Project: 5915 (Run 8, Clone 659, Gen 0)
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:17 pm
Machine isn't unstable, or even overclocked, but I keep getting this error for this WU (Run 11 doesn't have this issue). Why is it resuming from a checkpoint anyway?
Code: Select all
[17:41:06] + Attempting to send results [November 26 17:41:06 UTC]
[17:41:07] + Results successfully sent
[17:41:07] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[17:41:07] + Number of Units Completed: 76
[17:41:11] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[17:41:11] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:41:11] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:41:12] - Successful: assigned to (
[17:41:12] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:41:12] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:41:13] + Closed connections
[17:41:13] + Processing work unit
[17:41:13] Core required: FahCore_14.exe
[17:41:13] Core found.
[17:41:13] Working on queue slot 05 [November 26 17:41:13 UTC]
[17:41:13] + Working ...
[17:41:13] *------------------------------*
[17:41:13] Folding@Home GPU Core - Beta
[17:41:13] Version 1.26 (Wed Oct 14 13:09:26 PDT 2009)
[17:41:13] Compiler : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86
[17:41:13] Build host: vspm46
[17:41:13] Board Type: Nvidia
[17:41:13] Core :
[17:41:13] Preparing to commence simulation
[17:41:13] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on.
[17:41:13] - Not checking prior termination.
[17:41:13] - Expanded 66014 -> 357580 (decompressed 541.6 percent)
[17:41:13] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=66014 data_size=357580, decompressed_data_size=357580 diff=0
[17:41:13] - Digital signature verified
[17:41:13] Project: 5915 (Run 8, Clone 659, Gen 0)
[17:41:13] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[17:41:13] Entering M.D.
[17:41:19] Will resume from checkpoint file
[17:41:19] Tpr hash work/wudata_05.tpr: 1401122206 2687625502 3103304894 2164034549 1862053871
[17:41:19] Working on Protein
[17:41:20] Client config found, loading data.
[17:41:20] Resuming from checkpoint
[17:41:20] fcCheckPointResume: retrieved and current tpr file hash:
[17:41:20] 0 3800001 1401122206
[17:41:20] 1 3217540665 2687625502
[17:41:20] 2 3220006114 3103304894
[17:41:20] 3 3224298259 2164034549
[17:41:20] 4 3217217635 1862053871
[17:41:20] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes different -- aborting.
[17:41:20] mdrun_gpu returned
[17:41:20] Checkpoint failure
[17:41:20] Folding@home Core Shutdown: UNSTABLE_MACHINE
[17:41:23] CoreStatus = 7A (122)
[17:41:23] Sending work to server
[17:41:23] Project: 5915 (Run 8, Clone 659, Gen 0)
[17:41:23] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[17:41:23] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_05.dat
[17:41:23] - Error: Could not read unit 05 file. Removing from queue.
[17:41:23] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[17:41:23] + Attempting to get work packet
[17:41:23] - Connecting to assignment server
[17:41:23] - Successful: assigned to (
[17:41:23] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[17:41:24] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:41:24] + Closed connections