Obtaining FAH data
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:47 pm
I was curious where one might obtain the MD trajectories that result from different Folding @ Home runs. The FAQ suggests that after scientific publications are made available for particular datasets, the raw data will be made publicly available. However, I've only been able to locate the raw MD trajectories for a single paper. My lab is working on some tools to analyze MD simulations, and access to some of the FAH data would be invaluable. In particular, we're looking for large ensembles of trajectories for the same molecule. Does anyone know if this data has been made available or where it can be requested?
I was curious where one might obtain the MD trajectories that result from different Folding @ Home runs. The FAQ suggests that after scientific publications are made available for particular datasets, the raw data will be made publicly available. However, I've only been able to locate the raw MD trajectories for a single paper. My lab is working on some tools to analyze MD simulations, and access to some of the FAH data would be invaluable. In particular, we're looking for large ensembles of trajectories for the same molecule. Does anyone know if this data has been made available or where it can be requested?