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CPU Overheated... or did it?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:54 pm
by Nachork
I just started running Folding@home a while ago, and Core Temp said my CPU overheated (after running for about 12 hours), but I'm not sure why. I have overheat protection enabled in Core Temp, on the default temperature settings but also set up so that it shuts down automatically. It is set to shut down at the critical temperature, which is 79°C, but when I looked at the Core Temp window it said the highest temperature reached was 57°, and I've never seen it anywhere above 60° before, even after running 16+ hours (Normally runs at about 50 - 57).


Folding@home clients - 4 CPU, 1 GPU
CPU - AMD Phenom II 970 Quad Core 3.5 GHz
GPU - Radeon 6870
CPU/GPU are not overclocked at all.

Re: CPU Overheated... or did it?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:03 pm
by bruce
Welcome to the Foldingforum, Nachork.

I can think of several possibilites but it's best to take the warning seriously.

When was the last time you cleaned the dust out of the heatsink/fan? And while you're at it, check that the heatsink is securely fastened in place. As a matter of fact, it might be a good time to clean and replace the thermal grease between the heatsink and the CPU (if you're comfortable doing that sort of thing.)

Sometimes heat sensors are near enough to appear to work but if not firmly in contact, they can give false readings.