possible to boot a Diskless System and fold (Details).

Re: several hopefully simple questions

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:17 am
by Delrave
thanks for answering those two, and I found the answer to the last one in the ps3 board, so I'm good.