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Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:14 pm
by bruce
FIRST: When FAH wants to download a new WU, it always attempts to connect to and/or from which it should be redirected to a Work Server. Check your network settings and redirections. FAH DID NOT assign -- especially since that is a local address which cannot be forwarded by your router.
SECOND: Inasmuch as you will not be getting assignments for your GPU until AMD fixes their software, you should disable FAH's ability to run your GPU slot. There are several ways you can do that. I would use FAHControl: Configure + Slots + (select the GPU slot) + Add + Add + pause-on-start / true / OK + OK + Save,
You can still manually stop or start that slot until the next reboot.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:33 pm
by Joe_H
IP addresses in the 192.0.2.n range are reserved for test documentation. I would check to see if they are related to your beta testing. As far as I know they are not related to folding.
In any case, you can get rid of the errors by stopping and/or removing the GPU slot you have created for an unsupported GPU. The folding servers are not going to assign any WU's until this GPU is whitelisted as a supported GPU.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:08 pm
by toTOW
12:21:11:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
12:21:12:WU01:FS01:Assigned to work server
12:21:12:WU01:FS01:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: READY gpu:0:Navi 10 [Radeon RX 5700 XT] from
12:21:12:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
12:21:33:WARNING:WU01:FS01:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
12:21:33:WU01:FS01:Connecting to
12:21:54:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Exception: Failed to connect to Een verbindingspoging is mislukt omdat de verbonden party niet correct heeft geantwoord na een bepaalde tijd, of de gemaakte verbinding is mislukt omdat de verbonden host niet heeft geantwoord. = Translation: connection timed out
I don't understand ... the client is connecting correctly to the AS, but it is directed to a non existing work server.
I see two issues here :
- GPU is marked as unsupported (species = 0), but a WU request is made. This shouldn't happen. This could be a FAHClient issue.
- The client is directed to a non existing work server. Does it have the same behaviour on someone else's system with a Radeon 5700 XT GPU ? It could be a normal (but weird) reaction of the AS to this situation (requesting work for a species 0 GPU). This could be an AS issue.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:53 pm
by Roos-Skywalker
I have no idea how either issues are caused or what to do to resolve them, but I did remove the GPU slot and I am now exclusively folding on my CPU. CPU folding worked from the start though, even with the GPU slot.
EDIT: I performed an OpenCL benchmark with my 5700 XT using LuxMark and it runs just fine. OpenCL itself does not appear to be bugged.

Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:46 am
by bruce
Roos-Skywalker wrote:I have no idea how either issues are caused or what to do to resolve them, but I did remove the GPU slot and I am now exclusively folding on my CPU. CPU folding worked from the start though, even with the GPU slot.
EDIT: I performed an OpenCL benchmark with my 5700 XT using LuxMark and it runs just fine. OpenCL itself does not appear to be bugged.
!) I wonder if AMD is now distributing a different Windows driver than it was earlier.
2) Has this problem been observed on both Linux and Windows?
3) I wonder if your OpenCL benchmark exercises all of the functions needed by FAHCore_2*? (such as Mixed Precision)
4) Did you install OpenCL 1.1 or >=1.2? (Show us FAH's log)
I certainly hope the AMD problem has been fixed but I'm a little reluctant to accept your benchmark as representative of the requirements of the FAHCores. Have you tested it with FAHBench?
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:22 am
by Joe_H
Roos-Skywalker wrote:EDIT: I performed an OpenCL benchmark with my 5700 XT using LuxMark and it runs just fine. OpenCL itself does not appear to be bugged.
Passing one benchmark does not prove that the OpenCL implementation in the drivers for the 5700 XT is not buggy. Reviewers testing the card when it first came out observed that some of their standard OpenCL tests worked, but many others in including FAHBench did not.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 2:32 am
by bruce
I found the source of the 192.168.2.* redirection. It's equivalent to a message saying "GPU Not Supported" (which probably could have been guessed from page 1 of this topic). I've asked to have that message added to FAH, but I have no indication of when that might happen.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 6:44 pm
by gordonbb
19.9.2 is out. The
release notes make no mention of Open CL Compute issues being addressed but then the Known Issues does not list it as an issue either. Anyone had a chance to test it yet?
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:16 am
by foldy
Maybe it is an issue with FahCore_21 (OpenMM 6.3)? Because OpenMM 7.3 shows benchmarks for AMD 5700 XT on their homepage and does not mention any errors with that.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:18 am
by bruce
foldy wrote:Maybe it is an issue with FahCore_21 (OpenMM 6.3)? Because OpenMM 7.3 shows benchmarks for AMD 5700 XT on their homepage and does not mention any errors with that.
AMD Navi based cards do not work with the current core. OpenMM 7.4 has the changes to work with them. Until we have a core based on it, they will not work correctly.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 10:59 am
by Sven
Is Core_22 based on OpenMM 7.3 or 7.4?
Should we give it a try with the Core_22 Beta?
Would love to give my 5700XT some Folding@Home work

Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:43 am
by _r2w_ben
Sven wrote:Is Core_22 based on OpenMM 7.3 or 7.4?
The publicly visible
core22 branch on GitHub is based on 7.2 and the
release mentions it's 7.2.2.
There could be local branches haven't been published to GitHub or development happening in a private repository.
Edit: Here's a link to the
commit that fixes OpenMM on Navi.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:00 pm
by foldy
I can provide a FAHbench for Windows build with OpenMM 7.2 like Core_22 if you like to test it.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 4:02 pm
by bruce
FAHCore_22, with a later version of OpenMM has been in development for some time now but there still are open issues. By the time it's ready for final release, (hopefully) it will be re-linked with the required OpenMM 7.4. Unfortunately I can't predict when that might be.
I can set up a new category for WUs that will work with cores containinng the required minimum version of OpenMM, but since there are no such FAHCores yet, it would just get you a message saying there are no WUs available for your system.
Re: Radeon 5700 XT unsupported due to driver issues [19.9.1]
Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:58 am
by kuzko
Hello chaps, If there is a version of the F@H client or benchmark that needs testing for the 5700XT, I have this GPU so just let me know and I'll try to run it.