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More forum funkiness?
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:06 am
by anko1
OK. All the threads have just shown up as "read," i.e. no new posts and I'm reasonably sure I didn't click on the "Mark read" button.
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:05 am
by bruce
That happened to me after I had been on the forum for a long time. Then I noticed that I had been logged out. The new posts were still orange in each forum, but they were no longer on the "View new posts" output.
Is that what happened to you?
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:10 am
by MoneyGuyBK
What bruce said is the exact thing that happens with me.
But I did notice earlier today that the forum was down alltogether for about 15-20 minutes.
Funny that I could see my unread PMs increase from 5 to 11 and I could not go anywhere to read them nor could I see any of the boards, there must have been a glitch or maybe maintenance going on.
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:13 am
by bruce
MoneyGuyBK wrote:. . . maintenance going on.
Since I knew when that was happening, I stayed away from the keyboard until the forum was back up. The process did not log me out and did not reset my new post notices -- until my logon session expired later in the day.
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:59 pm
by anko1
Thanks for solving the mystery, Bruce. Glad it wasn't anything serious.
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:15 pm
by whynot
I was hit with that logout-issue twice today (reading a way long pages of "i7 PPD" thread). I'm personally having no issues with that -- just sometimes look if I'm still logged in. However, the problem with this technic is -- sometimes "Logout" link at top and "Who is logged in" at bottom get out of view, and I sometime forget to scroll to.
Thus -- is it possible to modify "Title" header to exhibit the idea of server about my status?
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:42 pm
by uncle_fungus
I haven't been logged out since the forum upgrade, but I have noticed the new posts timeout appears to kick in more often than I used to remember (i.e. it resets the new post counter more often, even when logged in). It's possible the forum upgrade has altered the session behaviour, however this wasn't mentioned in the changelog. I'll take a look around and see what I can find.
Re: More forum funkiness?
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:15 pm
by whynot
I hope I've got that thing right way. I believe, that the problem is actually somewhat on my side. I've setup my router to drop connections after 10min idle. When I come back, I, sometime, have my IP changed -- and thus invalidating cookie. (just for the record -- today I've timeouted 3 times and none forced logout).
So I'm still eager for modified "Title:" header.