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Add Folding@Home to my Windows XP Startup
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:30 pm
by shelinst
How can I add Folding@Home to my Windows XP Startup processes?
Re: Add Folding@Home to my Windows XP Startup
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 5:15 pm
There are multiple ways for this,
As far as I know:
1. Run it as a Windows service, this will make it run the minute you startup windows (it will still work if your not logged in)
Not sure if this is an option in every client, it is in the SMP client.
To make this happen just follow the instructions in the installation of the client, and select to run it as a service.
2. Run it via the Startup folder, you will be able to use this for one accout but not another or all accounts.
Just place a shortcut in the in the Startup folder, you can choose to have it for all accounts of just for yours.
The start-up folder is usually located here:
C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME HERE\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
or you can choose the All User folder instead of your user name
Edit by Mod:
Caution: If you do choose "All users" be sure that you never allow two users to be logged on at the same time. Running the same client twice will corrupt the data.
3. Run it as a Scheduled Task, you will have lots of options here, but you will have to have a password on that account (or make some edits in the regfiles)
you can do this through the System Configuration screen. just follow the Wizard.
There might be more methods, or different folder names (I had to translate most of them because I don't own an English version of XP).
I hope this helps.
Re: Add Folding@Home to my Windows XP Startup
Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:00 pm
by shelinst
Thanks! You are awesome. I hope Santa Claus finds you.