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Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:56 pm
by Zagen30
The PS3 runs on the Cell processor @3.0 GHz. The Cell is an unusual processor as it has one main core (PPE) and several smaller, less powerful cores (SPE's). It's not really valid to compare it to an Intel or AMD processor because it's built around a completely different architecture (POWER, as opposed to x86).
Don't place that much stock in how fast a WU processes or how large the files are compared to a different project. The Pande Group could make each WU take weeks if they wanted to, making for very large files, or they could make them take 10 minutes, with very small file sizes, but they don't (usually). Most PS3 WUs take around 6 hours since the Pande Group figured this would be short enough that casual contributors could still submit valid work without having them be too short, which could result in server overloads if WUs were being returned by every PS3 every hour or two (and which did happen at least once). Different projects may take different amounts of time based on how many atoms are present, what's being simulated, and the timescale that's being rendered.
And you haven't seen huge WUs if you haven't run -bigadv WUs, which requires a PC/Mac with at least 8 logical cores. The downloads are in the realm of 60 MB, and I believe the uploads can run into the hundreds of MB.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:11 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Geeeeees! 8 Logical Cores????? Man Yall Make Some Powerful Simulations Dont Ya Heh.Im assuming ps3 cant run bagundy simulations by the way you describe them. Geees i Feel Inadiquite now when you start talking about 8 logical cores now hah hah

Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:17 pm
by Zagen30
Synate.Deszeld wrote:Geeeeees! 8 Logical Cores????? Man Yall Make Some Powerful Simulations Dont Ya Heh.Im assuming ps3 cant run bagundy simulations by the way you describe them. Geees i Feel Inadiquite now when you start talking about 8 logical cores now hah hah

You are correct, the PS3 is in no way able to do bigadv, with them being coded for x86 processors being just one of the many reasons why that is so.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:22 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Man thats pretty impressive. Whats the max a intel core duo processor E6300 capable of running?
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:29 pm
by 7im
My E8400 @ 3.0 GHz does about 1685 PPD. Your 2.8 GHz chip will earn slightly less, around 1525 PPD.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:33 pm
by Zagen30
But is it a Pentium Dual-Core E6300 or a C2D E6300 (yes, they have the same number)? The former runs at 2.8 GHz, the latter at 1.86 GHz.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:56 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
hmm bad news Folks . My lastest ps3 fold simulation completion wont upload to the server still same error message as before. Not sure whats going on im up for more information if any. & My Processer Is an Intel Duo Core With Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 3000.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:10 pm
by Grendel
Is the PS3 connected via WiFi ? If so, try running an ethernet cable to the router instead.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:15 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Yesh it is on wi-fi but my router is waaaaaaay in the living room i guees if i have to ill bring to me room though. what do yall think?
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:38 am
by bruce
If the ethernet cable works, you'll know what's wrong.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:41 am
by Synate.Deszeld
Alright ill try that in a bit

thanks for the info
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:14 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Hmm Ok I'm Utterly Confused :S I Have My Ps3 On Direct Wired Connection & Info is 6 dropped due to timeout 5 awaiting to be uploaded 11 total downloaded. Still won't upload my work units on wired connection any idea at all whats going on? Please Help.
Upload To Server Failed
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:40 pm
Unfortunately, but it may be not a problem with the server being overloaded as I hoped and would eventually correct itself, so it might be a problem with your PS3, or your Internet, or in your online connections to it.
So the first thing I would check is if your PS3 can use its other online features, such as playing a video game online multiplayer, its web browser, syncing your trophies to Sony's online server, connecting to the PSN Store.
If your PS3 also has problems doing any of those, then that will confirm the problem is on your end and you will need to do some thorough troubleshooting of your PS3/Internet to try and figure out what the problem is.
And Zagen30, thanks for the correction, as the next time someone wants to be able to get a billion points out of their PS3, I send them your way for your "absolute-zero subspace cooling" and other overclocking tips, lol.

Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:03 am
by Synate.Deszeld
I can go online & do other things on my ps3.Not sure why i cant submit my completed wus. well at the moment cant get connected with need for speed pro street but am working with it.
Re: Problems with PS3 Servers Unable to upload WUs
Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:24 am
by Synate.Deszeld