This is the hardest question to help you answer because everyone's situation is different, and everyone's computer is different. You will have to answer this question by yourself, but the information and guidance found here will make this easier. Making the "right" choice depends both on you and on your computer.
First: Decide how many hours per day you plan to fold, and how complex you want your initial installation to be?
Second: What hardware do you have, (Type of CPU, type of Video Graphics processor you have, etc.), and which Operating System you have (Windows, Linux, MacOS-X, or PS3)? If you are unsure about your system specifications, you can use
CPU-Z and/or
GPU-Z (both freeware) to give you a summary of your system.
How Many Hours Per Day/Week?
Many computers run only a few hours per week and are either switched off or the power-saving features kick in and put it into a dormant state until you choose to use it again. FAH cannot run when the computer is switched off or in a dormant state (although the monitor can be switched to a power-saving mode). Many people who run FAH choose to set their computers to run Folding@home continuously. We can help you with either option.
Which Options / How Complex?
FAH does have many options, but we recommend that you start simple .... get comfortable with that ... and then move to something more complex if and when you choose to, though we're happy to help with the added complexity of seeking the highest possible Folding@home performance from your system.
Client Type?
The choice of client type depends on what type of hardware you have.
* CPU Uniprocessor clients (single CPU/core, i.e. Classic, CLI, or Systray, etc.)
* SMP clients (multiple CPU/cores, i.e. duals, quads, etc.)
* GPU clients (AMD and Nvidia, both Console and Systray)
The single processor CPU client, or classic/uniprocessor client is almost always the best place to start when first joining the project. It is the easiest to install, run, and maintain. It also uses the least amount of computing resources, although that can be adjusted. It is often called the Set-And-Forget client for those reasons and more. There is a basic no nonsense command line version of the uniprocessor client, and a more user friendly graphical systray version. Either one can be installed on hardware with one or more CPU/cores.
Operating System?
The last part of the client selection process is the easiest to answer. There are guide documents (listed below) for each operating system. You can find detailed installation guides for each of those types of systems.
* Windows: Windows clients installation guides
* Linux: Linux client installation guides
* Macintosh: MacOSX clients installation guides
* PS3: Playstation 3 client installation guide
Within each installation guide, you'll find sections devoted to each client type:
Note: Not all operating systems have each or all of these client types. Please see the guides for the available options in each client type.