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P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:20 pm
by markp1989
Code: Select all
Current Work Unit
Name: Gromacs
Tag: P2677R9C16G33
Download time: August 7 17:15:54
Due time: August 10 17:15:54
Progress: 1717986% [||||
THe progress bar goes on alot longer then that , i just cut it short.
Shall i just delete the work dir, and the queue.dat file that carry on folding?
Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:23 pm
by anandhanju
Yes, that's a BAD unit and you can delete your queue and work dir to continue Folding. A Mod will mark this as bad in the WU database.
Thanks for reporting it.
Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:45 pm
by markp1989
ok,done that, thanks for reply

Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:49 pm
by markp1989
edit: I just got assigned the same WU again. and i now have the same problem in the unit info file, but i havenever seen a log file go like this...
Code: Select all
# SMP Client ##################################################################
Folding@Home Client Version 6.02
Launch directory: /opt/foldingathome/1
Executable: /opt/foldingathome/1/fah6
Arguments: -smp -forceasm
By using the -forceasm flag, you are overriding
safeguards in the program. If you did not intend to
do this, please restart the program without -forceasm.
If work units are not completing fully (and particularly
if your machine is overclocked), then please discontinue
use of the flag.
[17:46:17] - Ask before connecting: No
[17:46:17] - User name: markp1989 (Team 45032)
[17:46:17] - User ID: 5649FF6440382AF4
[17:46:17] - Machine ID: 1
[17:46:17] Loaded queue successfully.
[17:46:17] + Processing work unit
[17:46:17] Core required: FahCore_a2.exe
[17:46:17] Core found.
[17:46:17] Working on Unit 01 [August 7 17:46:17]
[17:46:17] + Working ...
[17:46:18] *------------------------------*
[17:46:18] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[17:46:18] Version 2.07 (Sun Apr 19 14:51:09 PDT 2009)
[17:46:18] Preparing to commence simulation
[17:46:18] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[17:46:19] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=4845354 data_size=24023789, decompressed_data_size=24023789 diff=0
[17:46:19] - Digital signature verified
[17:46:19] Project: 2677 (Run 9, Clone 16, Gen 33)
[17:46:19] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[17:46:19] Entering M.D.
[17:46:25] Using Gromacs checkpoints
[17:46:29] M.D.
[17:46:35] Using Gromacs checkpoints
[17:46:38] d work/wudata_01.log
[17:46:38] Verified work/wudata_01.trr
[17:46:38] Verified work/wudata_01.xtc
[17:46:38] Verified work/wudata_01.edr
[17:46:39] Completed 2510 out of 250001 steps (1%)
[17:46:45] Completed 237500 out of 250000 steps (95%)
edit: i just stoped folding remove the work and queue files , and it just downloaded the same broken wu again, how can i get a different 1?
Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:01 pm
by anandhanju
If you do not have other clients running on the same machine, changing the Machine Id from 1 to 2 (via the configuration command) should give you a different WU. If you aren't comfortable with this idea, the only option is to repeat the deletion process and try again until the server decides to assign a different WU.
Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:40 pm
by markp1989
thanks , that sorted it all out

Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:42 am
by tear
Last time I checked this was claimed to be a presentation bug and not necessarily an indication of bad work unit.
Excessive number of steps of particular generation on the other hand IS indication of a bad work unit (as shown
250k steps is a normal value for P2677 (as your log shows)
EDIT: whoops, I take it back -- did it actually jump from 1 to 95% in a matter of seconds?
Re: P2677 (R9, C16, G33)
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:05 am
by markp1989
Yep it jumped form 1 to 95% in no time atal, this machine is now folding happily, with a new WU