project: 1740, run 0, clone 48, generation 0
This WU was completed correctly but it is configured incorrectly on the server. Please fix it.
I'm on an old/slow computer with a dialup modem, so I can only run v5.04 and I configure it for SmallWU. The problem may be that the WU is not Small but it was assigned anyway or it may be that the upload limit that is set is incorrect. I was unable to upload it.
Code: Select all
[20:24:50] - Error: Length of work/wuresults_03.dat (6370040) exceeds packet limit set (5241856)
[20:24:50] Could not transmit unit 03 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[20:24:50] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server