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Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:11 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Hi tear,

To answer your questions:
1) Using version 3-0.15.5
2) Not using -r
3) I didn't check the processes.
4) The problem has occurred a few times on both Win 7 & XP, the machines have virtually identical hardware.
5) Configured all clients to use proxy at

I didn't think to copy the logs yesterday but yes I will set the proxy up again & capture the logs in order to find out. Will let you know when it falls over again.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:56 pm
by codysluder
tear wrote:Nope, I'm not going to (implicitly) accept poor programming or insufficient hardware resources.
7im wrote:Downloading and uploading on a slow connection increases concurrent connection loads that the normal client does not. And when a server is capped at 200 connections, even a handful of Win Langouste users could be using double the number of connections, and chew up a significant percentage of the total active connections.
You seem not to understand the nature of the server issue. Users are not hitting soft limits.
It's not that "we have 5 extra users therefore 5 other users cannot send/receive data", it's the server/link/whatever that's just bogged down.
Just read the reports. Slow, incomplete uploads, dropped connections, etc. Classic symptoms.
Right. They are hitting HARD limits.
tear wrote:
7im wrote:And who really knows how many people are using your new bandwidth usage limiting feature to slow down the uploads and downloads even more, potentially increasing the connection overlaps even more, even on a fast connection.
Bandwidth usage limiting only affects uploads and technically it's no different than another bunch of slow-uplink users.
Also, there's no motivation for slowing uploads down more than necessary due to bonuses.

If backend doesn't have enough headroom or if soft limits aren't set (or estimated) correctly -- sorry, can't help that.
I'm always available for a consult tho. One just needs to ask.

FAH backend is not a rocket science. I'm not sure where you got the "200 connections" number but if that's really the number when performance isn't acceptable any more then someone really needs to get back to the drawing board (I'm being _very_ polite here).
You can be as polite or impolite as you choose but that doesn't change the facts. They HAVE have gone back to the drawing board and purchased new servers with lots more RAM which are able to maintain a large number of connections. Many projects are on the new servers, but not all. The old servers have enough RAM to maintain 200 connections and performance dropped off very quickly whenever more connections that that were active. The 200 has now been set as a hard limit for (some?/all?) old servers. After that, everybody else gets a 50x error or simply no connection at all. Those servers could be taken off-line entirely, thereby doing no SMP or folks can accept the fact that the servers do get congested and live with it until they get the new server code working on new hardware. Recently nobody has talked about the progress toward that goal but I get the impression that all resources are dedicated to some other projects like new cores and V7 and ??

How do you propose to help Stanford reduce the number of connections to those specific servers that have a hard limit?

I believe that FAH has a large budget but it's not unlimited.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:55 am
by tear

First: soft limits should work as expected. No matter if limit's the bandwidth, number of connections or a function of two.
It's better to give user an error right away if soft limit is hit. No error + no function == frustration.

Second: returning HTTP error when soft limit is hit is all right but message (human-readable) would save user's time too
(no need to go through websites, wikis, forum, etc.). Naturally, that's not of immediate nature, just something to add to
codysluder wrote:
tear wrote:
7im wrote:And who really knows how many people are using your new bandwidth usage limiting feature to slow down the uploads and downloads even more, potentially increasing the connection overlaps even more, even on a fast connection.
Bandwidth usage limiting only affects uploads and technically it's no different than another bunch of slow-uplink users.
Also, there's no motivation for slowing uploads down more than necessary due to bonuses.

If backend doesn't have enough headroom or if soft limits aren't set (or estimated) correctly -- sorry, can't help that.
I'm always available for a consult tho. One just needs to ask.

FAH backend is not a rocket science. I'm not sure where you got the "200 connections" number but if that's really the number when performance isn't acceptable any more then someone really needs to get back to the drawing board (I'm being _very_ polite here).
You can be as polite or impolite as you choose but that doesn't change the facts. They HAVE have gone back to the drawing board and purchased new servers with lots more RAM which are able to maintain a large number of connections.
No, no. We do not know what the bottleneck is. Hence my suggestions in this post.
codysluder wrote:Many projects are on the new servers, but not all. The old servers have enough RAM to maintain 200 connections and performance dropped off very quickly whenever more connections that that were active. The 200 has now been set as a hard limit for (some?/all?) old servers.
But why is number of connections used as the limit? Is it really what's slowing things down?
Is it 200 connections no matter the bandwidth? Or maybe bandwidth saturation is a factor too?

Two interesting datapoints:
1) Handling 200 connections in software is a walk in a park (even if you're somewhat lacking programming skills);
  average OTS computer can handle _thousands_ of simultaneous connections and it's well above 10 thousand
  with effective algorithms and software interfaces
2) GigE/200 is only 5 (five) megabits* [!]

*) but then again, why not throw extra NICs in? single PCI-E lane == ca. 1 Gbit/s

See what I'm getting at?

codysluder wrote:After that, everybody else gets a 50x error or simply no connection at all.
That tells you soft limits aren't working -- one should be getting either:
1) an error or
2) connection resulting in successful upload.

Anything else tells you something's borked.
codysluder wrote:How do you propose to help Stanford reduce the number of connections to those specific servers that have a hard limit?

I believe that FAH has a large budget but it's not unlimited.
Of course. Everyone counts their money, be it non-profit, commercial or individual.

My recommendations would be:
1) Spend time on identifying performance bottlenecks
2) Use knowledge gained by #1 and make sure soft limits are working (so users get consistent messages)
3) Attempt to improve server performance with software (if possible, per #1) so hardware is used more efficiently (read: better bang for the buck)

Server purchases could happen in parallel as there might be budget constraints that favor purchases at specific times.


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:33 pm
by Russ_64
Thanks Tear, for a great little tool :)

Installed and running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with GPU3 and SMP Bigadv clients. Running okay so far ......

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 11:21 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Hi tear,

The GPU clients have just locked up again. I've got the logfiles here & Langouste is in a busy loop using 50% of the CPU.

When I closed Langouste the client that locked up first started to fold. The second client was struggling for work using the proxy. I closed it, restarted Langouste & then restarted the second client.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:14 pm
by tear

Excellent. Thanks for taking closer look.

Can you please paste or send ([email protected]) me Langouste and all client logs?


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:51 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal

No problem, logs below, I've trimmed them to where relevant due to character constraints on this board. The problem starts on Wed Aug 25 23:19 GMT. Let me know if you need any more data.

Primary GPU client logs:

Code: Select all

--- Opening Log file [August 25 21:13:41 UTC] 

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30r1



Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH
Executable: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe
Arguments: -gpu 0 -verbosity 9 

[21:13:41] - Ask before connecting: No
[21:13:41] - Proxy:
[21:13:41] - User name: ZombieKiller1 (Team 35947)
[21:13:41] - User ID: 595352301DBE1C12
[21:13:41] - Machine ID: 2
[21:13:41] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:13:41] Loaded queue successfully.
[21:13:41] + Processing work unit
[21:13:41] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[21:13:41] - Autosending finished units... [August 25 21:13:41 UTC]
[21:13:41] Trying to send all finished work units
[21:13:41] Project: 10502 (Run 192, Clone 1, Gen 203)
[21:13:41] Core found.
[21:13:41] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[21:13:41] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_06.dat
[21:13:41] - Error: Could not read unit 06 file. Removing from queue.
[21:13:41] Working on queue slot 07 [August 25 21:13:41 UTC]
[21:13:41] + Working ...
[21:13:41] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 07 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 3884 -version 630'

[21:13:41] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[21:13:41] - Autosend completed
[21:13:41] *------------------------------*
[21:13:41] Folding@Home GPU Core
[21:13:41] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[21:13:41] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[21:13:41] Build host: amoeba
[21:13:41] Board Type: Nvidia
[21:13:41] Core      : 
[21:13:41] Preparing to commence simulation
[21:13:41] - Looking at optimizations...
[21:13:41] - Files status OK
[21:13:42] - Expanded 73728 -> 383588 (decompressed 520.2 percent)
[21:13:42] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=73728 data_size=383588, decompressed_data_size=383588 diff=0
[21:13:42] - Digital signature verified
[21:13:42] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[21:13:42] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[21:13:42] Entering M.D.
[21:13:48] Will resume from checkpoint file
[21:13:48] Tpr hash work/wudata_07.tpr:  1814217717 2222066512 3166523805 2855553931 1555208477
[21:13:48] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[21:13:48] Working on Protein
[21:13:49] Client config found, loading data.
[21:13:49] Starting GUI Server
[21:13:49] Resuming from checkpoint
[21:13:49] fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
[21:13:49]    0   1814217717   1814217717
[21:13:49]    1   2222066512   2222066512
[21:13:49]    2   3166523805   3166523805
[21:13:49]    3   2855553931   2855553931
[21:13:49]    4   1555208477   1555208477
[21:13:49] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
[21:13:49] fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
[21:13:49] Verified work/wudata_07.log
[21:13:49] Verified work/wudata_07.edr
[21:13:49] Verified work/wudata_07.xtc
[21:13:49] Completed 4%
[21:14:30] Completed 5%
[21:15:10] Completed 6%
[21:15:50] Completed 7%
[21:16:30] Completed 8%
[21:17:11] Completed 9%
[21:17:51] Completed 10%
[21:18:31] Completed 11%
[21:19:11] Completed 12%
[21:19:51] Completed 13%
[21:20:32] Completed 14%
[21:21:12] Completed 15%
[21:21:52] Completed 16%
[21:22:32] Completed 17%
[21:23:13] Completed 18%
[21:23:53] Completed 19%
[21:24:33] Completed 20%
[21:25:13] Completed 21%
[21:25:54] Completed 22%
[21:26:34] Completed 23%
[21:27:14] Completed 24%
[21:27:55] Completed 25%
[21:28:35] Completed 26%
[21:29:15] Completed 27%
[21:29:55] Completed 28%
[21:30:36] Completed 29%
[21:31:16] Completed 30%
[21:31:56] Completed 31%
[21:32:36] Completed 32%
[21:33:17] Completed 33%
[21:33:57] Completed 34%
[21:34:37] Completed 35%
[21:35:17] Completed 36%
[21:35:58] Completed 37%
[21:36:38] Completed 38%
[21:37:18] Completed 39%
[21:38:00] Completed 40%
[21:38:41] Completed 41%
[21:39:21] Completed 42%
[21:40:05] Completed 43%
[21:40:45] Completed 44%
[21:41:26] Completed 45%
[21:42:06] Completed 46%
[21:42:46] Completed 47%
[21:43:27] Completed 48%
[21:44:07] Completed 49%
[21:44:47] Completed 50%
[21:45:27] Completed 51%
[21:46:08] Completed 52%
[21:46:49] Completed 53%
[21:47:29] Completed 54%
[21:48:12] Completed 55%
[21:48:56] Completed 56%
[21:49:39] Completed 57%
[21:50:23] Completed 58%
[21:51:09] Completed 59%
[21:51:53] Completed 60%
[21:52:35] Completed 61%
[21:53:16] Completed 62%
[21:53:57] Completed 63%
[21:54:38] Completed 64%
[21:55:18] Completed 65%
[21:56:00] Completed 66%
[21:56:40] Completed 67%
[21:57:21] Completed 68%
[21:58:01] Completed 69%
[21:58:42] Completed 70%
[21:59:24] Completed 71%
[22:00:06] Completed 72%
[22:00:47] Completed 73%
[22:01:28] Completed 74%
[22:02:19] Completed 75%
[22:03:13] Completed 76%
[22:04:04] Completed 77%
[22:04:44] Completed 78%
[22:05:24] Completed 79%
[22:06:05] Completed 80%
[22:06:45] Completed 81%
[22:07:25] Completed 82%
[22:08:05] Completed 83%
[22:08:46] Completed 84%
[22:09:26] Completed 85%
[22:10:06] Completed 86%
[22:10:47] Completed 87%
[22:11:27] Completed 88%
[22:12:07] Completed 89%
[22:12:48] Completed 90%
[22:13:28] Completed 91%
[22:14:08] Completed 92%
[22:14:48] Completed 93%
[22:15:29] Completed 94%
[22:16:09] Completed 95%
[22:16:49] Completed 96%
[22:17:30] Completed 97%
[22:18:10] Completed 98%
[22:18:50] Completed 99%
[22:19:30] Completed 100%
[22:19:30] Successful run
[22:19:30] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[22:19:40] Reserved 84708 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[22:19:40] Allocated 84708 bytes for xtc file
[22:19:40] - Reading up to 84708 from "work/wudata_07.xtc": Read 84708
[22:19:40] Read 84708 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786345756
[22:19:40] xtc file hash check passed.
[22:19:40] Reserved 25248 25248 786345756 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_07.trr> Cosm status=0
[22:19:40] Allocated 25248 bytes for arc file
[22:19:40] - Reading up to 25248 from "work/wudata_07.trr": Read 25248
[22:19:40] Read 25248 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786320508
[22:19:40] trr file hash check passed.
[22:19:40] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[22:19:40] Read bedfile
[22:19:40] edr file hash check passed.
[22:19:40] Allocated 31422 bytes for logfile
[22:19:40] Read logfile
[22:19:40] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[22:19:40] GuardedRun: done
[22:19:40] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[22:19:42] + Opened results file
[22:19:42] - Writing 142450 bytes of core data to disk...
[22:19:42] Done: 141938 -> 119001 (compressed to 83.8 percent)
[22:19:42]   ... Done.
[22:19:42] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_07.ckp
[22:19:42] Shutting down core 
[22:19:42] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[22:19:45] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[22:19:45] Unit 7 finished with 98 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[22:19:45] Updated performance fraction: 0.988222
[22:19:45] Sending work to server
[22:19:45] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[22:19:45] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:19:45] + Attempting to send results [August 25 22:19:45 UTC]
[22:19:45] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[22:19:45]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[22:19:45] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45] + Retrying using alternative port
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[22:19:45] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[22:19:45]   Keeping unit 07 in queue.
[22:19:45] Trying to send all finished work units
[22:19:45] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[22:19:45] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:19:45] + Attempting to send results [August 25 22:19:45 UTC]
[22:19:45] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[22:19:45]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[22:19:45] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45] + Retrying using alternative port
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[22:19:45] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.
[22:19:45] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:19:45] + Attempting to send results [August 25 22:19:45 UTC]
[22:19:45] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[22:19:45]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[22:19:45] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45] + Retrying using alternative port
[22:19:45] Connecting to
[22:19:45] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[22:19:45] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[22:19:45]     (
[22:19:45]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[22:19:45] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[22:19:45] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[22:19:45] Cleaning up work directory
[22:19:46] + Attempting to get work packet
[22:19:46] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[22:19:46] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:46] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 10
[22:19:46] - Connecting to assignment server
[22:19:46] Connecting to
[22:19:46] Posted data.
[22:19:46] Initial: 43AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[22:19:46] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[22:19:47] Loaded queue successfully.
[22:19:47] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:47] Empty passkey
[22:19:47] Connecting to
[22:19:47] Posted data.
[22:19:47] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 47230)
[22:19:49] - Downloaded at ~23 kB/s
[22:19:49] - Averaged speed for that direction ~41 kB/s
[22:19:49] + Received work.
[22:19:49] Trying to send all finished work units
[22:19:49] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[22:19:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:19:49] + Attempting to send results [August 25 22:19:49 UTC]
[22:19:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[22:19:49]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[22:19:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:19:49] Connecting to
[22:27:40] Posted data.
[22:47:40] Initial: 00BA; + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:07:40]     (
[23:07:40] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:07:40] Connecting to
[23:15:31] Posted data.
[23:21:02] Initial: 00BA; + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:02]     (
[23:21:02] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[23:21:02] - 3 failed uploads of this unit.
[23:21:02] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[23:21:02] + Attempting to send results [August 25 23:21:02 UTC]
[23:21:02] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[23:21:02]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[23:21:02] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:02] Connecting to
[23:21:03] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:03] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:03]     (
[23:21:03] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:21:03] Connecting to
[23:21:04] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:04] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:04]     (
[23:21:04]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[23:21:04] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[23:21:04] + Closed connections
[23:21:04] + Processing work unit
[23:21:04] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[23:21:04] Core found.
[23:21:04] Working on queue slot 08 [August 25 23:21:04 UTC]
[23:21:04] + Working ...
[23:21:04] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 08 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 3884 -version 630'

[23:21:04] *------------------------------*
[23:21:04] Folding@Home GPU Core
[23:21:04] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[23:21:04] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[23:21:04] Build host: amoeba
[23:21:04] Board Type: Nvidia
[23:21:04] Core      : 
[23:21:04] Preparing to commence simulation
[23:21:04] - Looking at optimizations...
[23:21:04] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_08.ckp
[23:21:04] - Created dyn
[23:21:04] - Files status OK
[23:21:04] - Expanded 46718 -> 252912 (decompressed 541.3 percent)
[23:21:04] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=46718 data_size=252912, decompressed_data_size=252912 diff=0
[23:21:04] - Digital signature verified
[23:21:04] Project: 5768 (Run 4, Clone 34, Gen 177)
[23:21:04] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[23:21:04] Entering M.D.
[23:21:10] Tpr hash work/wudata_08.tpr:  1369700273 3809622481 1303098589 4142697326 3581161153
[23:21:10] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[23:21:11] Working on Protein
[23:21:11] Client config found, loading data.
[23:21:11] Starting GUI Server
[23:21:45] Completed 1%
[23:22:18] Completed 2%
[23:22:52] Completed 3%
[23:23:26] Completed 4%
[23:24:00] Completed 5%
[23:24:34] Completed 6%
[23:25:08] Completed 7%
[23:25:43] Completed 8%
[23:26:17] Completed 9%
[23:26:51] Completed 10%
[23:27:25] Completed 11%
[23:27:59] Completed 12%
[23:28:34] Completed 13%
[23:29:08] Completed 14%
[23:29:43] Completed 15%
[23:30:17] Completed 16%
[23:30:52] Completed 17%
[23:31:25] Completed 18%
[23:31:59] Completed 19%
[23:32:33] Completed 20%
[23:33:06] Completed 21%
[23:33:39] Completed 22%
[23:34:12] Completed 23%
[23:34:45] Completed 24%
[23:35:18] Completed 25%
[23:35:51] Completed 26%
[23:36:24] Completed 27%
[23:36:57] Completed 28%
[23:37:30] Completed 29%
[23:38:03] Completed 30%
[23:38:36] Completed 31%
[23:39:09] Completed 32%
[23:39:42] Completed 33%
[23:40:15] Completed 34%
[23:40:48] Completed 35%
[23:41:21] Completed 36%
[23:41:54] Completed 37%
[23:42:27] Completed 38%
[23:43:00] Completed 39%
[23:43:33] Completed 40%
[23:44:06] Completed 41%
[23:44:39] Completed 42%
[23:45:12] Completed 43%
[23:45:45] Completed 44%
[23:46:18] Completed 45%
[23:46:51] Completed 46%
[23:47:24] Completed 47%
[23:47:57] Completed 48%
[23:48:30] Completed 49%
[23:49:03] Completed 50%
[23:49:36] Completed 51%
[23:50:09] Completed 52%
[23:50:42] Completed 53%
[23:51:15] Completed 54%
[23:51:48] Completed 55%
[23:52:21] Completed 56%
[23:52:54] Completed 57%
[23:53:27] Completed 58%
[23:54:00] Completed 59%
[23:54:33] Completed 60%
[23:55:06] Completed 61%
[23:55:39] Completed 62%
[23:56:12] Completed 63%
[23:56:45] Completed 64%
[23:57:18] Completed 65%
[23:57:51] Completed 66%
[23:58:24] Completed 67%
[23:58:57] Completed 68%
[23:59:30] Completed 69%
[00:00:03] Completed 70%
[00:00:36] Completed 71%
[00:01:09] Completed 72%
[00:01:42] Completed 73%
[00:02:16] Completed 74%
[00:02:49] Completed 75%
[00:03:22] Completed 76%
[00:03:55] Completed 77%
[00:04:28] Completed 78%
[00:05:01] Completed 79%
[00:05:34] Completed 80%
[00:06:07] Completed 81%
[00:06:40] Completed 82%
[00:07:13] Completed 83%
[00:07:46] Completed 84%
[00:08:19] Completed 85%
[00:08:52] Completed 86%
[00:09:25] Completed 87%
[00:09:58] Completed 88%
[00:10:31] Completed 89%
[00:11:04] Completed 90%
[00:11:37] Completed 91%
[00:12:10] Completed 92%
[00:12:43] Completed 93%
[00:13:16] Completed 94%
[00:13:49] Completed 95%
[00:14:22] Completed 96%
[00:14:55] Completed 97%
[00:15:28] Completed 98%
[00:16:01] Completed 99%
[00:16:34] Completed 100%
[00:16:34] Successful run
[00:16:34] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[00:16:44] Reserved 75692 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[00:16:44] Allocated 75692 bytes for xtc file
[00:16:44] - Reading up to 75692 from "work/wudata_08.xtc": Read 75692
[00:16:44] Read 75692 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786354772
[00:16:44] xtc file hash check passed.
[00:16:44] Reserved 15168 15168 786354772 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_08.trr> Cosm status=0
[00:16:44] Allocated 15168 bytes for arc file
[00:16:44] - Reading up to 15168 from "work/wudata_08.trr": Read 15168
[00:16:44] Read 15168 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786339604
[00:16:44] trr file hash check passed.
[00:16:44] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[00:16:44] Read bedfile
[00:16:44] edr file hash check passed.
[00:16:44] Allocated 33385 bytes for logfile
[00:16:44] Read logfile
[00:16:44] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[00:16:44] GuardedRun: done
[00:16:44] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[00:16:44] + Opened results file
[00:16:44] - Writing 125317 bytes of core data to disk...
[00:16:44] Done: 124805 -> 99194 (compressed to 79.4 percent)
[00:16:44]   ... Done.
[00:16:44] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_08.ckp
[00:16:45] Shutting down core 
[00:16:45] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[00:16:49] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[00:16:49] Unit 8 finished with 97 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[00:16:49] Updated performance fraction: 0.985161
[00:16:49] Sending work to server
[00:16:49] Project: 5768 (Run 4, Clone 34, Gen 177)
[00:16:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:49] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:49 UTC]
[00:16:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[00:16:49]   (Read 99706 bytes from disk)
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:16:49] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:16:49]   Keeping unit 08 in queue.
[00:16:49] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:16:49] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[00:16:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:49] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:49 UTC]
[00:16:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[00:16:49]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[00:16:49] - 4 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:16:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:49] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:49 UTC]
[00:16:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[00:16:49]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:16:49] Project: 5768 (Run 4, Clone 34, Gen 177)
[00:16:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:49] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:49 UTC]
[00:16:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[00:16:49]   (Read 99706 bytes from disk)
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:16:49] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:16:49] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:49] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:49 UTC]
[00:16:49] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[00:16:49]   (Read 99706 bytes from disk)
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:49] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:49] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:49]     (
[00:16:49]   Could not transmit unit 08 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:16:49] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server
[00:16:49] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[00:16:49] Cleaning up work directory
[00:16:49] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:16:49] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[00:16:49] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:49] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:16:49] Connecting to
[00:16:50] Posted data.
[00:16:50] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[00:16:50] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:16:50] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:16:50] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:50] Empty passkey
[00:16:50] Connecting to
[00:16:50] Posted data.
[00:16:50] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 74338)
[00:16:52] - Downloaded at ~36 kB/s
[00:16:52] - Averaged speed for that direction ~40 kB/s
[00:16:52] + Received work.
[00:16:52] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:16:52] Project: 6603 (Run 10, Clone 710, Gen 220)
[00:16:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:52] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:52 UTC]
[00:16:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[00:16:52]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[00:16:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[00:16:52] - 5 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:16:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:52] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:52 UTC]
[00:16:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[00:16:52]   (Read 119513 bytes from disk)
[00:16:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:16:52] Project: 5768 (Run 4, Clone 34, Gen 177)
[00:16:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:52] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:52 UTC]
[00:16:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[00:16:52]   (Read 99706 bytes from disk)
[00:16:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:16:52] - 3 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:16:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:16:52] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:16:52 UTC]
[00:16:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[00:16:52]   (Read 99706 bytes from disk)
[00:16:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:16:52] Connecting to
[00:16:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:16:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:16:52]     (
[00:16:52]   Could not transmit unit 08 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:16:52] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server
[00:16:52] + Closed connections
[00:16:52] + Processing work unit
[00:16:52] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[00:16:52] Core found.
[00:16:52] Working on queue slot 09 [August 26 00:16:52 UTC]
[00:16:52] + Working ...
[00:16:52] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 09 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 3884 -version 630'

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:54 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Secondary GPU client logs:

Code: Select all

--- Opening Log file [August 25 21:13:43 UTC] 

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30r1



Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2
Executable: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe
Arguments: -gpu 1 -verbosity 9 

[21:13:43] - Ask before connecting: No
[21:13:43] - Proxy:
[21:13:43] - User name: ZombieKiller1 (Team 35947)
[21:13:43] - User ID: 595352301DBE1C12
[21:13:43] - Machine ID: 3
[21:13:43] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:13:43] Loaded queue successfully.
[21:13:43] + Processing work unit
[21:13:43] - Autosending finished units... [August 25 21:13:43 UTC]
[21:13:43] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[21:13:43] Trying to send all finished work units
[21:13:43] Project: 5767 (Run 1, Clone 179, Gen 1980)
[21:13:43] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[21:13:43] Core found.
[21:13:43] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_06.dat
[21:13:43] - Error: Could not read unit 06 file. Removing from queue.
[21:13:43] Working on queue slot 07 [August 25 21:13:43 UTC]
[21:13:43] + Working ...
[21:13:43] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 07 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 244 -version 630'

[21:13:43] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[21:13:43] - Autosend completed
[21:13:44] *------------------------------*
[21:13:44] Folding@Home GPU Core
[21:13:44] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[21:13:44] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[21:13:44] Build host: amoeba
[21:13:44] Board Type: Nvidia
[21:13:44] Core      : 
[21:13:44] Preparing to commence simulation
[21:13:44] - Looking at optimizations...
[21:13:44] - Files status OK
[21:13:44] - Expanded 62854 -> 336799 (decompressed 535.8 percent)
[21:13:44] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=62854 data_size=336799, decompressed_data_size=336799 diff=0
[21:13:44] - Digital signature verified
[21:13:44] Project: 10503 (Run 182, Clone 0, Gen 186)
[21:13:44] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[21:13:44] Entering M.D.
[21:13:50] Will resume from checkpoint file
[21:13:50] Tpr hash work/wudata_07.tpr:  3314461155 3076567267 363277722 3182275941 3838404741
[21:13:50] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[21:13:50] Working on Protein
[21:13:51] Client config found, loading data.
[21:13:51] Resuming from checkpoint
[21:13:51] fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
[21:13:51]    0   3314461155   3314461155
[21:13:51]    1   3076567267   3076567267
[21:13:51]    2    363277722    363277722
[21:13:51]    3   3182275941   3182275941
[21:13:51]    4   3838404741   3838404741
[21:13:51] fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
[21:13:51] fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
[21:13:51] Starting GUI Server
[21:13:51] Verified work/wudata_07.log
[21:13:51] Verified work/wudata_07.edr
[21:13:51] Verified work/wudata_07.xtc
[21:13:51] Completed 96%
[21:14:48] Completed 97%
[21:15:45] Completed 98%
[21:16:41] Completed 99%
[21:17:38] Completed 100%
[21:17:38] Successful run
[21:17:38] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[21:17:48] Reserved 108456 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[21:17:48] Allocated 108456 bytes for xtc file
[21:17:48] - Reading up to 108456 from "work/wudata_07.xtc": Read 108456
[21:17:48] Read 108456 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786322008
[21:17:48] xtc file hash check passed.
[21:17:48] Reserved 21912 21912 786322008 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_07.trr> Cosm status=0
[21:17:48] Allocated 21912 bytes for arc file
[21:17:48] - Reading up to 21912 from "work/wudata_07.trr": Read 21912
[21:17:48] Read 21912 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786300096
[21:17:48] trr file hash check passed.
[21:17:48] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[21:17:48] Read bedfile
[21:17:48] edr file hash check passed.
[21:17:48] Logfile not read.
[21:17:48] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[21:17:48] GuardedRun: done
[21:17:48] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[21:17:49] + Opened results file
[21:17:49] - Writing 131440 bytes of core data to disk...
[21:17:49] Done: 130928 -> 129856 (compressed to 99.1 percent)
[21:17:49]   ... Done.
[21:17:49] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_07.ckp
[21:17:49] Shutting down core 
[21:17:49] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[21:17:52] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[21:17:52] Unit 7 finished with 98 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[21:17:52] Updated performance fraction: 0.987965
[21:17:52] Sending work to server
[21:17:52] Project: 10503 (Run 182, Clone 0, Gen 186)
[21:17:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:17:52] + Attempting to send results [August 25 21:17:52 UTC]
[21:17:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[21:17:52]   (Read 130368 bytes from disk)
[21:17:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[21:17:52] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[21:17:52]   Keeping unit 07 in queue.
[21:17:52] Trying to send all finished work units
[21:17:52] Project: 10503 (Run 182, Clone 0, Gen 186)
[21:17:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:17:52] + Attempting to send results [August 25 21:17:52 UTC]
[21:17:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[21:17:52]   (Read 130368 bytes from disk)
[21:17:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[21:17:52] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.
[21:17:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:17:52] + Attempting to send results [August 25 21:17:52 UTC]
[21:17:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[21:17:52]   (Read 130368 bytes from disk)
[21:17:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52] + Retrying using alternative port
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:52] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:52] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:52]     (
[21:17:52]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[21:17:52] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[21:17:52] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[21:17:52] Cleaning up work directory
[21:17:52] + Attempting to get work packet
[21:17:52] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[21:17:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:52] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 10
[21:17:52] - Connecting to assignment server
[21:17:52] Connecting to
[21:17:53] Posted data.
[21:17:53] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[21:17:53] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[21:17:53] Loaded queue successfully.
[21:17:53] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:53] Empty passkey
[21:17:53] Connecting to
[21:17:54] Posted data.
[21:17:54] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 74281)
[21:17:56] - Downloaded at ~36 kB/s
[21:17:56] - Averaged speed for that direction ~40 kB/s
[21:17:56] + Received work.
[21:17:56] Trying to send all finished work units
[21:17:56] Project: 10503 (Run 182, Clone 0, Gen 186)
[21:17:56] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:17:56] + Attempting to send results [August 25 21:17:56 UTC]
[21:17:56] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[21:17:56]   (Read 130368 bytes from disk)
[21:17:56] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:56] Connecting to
[21:17:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:56] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:56]     (
[21:17:56] + Retrying using alternative port
[21:17:56] Connecting to
[21:17:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:56] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:56]     (
[21:17:56] - Error: Could not transmit unit 07 (completed August 25) to work server.
[21:17:56] - 3 failed uploads of this unit.
[21:17:56] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[21:17:56] + Attempting to send results [August 25 21:17:56 UTC]
[21:17:56] - Reading file work/wuresults_07.dat from core
[21:17:56]   (Read 130368 bytes from disk)
[21:17:56] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[21:17:56] Connecting to
[21:17:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:56] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:56]     (
[21:17:56] + Retrying using alternative port
[21:17:56] Connecting to
[21:17:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[21:17:56] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[21:17:56]     (
[21:17:56]   Could not transmit unit 07 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[21:17:56] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[21:17:56] + Closed connections
[21:17:56] + Processing work unit
[21:17:56] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[21:17:56] Core found.
[21:17:56] Working on queue slot 08 [August 25 21:17:56 UTC]
[21:17:56] + Working ...
[21:17:56] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 08 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 244 -version 630'

[21:17:56] *------------------------------*
[21:17:56] Folding@Home GPU Core
[21:17:56] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[21:17:56] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[21:17:56] Build host: amoeba
[21:17:56] Board Type: Nvidia
[21:17:56] Core      : 
[21:17:56] Preparing to commence simulation
[21:17:56] - Looking at optimizations...
[21:17:56] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_08.ckp
[21:17:56] - Created dyn
[21:17:56] - Files status OK
[21:17:56] - Expanded 73769 -> 383588 (decompressed 519.9 percent)
[21:17:56] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=73769 data_size=383588, decompressed_data_size=383588 diff=0
[21:17:56] - Digital signature verified
[21:17:56] Project: 6600 (Run 9, Clone 907, Gen 100)
[21:17:56] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[21:17:56] Entering M.D.
[21:18:02] Tpr hash work/wudata_08.tpr:  1858052505 115885518 1126186862 2206896655 2555903787
[21:18:02] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[21:18:02] Working on Protein
[21:18:03] Client config found, loading data.
[21:18:03] Starting GUI Server
[21:18:52] Completed 1%
[21:19:41] Completed 2%
[21:20:31] Completed 3%
[21:21:20] Completed 4%
[21:22:09] Completed 5%
[21:22:58] Completed 6%
[21:23:47] Completed 7%
[21:24:36] Completed 8%
[21:25:26] Completed 9%
[21:26:15] Completed 10%
[21:27:04] Completed 11%
[21:27:53] Completed 12%
[21:28:42] Completed 13%
[21:29:32] Completed 14%
[21:30:21] Completed 15%
[21:31:10] Completed 16%
[21:31:59] Completed 17%
[21:32:48] Completed 18%
[21:33:37] Completed 19%
[21:34:27] Completed 20%
[21:35:16] Completed 21%
[21:36:05] Completed 22%
[21:36:54] Completed 23%
[21:37:44] Completed 24%
[21:38:33] Completed 25%
[21:39:23] Completed 26%
[21:40:12] Completed 27%
[21:41:01] Completed 28%
[21:41:50] Completed 29%
[21:42:40] Completed 30%
[21:43:29] Completed 31%
[21:44:18] Completed 32%
[21:45:07] Completed 33%
[21:45:57] Completed 34%
[21:46:46] Completed 35%
[21:47:35] Completed 36%
[21:48:24] Completed 37%
[21:49:14] Completed 38%
[21:50:03] Completed 39%
[21:50:53] Completed 40%
[21:51:42] Completed 41%
[21:52:31] Completed 42%
[21:53:21] Completed 43%
[21:54:11] Completed 44%
[21:55:00] Completed 45%
[21:55:49] Completed 46%
[21:56:39] Completed 47%
[21:57:28] Completed 48%
[21:58:17] Completed 49%
[21:59:06] Completed 50%
[21:59:56] Completed 51%
[22:00:46] Completed 52%
[22:01:35] Completed 53%
[22:02:24] Completed 54%
[22:03:13] Completed 55%
[22:04:02] Completed 56%
[22:04:51] Completed 57%
[22:05:40] Completed 58%
[22:06:29] Completed 59%
[22:07:18] Completed 60%
[22:08:07] Completed 61%
[22:08:56] Completed 62%
[22:09:46] Completed 63%
[22:10:35] Completed 64%
[22:11:24] Completed 65%
[22:12:13] Completed 66%
[22:13:03] Completed 67%
[22:13:52] Completed 68%
[22:14:41] Completed 69%
[22:15:30] Completed 70%
[22:16:19] Completed 71%
[22:17:08] Completed 72%
[22:17:58] Completed 73%
[22:18:47] Completed 74%
[22:19:36] Completed 75%
[22:20:27] Completed 76%
[22:21:25] Completed 77%
[22:22:17] Completed 78%
[22:23:08] Completed 79%
[22:24:00] Completed 80%
[22:24:52] Completed 81%
[22:25:44] Completed 82%
[22:26:35] Completed 83%
[22:27:25] Completed 84%
[22:28:15] Completed 85%
[22:29:04] Completed 86%
[22:29:54] Completed 87%
[22:30:44] Completed 88%
[22:31:33] Completed 89%
[22:32:23] Completed 90%
[22:33:12] Completed 91%
[22:34:02] Completed 92%
[22:34:52] Completed 93%
[22:35:41] Completed 94%
[22:36:31] Completed 95%
[22:37:21] Completed 96%
[22:38:10] Completed 97%
[22:39:00] Completed 98%
[22:39:49] Completed 99%
[22:40:39] Completed 100%
[22:40:39] Successful run
[22:40:39] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[22:40:49] Reserved 84616 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[22:40:49] Allocated 84616 bytes for xtc file
[22:40:49] - Reading up to 84616 from "work/wudata_08.xtc": Read 84616
[22:40:49] Read 84616 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786345848
[22:40:49] xtc file hash check passed.
[22:40:49] Reserved 25248 25248 786345848 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_08.trr> Cosm status=0
[22:40:49] Allocated 25248 bytes for arc file
[22:40:49] - Reading up to 25248 from "work/wudata_08.trr": Read 25248
[22:40:49] Read 25248 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786320600
[22:40:49] trr file hash check passed.
[22:40:49] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[22:40:49] Read bedfile
[22:40:49] edr file hash check passed.
[22:40:49] Allocated 31035 bytes for logfile
[22:40:49] Read logfile
[22:40:49] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[22:40:49] GuardedRun: done
[22:40:49] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[22:40:50] + Opened results file
[22:40:50] - Writing 141971 bytes of core data to disk...
[22:40:50] Done: 141459 -> 118663 (compressed to 83.8 percent)
[22:40:50]   ... Done.
[22:40:50] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_08.ckp
[22:40:50] Shutting down core 
[22:40:50] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[22:40:52] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[22:40:52] Unit 8 finished with 99 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[22:40:52] Updated performance fraction: 0.989092
[22:40:52] Sending work to server
[22:40:52] Project: 6600 (Run 9, Clone 907, Gen 100)
[22:40:52] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[22:40:52] + Attempting to send results [August 25 22:40:52 UTC]
[22:40:52] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[22:40:52]   (Read 119175 bytes from disk)
[22:40:52] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[22:40:52] Connecting to
[22:48:40] Posted data.
[23:08:40] Initial: 00BA; + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:02]     (
[23:21:02] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:21:02] Connecting to
[23:21:03] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:03] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:03]     (
[23:21:03] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 25) to work server.
[23:21:03] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[23:21:03]   Keeping unit 08 in queue.
[23:21:03] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:21:03] Project: 10503 (Run 182, Clone 0, Gen 186)
[23:21:03] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[23:21:03] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_07.dat
[23:21:03] - Error: Could not read unit 07 file. Removing from queue.
[23:21:03] Project: 6600 (Run 9, Clone 907, Gen 100)
[23:21:03] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[23:21:03] + Attempting to send results [August 25 23:21:03 UTC]
[23:21:03] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[23:21:03]   (Read 119175 bytes from disk)
[23:21:03] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:03] Connecting to
[23:21:04] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:04] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:04]     (
[23:21:04] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:21:04] Connecting to
[23:21:05] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:05] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:05]     (
[23:21:05] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 25) to work server.
[23:21:05] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.
[23:21:05] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[23:21:05] + Attempting to send results [August 25 23:21:05 UTC]
[23:21:05] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[23:21:05]   (Read 119175 bytes from disk)
[23:21:05] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:05] Connecting to
[23:21:06] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:06] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:06]     (
[23:21:06] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:21:06] Connecting to
[23:21:07] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:07] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:21:07]     (
[23:21:07]   Could not transmit unit 08 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[23:21:07] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server
[23:21:07] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[23:21:07] Cleaning up work directory
[23:21:07] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:21:07] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[23:21:07] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:07] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:21:07] Connecting to
[23:21:08] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:08] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[23:21:08] Connecting to
[23:21:09] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:09] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[23:21:09] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[23:21:09] - Attempt #1  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[23:21:27] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:21:27] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[23:21:27] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:27] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:21:27] Connecting to
[23:21:28] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:28] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[23:21:28] Connecting to
[23:21:29] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:29] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[23:21:29] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[23:21:29] - Attempt #2  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[23:21:53] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:21:53] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[23:21:53] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:21:53] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:21:53] Connecting to
[23:21:54] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:54] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[23:21:54] Connecting to
[23:21:56] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:21:56] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[23:21:56] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[23:21:56] - Attempt #3  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[23:22:20] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:22:20] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[23:22:20] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:22:20] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:22:20] Connecting to
[23:22:21] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:22:21] + Could not connect to Assignment Server
[23:22:21] Connecting to
[23:22:22] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:22:22] + Could not connect to Assignment Server 2
[23:22:22] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[23:22:22] - Attempt #4  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.
[23:22:27] ***** Got a SIGTERM signal (2)
[23:22:27] Killing all core threads

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

--- Opening Log file [August 25 23:29:31 UTC] 

# Windows GPU Console Edition #################################################

                       Folding@Home Client Version 6.30r1



Launch directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2
Executable: C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe
Arguments: -gpu 1 -verbosity 9 

[23:29:31] - Ask before connecting: No
[23:29:31] - Proxy:
[23:29:31] - User name: ZombieKiller1 (Team 35947)
[23:29:31] - User ID: 595352301DBE1C12
[23:29:31] - Machine ID: 3
[23:29:31] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:29:31] Loaded queue successfully.
[23:29:31] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[23:29:31] Cleaning up work directory
[23:29:31] - Autosending finished units... [August 25 23:29:31 UTC]
[23:29:31] Trying to send all finished work units
[23:29:31] + Attempting to get work packet
[23:29:31] Project: 6600 (Run 9, Clone 907, Gen 100)
[23:29:31] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[23:29:31] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[23:29:31] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:29:31] - Detect CPU. Vendor: GenuineIntel, Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 10
[23:29:31] - Connecting to assignment server
[23:29:31] Connecting to

[23:29:31] + Attempting to send results [August 25 23:29:31 UTC]
[23:29:31] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[23:29:31]   (Read 119175 bytes from disk)
[23:29:31] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:29:31] Connecting to
[23:29:31] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:29:31] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:29:31]     (
[23:29:31] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:29:31] Connecting to
[23:29:31] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:29:31] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:29:31]     (
[23:29:31] - Error: Could not transmit unit 08 (completed August 25) to work server.
[23:29:31] - 3 failed uploads of this unit.
[23:29:31] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[23:29:31] + Attempting to send results [August 25 23:29:31 UTC]
[23:29:31] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[23:29:31]   (Read 119175 bytes from disk)
[23:29:31] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:29:31] Connecting to
[23:29:31] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:29:31] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:29:31]     (
[23:29:31] + Retrying using alternative port
[23:29:31] Connecting to
[23:29:31] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[23:29:31] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[23:29:31]     (
[23:29:31]   Could not transmit unit 08 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[23:29:31] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[23:29:31] - Autosend completed
[23:29:32] Posted data.
[23:29:32] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[23:29:32] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[23:29:32] Loaded queue successfully.
[23:29:32] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[23:29:32] Empty passkey
[23:29:32] Connecting to
[23:29:33] Posted data.
[23:29:33] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 74375)
[23:29:34] - Downloaded at ~72 kB/s
[23:29:34] - Averaged speed for that direction ~47 kB/s
[23:29:34] + Received work.
[23:29:34] + Closed connections
[23:29:34] + Processing work unit
[23:29:34] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[23:29:34] Core found.
[23:29:34] Working on queue slot 09 [August 25 23:29:34 UTC]
[23:29:34] + Working ...
[23:29:34] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 09 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2512 -version 630'

[23:29:35] *------------------------------*
[23:29:35] Folding@Home GPU Core
[23:29:35] Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
[23:29:35] Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
[23:29:35] Build host: amoeba
[23:29:35] Board Type: Nvidia
[23:29:35] Core      : 
[23:29:35] Preparing to commence simulation
[23:29:35] - Looking at optimizations...
[23:29:35] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_09.ckp
[23:29:35] - Created dyn
[23:29:35] - Files status OK
[23:29:35] - Expanded 73863 -> 383588 (decompressed 519.3 percent)
[23:29:35] Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=73863 data_size=383588, decompressed_data_size=383588 diff=0
[23:29:35] - Digital signature verified
[23:29:35] Project: 6606 (Run 1, Clone 572, Gen 234)
[23:29:35] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[23:29:35] Entering M.D.
[23:29:41] Tpr hash work/wudata_09.tpr:  3103846733 3281524027 2284447437 2815729625 3830073356
[23:29:41] Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
[23:29:41] Working on Protein
[23:29:42] Client config found, loading data.
[23:29:42] Starting GUI Server
[23:30:31] Completed 1%
[23:31:21] Completed 2%
[23:32:10] Completed 3%
[23:32:59] Completed 4%
[23:33:48] Completed 5%
[23:34:38] Completed 6%
[23:35:27] Completed 7%
[23:36:16] Completed 8%
[23:37:05] Completed 9%
[23:37:54] Completed 10%
[23:38:44] Completed 11%
[23:39:33] Completed 12%
[23:40:22] Completed 13%
[23:41:11] Completed 14%
[23:42:00] Completed 15%
[23:42:49] Completed 16%
[23:43:39] Completed 17%
[23:44:28] Completed 18%
[23:45:17] Completed 19%
[23:46:06] Completed 20%
[23:46:56] Completed 21%
[23:47:45] Completed 22%
[23:48:34] Completed 23%
[23:49:23] Completed 24%
[23:50:12] Completed 25%
[23:51:02] Completed 26%
[23:51:51] Completed 27%
[23:52:40] Completed 28%
[23:53:29] Completed 29%
[23:54:18] Completed 30%
[23:55:08] Completed 31%
[23:55:57] Completed 32%
[23:56:46] Completed 33%
[23:57:35] Completed 34%
[23:58:24] Completed 35%
[23:59:14] Completed 36%
[00:00:03] Completed 37%
[00:00:52] Completed 38%
[00:01:41] Completed 39%
[00:02:31] Completed 40%
[00:03:20] Completed 41%
[00:04:09] Completed 42%
[00:04:58] Completed 43%
[00:05:47] Completed 44%
[00:06:37] Completed 45%
[00:07:26] Completed 46%
[00:08:15] Completed 47%
[00:09:04] Completed 48%
[00:09:53] Completed 49%
[00:10:42] Completed 50%
[00:11:32] Completed 51%
[00:12:21] Completed 52%
[00:13:10] Completed 53%
[00:13:59] Completed 54%
[00:14:49] Completed 55%
[00:15:38] Completed 56%
[00:16:27] Completed 57%
[00:17:16] Completed 58%
[00:18:06] Completed 59%
[00:18:55] Completed 60%
[00:19:44] Completed 61%
[00:20:33] Completed 62%
[00:21:22] Completed 63%
[00:22:12] Completed 64%
[00:23:01] Completed 65%
[00:23:50] Completed 66%
[00:24:39] Completed 67%
[00:25:28] Completed 68%
[00:26:18] Completed 69%
[00:27:07] Completed 70%
[00:27:56] Completed 71%
[00:28:45] Completed 72%
[00:29:34] Completed 73%
[00:30:24] Completed 74%
[00:31:13] Completed 75%
[00:32:02] Completed 76%
[00:32:51] Completed 77%
[00:33:41] Completed 78%
[00:34:30] Completed 79%
[00:35:19] Completed 80%
[00:36:08] Completed 81%
[00:36:57] Completed 82%
[00:37:47] Completed 83%
[00:38:36] Completed 84%
[00:39:25] Completed 85%
[00:40:14] Completed 86%
[00:41:03] Completed 87%
[00:41:52] Completed 88%
[00:42:42] Completed 89%
[00:43:31] Completed 90%
[00:44:20] Completed 91%
[00:45:09] Completed 92%
[00:45:58] Completed 93%
[00:46:48] Completed 94%
[00:47:37] Completed 95%
[00:48:26] Completed 96%
[00:49:15] Completed 97%
[00:50:04] Completed 98%
[00:50:54] Completed 99%
[00:51:43] Completed 100%
[00:51:43] Successful run
[00:51:43] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[00:51:53] Reserved 85340 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[00:51:53] Allocated 85340 bytes for xtc file
[00:51:53] - Reading up to 85340 from "work/wudata_09.xtc": Read 85340
[00:51:53] Read 85340 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786345124
[00:51:53] xtc file hash check passed.
[00:51:53] Reserved 25248 25248 786345124 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_09.trr> Cosm status=0
[00:51:53] Allocated 25248 bytes for arc file
[00:51:53] - Reading up to 25248 from "work/wudata_09.trr": Read 25248
[00:51:53] Read 25248 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786319876
[00:51:53] trr file hash check passed.
[00:51:53] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[00:51:53] Read bedfile
[00:51:53] edr file hash check passed.
[00:51:53] Allocated 31140 bytes for logfile
[00:51:53] Read logfile
[00:51:53] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[00:51:53] GuardedRun: done
[00:51:53] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[00:51:55] + Opened results file
[00:51:55] - Writing 142800 bytes of core data to disk...
[00:51:55] Done: 142288 -> 119490 (compressed to 83.9 percent)
[00:51:55]   ... Done.
[00:51:55] DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=work/wudata_09.ckp
[00:51:55] Shutting down core 
[00:51:55] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[00:51:59] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[00:51:59] Unit 9 finished with 99 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[00:51:59] Updated performance fraction: 0.990002
[00:51:59] Sending work to server
[00:51:59] Project: 6606 (Run 1, Clone 572, Gen 234)
[00:51:59] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:51:59] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:51:59 UTC]
[00:51:59] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[00:51:59]   (Read 120002 bytes from disk)
[00:51:59] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:51:59] - 1 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:51:59]   Keeping unit 09 in queue.
[00:51:59] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:51:59] Project: 6600 (Run 9, Clone 907, Gen 100)
[00:51:59] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.
[00:51:59] - Error: Could not get length of results file work/wuresults_08.dat
[00:51:59] - Error: Could not read unit 08 file. Removing from queue.
[00:51:59] Project: 6606 (Run 1, Clone 572, Gen 234)
[00:51:59] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:51:59] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:51:59 UTC]
[00:51:59] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[00:51:59]   (Read 120002 bytes from disk)
[00:51:59] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:51:59] - 2 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:51:59] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:51:59] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:51:59 UTC]
[00:51:59] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[00:51:59]   (Read 120002 bytes from disk)
[00:51:59] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:51:59] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:51:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:51:59]     (
[00:51:59]   Could not transmit unit 09 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:51:59] + Sent 0 of 2 completed units to the server
[00:51:59] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[00:51:59] Cleaning up work directory
[00:51:59] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:51:59] - Will indicate memory of 3071 MB
[00:51:59] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:51:59] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:51:59] Connecting to
[00:52:00] Posted data.
[00:52:00] Initial: 40AB; - Successful: assigned to (
[00:52:00] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[00:52:00] Loaded queue successfully.
[00:52:00] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:52:00] Empty passkey
[00:52:00] Connecting to
[00:52:01] Posted data.
[00:52:01] Initial: 0000; - Receiving payload (expected size: 74301)
[00:52:02] - Downloaded at ~72 kB/s
[00:52:02] - Averaged speed for that direction ~52 kB/s
[00:52:02] + Received work.
[00:52:02] Trying to send all finished work units
[00:52:02] Project: 6606 (Run 1, Clone 572, Gen 234)
[00:52:02] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:52:02] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:52:02 UTC]
[00:52:02] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[00:52:02]   (Read 120002 bytes from disk)
[00:52:02] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:52:02] Connecting to
[00:52:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:52:02] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:52:02]     (
[00:52:02] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:52:02] Connecting to
[00:52:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:52:02] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:52:02]     (
[00:52:02] - Error: Could not transmit unit 09 (completed August 26) to work server.
[00:52:02] - 3 failed uploads of this unit.
[00:52:02] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[00:52:02] + Attempting to send results [August 26 00:52:02 UTC]
[00:52:02] - Reading file work/wuresults_09.dat from core
[00:52:02]   (Read 120002 bytes from disk)
[00:52:02] Gpu type=2 species=30.
[00:52:02] Connecting to
[00:52:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:52:02] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:52:02]     (
[00:52:02] + Retrying using alternative port
[00:52:02] Connecting to
[00:52:02] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[00:52:02] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[00:52:02]     (
[00:52:02]   Could not transmit unit 09 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[00:52:02] + Sent 0 of 1 completed units to the server
[00:52:02] + Closed connections
[00:52:02] + Processing work unit
[00:52:02] Core required: FahCore_11.exe
[00:52:02] Core found.
[00:52:02] Working on queue slot 00 [August 26 00:52:02 UTC]
[00:52:02] + Working ...
[00:52:02] - Calling '.\FahCore_11.exe -dir work/ -suffix 00 -nice 19 -priority 96 -nocpulock -checkpoint 15 -verbose -lifeline 2512 -version 630'

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:57 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Langouste logs:

Code: Select all

Wed Aug 25 22:13:57 2010 Langouste3 0.15.5 (compiled Tue Aug  3 11:53:54 MDT 2010 by kszysiu@tentacle)
Wed Aug 25 22:13:57 2010 Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
Wed Aug 25 22:13:57 2010 see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
Wed Aug 25 22:13:57 2010 Default Langouste helper temp directory: C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp\langouste-Phil\
Wed Aug 25 22:13:57 2010 Listening on
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH2\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Forked 0x00000754
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 118 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 4498 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> now: 1282771072, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) resolving ''
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:52 2010 (0) Connected.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) resolving ''
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:53 2010 (0) Connected.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 74933 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Remote: received 74933 bytes, sent 625 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> now: 1282771076, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local: received 118 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> now: 1282771076, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> now: 1282771076, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID for socket: 244
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 PID 244: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 130880
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 244) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> PID 244: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> now: 1282771076, last helper launched at: 1282771072
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 22:17:56 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 PID for socket: 3220
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 PID 3220: issending: 1
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 (0) resolving ''
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Wed Aug 25 22:18:54 2010 (0) Connected.
Wed Aug 25 22:19:00 2010 (0) Remote connection closed (rbsize: 0).
Wed Aug 25 22:19:00 2010 (0) Local: received 130998 bytes, sent 644 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:19:00 2010 (0) Remote: received 644 bytes, sent 130998 bytes
Wed Aug 25 22:19:00 2010 (0) Ratelimit: sent 130998 byte(s) in 6.125 seconds, 21387 Bps (20.88 kBps)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Forked 0x0000074c
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 4496 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 1282774785
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 1282774785
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 1282774785
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 8252 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 1282774785
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> now: 1282774785, last helper launched at: 1282774785
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Wed Aug 25 23:19:45 2010 (0) Local: received 114 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) resolving ''
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) Connected.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:46 2010 (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 (0) resolving ''
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:47 2010 (0) Connected.
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 (0) Local: received 627 bytes, sent 47866 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 (0) Remote: received 47866 bytes, sent 627 bytes
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Wed Aug 25 23:19:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 00:21:02 2010 Signal 2 received
Thu Aug 26 00:21:02 2010 Listen socket closed.
Thu Aug 26 00:21:02 2010 (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:21:02 2010 Bye.
Thu Aug 26 00:28:35 2010 Langouste3 0.15.5 (compiled Tue Aug  3 11:53:54 MDT 2010 by kszysiu@tentacle)
Thu Aug 26 00:28:35 2010 Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
Thu Aug 26 00:28:35 2010 see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
Thu Aug 26 00:28:35 2010 Default Langouste helper temp directory: C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp\langouste-Phil\
Thu Aug 26 00:28:35 2010 Listening on
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119687
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> now: 1282778971, last helper launched at: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH2\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Forked 0x00000754
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (0) Local: received 8256 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119687
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> now: 1282778971, last helper launched at: 1282778971
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (1) Local: received 8252 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119687
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> now: 1282778971, last helper launched at: 1282778971
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (1) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119687
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 2512) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> PID 2512: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> now: 1282778971, last helper launched at: 1282778971
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (1) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:31 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 PID for socket: 2512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 PID 2512: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 ===> PID 2512 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 00:29:32 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 00:29:34 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 00:29:34 2010 (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 75027 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:29:34 2010 (0) Remote: received 75027 bytes, sent 625 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 PID for socket: 3964
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 PID 3964: issending: 1
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 00:30:31 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 00:30:36 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 00:30:36 2010 (0) Local: received 119803 bytes, sent 636 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:30:36 2010 (0) Remote: received 636 bytes, sent 119803 bytes
Thu Aug 26 00:30:36 2010 (0) Ratelimit: sent 119803 byte(s) in 5.062 seconds, 23667 Bps (23.11 kBps)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Forked 0x00000764
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 11174 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 8256 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 8252 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 11178 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 118 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 4494 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 4498 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> now: 1282781809, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Local: received 114 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:49 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:50 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 74990 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Remote: received 74990 bytes, sent 625 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 11172 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 118 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120025
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 114 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 118 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID for socket: 3884
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 PID 3884: issending: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 100218
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> Helper pid: -1
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 3884) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> PID 3884: numcores: 0
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> now: 1282781812, last helper launched at: 1282781809
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
Thu Aug 26 01:16:52 2010 (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 PID for socket: 1552
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 PID 1552: issending: 1
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 01:17:49 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 01:17:54 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 01:17:54 2010 (0) Local: received 120141 bytes, sent 636 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:17:54 2010 (0) Remote: received 636 bytes, sent 120141 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:17:54 2010 (0) Ratelimit: sent 120141 byte(s) in 5.062 seconds, 23733 Bps (23.17 kBps)
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 Accepted connection from:
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 PID for socket: 3096
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 PID 3096: issending: 1
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 (0) resolving ''
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 (0) Connecting to:
Thu Aug 26 01:17:55 2010 (0) Connected.
Thu Aug 26 01:17:59 2010 (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
Thu Aug 26 01:17:59 2010 (0) Local: received 100336 bytes, sent 621 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:17:59 2010 (0) Remote: received 621 bytes, sent 100336 bytes
Thu Aug 26 01:17:59 2010 (0) Ratelimit: sent 100336 byte(s) in 4.437 seconds, 22613 Bps (22.08 kBps)


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:50 pm
by tear
Hey Phil, thanks for the logs.

I think I have a theory on what's happening here..
...though before providing test binary can you please tell me if all affected systems are 64-bit?


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:07 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal

No, XP 32-bit & Win 7 64-bit.

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:47 am
by tear
Hmm, ok. I think I know where the loop is occurring but I have no idea why (just yet).
I've sent you PM with the location of the new binary; while not elegant, it adds
iteration limit and extra messages that should help with the diagnosis.

Please add "-v" parameter to Langouste's command line (increases verbosity).

Next time the issue manifests itself Langouste should terminate automatically. Once
it does -- share its log please. If it does not terminate -- do the usual thing.

Thanks for your help so far,

Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:11 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Thanks tear, support appreciated.

Back to my doubts as to whether it's worth running on GPU(s). My perspective is if I'm running Langouste for the SMP client then it seems daft to not configure the proxy on the GPU clients as well.

I've dropped the new binary in on both machines & added the verbosity command. Let's wait & see...


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:49 pm
by tear
I won't take it personally if you drop GPU clients. My incentive is bug squishing, you know...
I understand your priorities may differ. Your help is much appreciated nonetheless :)


Re: Langouste -- WU upload/download de-coupler (+upload capping)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:17 pm
by Blasphemous Cannibal
Hi Kris,

I've got some logs for you here. Hope this helps.

Code: Select all

[1282930594.343750] Langouste3 0.15.5-bc3 (compiled Fri Aug 27 04:36:00 MDT 2010 by kszysiu@tentacle)
[1282930594.343750] Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
[1282930594.343750] see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
[1282930594.343750] Getting own cmdline with NtQueryInformationProcess()...
[1282930594.343750] PID 4032: RTL string at offset 16: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc3.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1282930594.343750] Got cmdline: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc3.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1282930594.343750] TEMP=C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp
[1282930594.343750] USERNAME=Phil
[1282930594.343750] Default Langouste helper temp directory: C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp\langouste-Phil\
[1282930594.421875] Listening on
[1282933431.640625] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.640625] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.640625] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.640625] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.640625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.640625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.640625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.640625] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.640625] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.640625] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.640625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.640625] Backlog:
[1282933431.640625] 	1548
[1282933431.640625] 	1632
[1282933431.640625] 	3676
[1282933431.640625] 	2084
[1282933431.640625] ================
[1282933431.640625] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.640625] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.640625] Backlog:
[1282933431.640625] 	1548
[1282933431.640625] 	1632
[1282933431.640625] 	2944
[1282933431.640625] 	396
[1282933431.640625] ================
[1282933431.640625] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.640625] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.640625] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.640625] 	1548
[1282933431.640625] 	1632
[1282933431.640625] 	3676
[1282933431.640625] 	2084
[1282933431.640625] ================
[1282933431.640625] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.640625] 	1548
[1282933431.640625] 	1632
[1282933431.640625] 	2944
[1282933431.640625] 	396
[1282933431.640625] ================
[1282933431.640625] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.640625] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 0
[1282933431.640625] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 14: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe'
[1282933431.640625] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.640625] ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
[1282933431.656250] ===> Forked 0x00000754
[1282933431.656250] (0) Local: received 8256 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.656250] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.656250] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.656250] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.656250] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.656250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.656250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.656250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.656250] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.656250] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.656250] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.656250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.656250] Backlog:
[1282933431.656250] 	1548
[1282933431.656250] 	1632
[1282933431.656250] 	3676
[1282933431.656250] 	2084
[1282933431.656250] ================
[1282933431.656250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.656250] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.656250] Backlog:
[1282933431.656250] 	1548
[1282933431.656250] 	1632
[1282933431.656250] 	2944
[1282933431.656250] 	396
[1282933431.656250] ================
[1282933431.656250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.656250] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.656250] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.656250] 	1548
[1282933431.656250] 	1632
[1282933431.656250] 	3676
[1282933431.656250] 	2084
[1282933431.656250] ================
[1282933431.656250] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.656250] 	1548
[1282933431.656250] 	1632
[1282933431.656250] 	2944
[1282933431.656250] 	396
[1282933431.656250] ================
[1282933431.656250] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.656250] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933431.656250] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933431.656250] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.671875] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.671875] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.671875] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.671875] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.671875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.671875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.671875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.671875] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.671875] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.671875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.671875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.671875] Backlog:
[1282933431.671875] 	1548
[1282933431.671875] 	1632
[1282933431.671875] 	3676
[1282933431.671875] 	2084
[1282933431.671875] ================
[1282933431.671875] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.671875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.671875] Backlog:
[1282933431.671875] 	1548
[1282933431.671875] 	1632
[1282933431.671875] 	2944
[1282933431.671875] 	396
[1282933431.671875] ================
[1282933431.671875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.671875] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.671875] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.671875] 	1548
[1282933431.671875] 	1632
[1282933431.671875] 	3676
[1282933431.671875] 	2084
[1282933431.671875] ================
[1282933431.671875] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.671875] 	1548
[1282933431.671875] 	1632
[1282933431.671875] 	2944
[1282933431.671875] 	396
[1282933431.671875] ================
[1282933431.671875] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.671875] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933431.671875] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933431.671875] (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.687500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.687500] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.687500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.687500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.687500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.687500] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.687500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.687500] Backlog:
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	3676
[1282933431.687500] 	2084
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.687500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.687500] Backlog:
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	2944
[1282933431.687500] 	396
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.687500] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	3676
[1282933431.687500] 	2084
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	2944
[1282933431.687500] 	396
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.687500] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933431.687500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933431.687500] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.687500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.687500] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.687500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.687500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.687500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.687500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.687500] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.687500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.687500] Backlog:
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	3676
[1282933431.687500] 	2084
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.687500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.687500] Backlog:
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	2944
[1282933431.687500] 	396
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.687500] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	3676
[1282933431.687500] 	2084
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.687500] 	1548
[1282933431.687500] 	1632
[1282933431.687500] 	2944
[1282933431.687500] 	396
[1282933431.687500] ================
[1282933431.687500] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.687500] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933431.687500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933431.687500] (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.687500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.703125] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.703125] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.703125] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.703125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933431.703125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.703125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.703125] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933431.703125] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933431.703125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933431.703125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.703125] Backlog:
[1282933431.703125] 	1548
[1282933431.703125] 	1632
[1282933431.703125] 	3676
[1282933431.703125] 	2084
[1282933431.703125] ================
[1282933431.703125] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.703125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933431.703125] Backlog:
[1282933431.703125] 	1548
[1282933431.703125] 	1632
[1282933431.703125] 	2944
[1282933431.703125] 	396
[1282933431.703125] ================
[1282933431.703125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933431.703125] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933431.703125] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.703125] 	1548
[1282933431.703125] 	1632
[1282933431.703125] 	3676
[1282933431.703125] 	2084
[1282933431.703125] ================
[1282933431.703125] Backlog(2):
[1282933431.703125] 	1548
[1282933431.703125] 	1632
[1282933431.703125] 	2944
[1282933431.703125] 	396
[1282933431.703125] ================
[1282933431.703125] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933431.703125] ===> now: 1282933431, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933431.703125] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933431.703125] (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933431.734375] Accepted connection from:
[1282933431.750000] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933431.750000] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933431.750000] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933431.750000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 432

[1282933431.750000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933431.750000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933431.750000] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
[1282933431.750000] (0) resolving ''
[1282933431.796875] (0) Connecting to:
[1282933433.031250] (0) Connected.
[1282933433.593750] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1282933433.593750] (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
[1282933433.593750] (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
[1282933433.750000] Accepted connection from:
[1282933433.750000] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933433.750000] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933433.750000] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933433.750000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 512

[1282933433.750000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933433.750000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933433.750000] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
[1282933433.750000] (0) resolving ''
[1282933433.750000] (0) Connecting to:
[1282933433.968750] (0) Connected.
[1282933436.046875] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1282933436.046875] (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 75096 bytes
[1282933436.046875] (0) Remote: received 75096 bytes, sent 625 bytes
[1282933436.046875] Accepted connection from:
[1282933436.046875] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933436.046875] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933436.046875] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933436.046875] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933436.046875] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933436.046875] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933436.046875] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933436.046875] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933436.046875] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933436.046875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.046875] Backlog:
[1282933436.046875] 	1548
[1282933436.046875] 	1632
[1282933436.046875] 	3676
[1282933436.046875] 	2084
[1282933436.046875] ================
[1282933436.046875] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.046875] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.046875] Backlog:
[1282933436.046875] 	1548
[1282933436.046875] 	1632
[1282933436.046875] 	2944
[1282933436.046875] 	396
[1282933436.046875] ================
[1282933436.046875] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.046875] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933436.046875] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.046875] 	1548
[1282933436.046875] 	1632
[1282933436.046875] 	3676
[1282933436.046875] 	2084
[1282933436.046875] ================
[1282933436.062500] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	2944
[1282933436.062500] 	396
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933436.062500] ===> now: 1282933436, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933436.062500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933436.062500] (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933436.062500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933436.062500] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933436.062500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933436.062500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933436.062500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933436.062500] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933436.062500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.062500] Backlog:
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	3676
[1282933436.062500] 	2084
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.062500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.062500] Backlog:
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	2944
[1282933436.062500] 	396
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933436.062500] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	3676
[1282933436.062500] 	2084
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	2944
[1282933436.062500] 	396
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933436.062500] ===> now: 1282933436, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933436.062500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933436.062500] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933436.062500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933436.062500] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933436.062500] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933436.062500] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933436.062500] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933436.062500] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933436.062500] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933436.062500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.062500] Backlog:
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	3676
[1282933436.062500] 	2084
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.062500] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.062500] Backlog:
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	2944
[1282933436.062500] 	396
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933436.062500] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	3676
[1282933436.062500] 	2084
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.062500] 	1548
[1282933436.062500] 	1632
[1282933436.062500] 	2944
[1282933436.062500] 	396
[1282933436.062500] ================
[1282933436.062500] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933436.062500] ===> now: 1282933436, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933436.062500] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933436.062500] (0) Local: received 8258 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933436.062500] Accepted connection from:
[1282933436.078125] PID for socket: 2996
[1282933436.078125] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 0 -verbosity 9'
[1282933436.078125] PID 2996: issending: 0
[1282933436.078125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933436.078125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933436.078125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933436.078125] ===> PID 2996 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 120773
[1282933436.078125] PID 2996: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\'
[1282933436.078125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282933436.078125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.078125] Backlog:
[1282933436.078125] 	1548
[1282933436.078125] 	1632
[1282933436.078125] 	3676
[1282933436.078125] 	2084
[1282933436.078125] ================
[1282933436.078125] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.078125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282933436.078125] Backlog:
[1282933436.078125] 	1548
[1282933436.078125] 	1632
[1282933436.078125] 	2944
[1282933436.078125] 	396
[1282933436.078125] ================
[1282933436.078125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 396) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282933436.078125] ===> PID 2996: numcores: 0
[1282933436.078125] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.078125] 	1548
[1282933436.078125] 	1632
[1282933436.078125] 	3676
[1282933436.078125] 	2084
[1282933436.078125] ================
[1282933436.078125] Backlog(2):
[1282933436.078125] 	1548
[1282933436.078125] 	1632
[1282933436.078125] 	2944
[1282933436.078125] 	396
[1282933436.078125] ================
[1282933436.078125] ===> PID 2996: numcores(2): 0
[1282933436.078125] ===> now: 1282933436, last helper launched at: 1282933431
[1282933436.078125] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282933436.078125] (0) Local: received 8874 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282933491.468750] Accepted connection from:
[1282933491.468750] PID for socket: 1852
[1282933491.468750] PID 1852: RTL string at offset 16: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe -local -send 04 '
[1282933491.468750] PID 1852: issending: 1
[1282933491.468750] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 120773

[1282933491.468750] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282933491.468750] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282933491.468750] (0) resolving ''
[1282933491.468750] (0) Connecting to:
[1282933491.687500] (0) Connected.
[1282933496.968750] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1282933496.968750] (0) Local: received 120889 bytes, sent 636 bytes
[1282933496.968750] (0) Remote: received 636 bytes, sent 120889 bytes
[1282933496.968750] (0) Ratelimit: sent 120889 byte(s) in 5.281 seconds, 22891 Bps (22.35 kBps)
[1282934045.453125] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.453125] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.453125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.453125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.453125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.453125] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.453125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.453125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.453125] Backlog:
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	3676
[1282934045.453125] 	2084
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.453125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.453125] Backlog:
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	2996
[1282934045.453125] 	672
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.453125] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.453125] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	3676
[1282934045.453125] 	2084
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	2996
[1282934045.453125] 	672
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.453125] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 0
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 14: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe'
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.453125] ===> Launching helper: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH2\langouste-helper.bat' (exe name: 'C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe')...
[1282934045.453125] ===> Forked 0x00000768
[1282934045.453125] (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.453125] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.453125] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.453125] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.453125] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.453125] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.453125] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.453125] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.453125] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.453125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.453125] Backlog:
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	3676
[1282934045.453125] 	2084
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.453125] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.453125] Backlog:
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	2996
[1282934045.453125] 	672
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.453125] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.453125] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.453125] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.453125] 	1548
[1282934045.453125] 	1632
[1282934045.453125] 	3676
[1282934045.453125] 	2084
[1282934045.453125] ================
[1282934045.468750] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.468750] 	1548
[1282934045.468750] 	1632
[1282934045.468750] 	2996
[1282934045.468750] 	672
[1282934045.468750] ================
[1282934045.468750] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.468750] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 1282934045
[1282934045.468750] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282934045.468750] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.468750] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.468750] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.468750] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.468750] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.468750] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.468750] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.468750] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.468750] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.468750] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.468750] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.468750] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.468750] Backlog:
[1282934045.468750] 	1548
[1282934045.468750] 	1632
[1282934045.468750] 	3676
[1282934045.468750] 	2084
[1282934045.468750] ================
[1282934045.468750] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.484375] Backlog:
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	2996
[1282934045.484375] 	672
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.484375] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	3676
[1282934045.484375] 	2084
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	2996
[1282934045.484375] 	672
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.484375] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 1282934045
[1282934045.484375] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282934045.484375] (0) Local: received 116 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.484375] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.484375] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.484375] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.484375] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.484375] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.484375] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.484375] Backlog:
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	3676
[1282934045.484375] 	2084
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.484375] Backlog:
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	2996
[1282934045.484375] 	672
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.484375] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	3676
[1282934045.484375] 	2084
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	2996
[1282934045.484375] 	672
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.484375] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 1282934045
[1282934045.484375] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282934045.484375] (0) Local: received 112 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.484375] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.484375] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.484375] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.484375] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.484375] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.484375] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.484375] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.484375] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.484375] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.484375] Backlog:
[1282934045.484375] 	1548
[1282934045.484375] 	1632
[1282934045.484375] 	3676
[1282934045.484375] 	2084
[1282934045.484375] ================
[1282934045.484375] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.500000] Backlog:
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	2996
[1282934045.500000] 	672
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.500000] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.500000] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	3676
[1282934045.500000] 	2084
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	2996
[1282934045.500000] 	672
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.500000] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 1282934045
[1282934045.500000] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282934045.500000] (0) Local: received 10338 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.500000] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.500000] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.500000] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.500000] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.500000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934045.500000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.500000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.500000] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934045.500000] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934045.500000] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934045.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.500000] Backlog:
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	3676
[1282934045.500000] 	2084
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.500000] NtQueryInformationProcess() for pid 1548 failed: 3221225480 (0xc0000008). This _may_ be an error.
[1282934045.500000] Backlog:
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	2996
[1282934045.500000] 	672
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934045.500000] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934045.500000] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	3676
[1282934045.500000] 	2084
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] Backlog(2):
[1282934045.500000] 	1548
[1282934045.500000] 	1632
[1282934045.500000] 	2996
[1282934045.500000] 	672
[1282934045.500000] ================
[1282934045.500000] ===> PID 2944: numcores(2): 0
[1282934045.500000] ===> now: 1282934045, last helper launched at: 1282934045
[1282934045.500000] ===> WARNING: can only launch one helper in 2 minutes (per client)
[1282934045.500000] (0) Local: received 8254 bytes, sent 0 bytes
[1282934045.515625] Accepted connection from:
[1282934045.515625] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934045.515625] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934045.515625] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934045.515625] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 432

[1282934045.515625] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934045.515625] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934045.515625] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 432
[1282934045.515625] (0) resolving ''
[1282934045.515625] (0) Connecting to:
[1282934045.750000] (0) Connected.
[1282934046.468750] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1282934046.468750] (0) Local: received 567 bytes, sent 396 bytes
[1282934046.468750] (0) Remote: received 396 bytes, sent 567 bytes
[1282934046.625000] Accepted connection from:
[1282934046.625000] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934046.625000] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934046.625000] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934046.625000] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 512

[1282934046.625000] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934046.625000] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934046.625000] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 512
[1282934046.625000] (0) resolving ''
[1282934046.625000] (0) Connecting to:
[1282934046.843750] (0) Connected.
[1282934049.031250] (0) Local connection closed (bsize: 0).
[1282934049.031250] (0) Local: received 625 bytes, sent 74983 bytes
[1282934049.031250] (0) Remote: received 74983 bytes, sent 625 bytes
[1282934049.031250] Accepted connection from:
[1282934049.031250] PID for socket: 2944
[1282934049.031250] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 16: '"C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH\fah6.exe" -gpu 1 -verbosity 9'
[1282934049.031250] PID 2944: issending: 0
[1282934049.031250] (0) request: POST HTTP/1.1


Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 119871

[1282934049.031250] determine_host(): found host in request: ''
[1282934049.031250] determine_host(): found host in headers: ''
[1282934049.031250] ===> PID 2944 is (most likely) contacting WU server, content length: 119871
[1282934049.031250] PID 2944: RTL string at offset 9: 'C:\Documents and Settings\Phil\FAH2\'
[1282934049.031250] ===> Helper pid: -1
[1282934049.031250] ERROR: pids_samebranch(2084, 2944): iteration limit hit
[1282934049.031250] Backlog:
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	3676
[1282934049.031250] 	2084
[1282934049.031250] ================
[1282934049.031250] FahCore: FahCore_a3.exe (PID 2084) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934049.031250] ERROR: pids_samebranch(672, 2944): iteration limit hit
[1282934049.031250] Backlog:
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2720
[1282934049.031250] 	4032
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	2996
[1282934049.031250] 	672
[1282934049.031250] ================
[1282934049.031250] FahCore: FahCore_11.exe (PID 672) appears to belong to another client, continuing.
[1282934049.031250] ===> PID 2944: numcores: 0
[1282934049.031250] Backlog(2):
[1282934049.031250] 	3260
[1282934049.031250] 	1548
[1282934049.031250] 	1632
[1282934049.031250] 	3676
[1282934049.031250] 	2084
[1282934049.031250] ================
[1282934049.046875] Backlog(2):
[1282934049.046875] 	3260
[1282934049.046875] 	1548
[1282934049.046875] 	1632
[1282934049.046875] 	2996
[1282934049.046875] 	672
[1282934049.046875] ================
[1282935050.546875] Langouste3 0.15.5-bc3 (compiled Fri Aug 27 04:36:00 MDT 2010 by kszysiu@tentacle)
[1282935050.546875] Langouste3 comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
[1282935050.546875] see `COPYING.txt' file located in source directory
[1282935050.546875] Getting own cmdline with NtQueryInformationProcess()...
[1282935050.546875] PID 3548: RTL string at offset 16: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc3.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1282935050.546875] Got cmdline: 'langouste3-0.15.5-bc3.exe -l 8880 -v -L logfile.txt'
[1282935050.546875] TEMP=C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp
[1282935050.546875] USERNAME=Phil
[1282935050.546875] Default Langouste helper temp directory: C:\DOCUME~1\Phil\LOCALS~1\Temp\langouste-Phil\
[1282935050.562500] Listening on