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Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:10 am
by PantherX
While PG Members can specifically answer your question about the capacity of the Servers, this description about a Server from the blog seems pretty powerful, at least to me:
We are installing some heavy-duty servers to serve up F@H work units mainly to GPU users. Our main server is a Dell R820 with 4x Intel Xeon E5-4620 2.2GHz processors and 256GB of RAM, which will also allow us to analyze incoming data “on the fly” to adaptively and intelligently make use of F@H Donor computing resources. Our backup server is a Dell R620 with 2x Intel Xeon E5-2690 2.9GHz processors, also with 256GB of RAM. These servers are both connected via SAS to a Dell MD3260 disk array containing 60x 4TB disks, providing 240TB of raw storage, or 192TB of usable storage with RAID6 to guard against data loss.
Source -> ... odera-lab/
I do wish best of luck for CureCoin Project and do hope that once officially announced, it will be team agnostic (not really in the mood of changing my team)

Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:26 am
by ChristianVirtual
Impressive numbers, near the google run recently ?. But it also cause concerns about the "H" in FAH which stands for Home.
Maybe a spinoff called FAB "Folding As Business" would be good. The monetized side of folding separated from the donation part.
With all the explained GPU power aimed at the project: is there something left for Joe Donor ? Today is already some perceived imbalance of WU for GPU with interesting PPD rates part of discussions.
Or of course if there is a huge pipeline of GPU projects ... Good for science ... Still mixed feelings ...
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:29 pm
by Punchy
I'd be curious to know what differentiates this from Gridcoin other than the use of FAH rather than BOINC. Gridcoin is up and running but I don't see "thousands of massive GPU farms" jumping to it.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:26 pm
by CygnusXI
PantherX wrote:While PG Members can specifically answer your question about the capacity of the Servers, this description about a Server from the blog seems pretty powerful, at least to me:
We are installing some heavy-duty servers to serve up F@H work units mainly to GPU users. Our main server is a Dell R820 with 4x Intel Xeon E5-4620 2.2GHz processors and 256GB of RAM, which will also allow us to analyze incoming data “on the fly” to adaptively and intelligently make use of F@H Donor computing resources. Our backup server is a Dell R620 with 2x Intel Xeon E5-2690 2.9GHz processors, also with 256GB of RAM. These servers are both connected via SAS to a Dell MD3260 disk array containing 60x 4TB disks, providing 240TB of raw storage, or 192TB of usable storage with RAID6 to guard against data loss.
Source -> ... odera-lab/
I do wish best of luck for CureCoin Project and do hope that once officially announced, it will be team agnostic (not really in the mood of changing my team)

Yes the current system is impressive, I have read these specs. My question though is how many more wu's can it send out then it does now on average? How much breathing room does the system have ? I know these things are probably somewhat confidential so if any knows these things they might be better sent in a private message.
To answer the above question by punchy, Gridcoin is cpu only, cant use gpus with it... and has had bugs from the start, and there are some other vulnerabilities in the gridcoin code that are quite obvious.... I plan on helping the gridcoin dev out if I ever find the time. as of now my time is stretched pretty thin.I think currently gridcoin team is still doing ok for being a glitched out client with cpu only abilities. Curecoin will be gpu ready from the start enabling it to use CUDA and AMD cards for a much larger increase in overall computing power.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:34 pm
by fangfufu
ChristianVirtual wrote:With all the explained GPU power aimed at the project: is there something left for Joe Donor ? Today is already some perceived imbalance of WU for GPU with interesting PPD rates part of discussions.
Well, I don't know about everyone else. I am
donating their computation power, the points are just a bit of extra fun.
Donating implies that one should not be asking things back. I am donating my computational power out of the goodness of my heart. I will donate as long as my computers are still useful for the project. I will donate whether or not I get points for folding.
I understand that not everyone is donating altruistically, which is why some people are so keen on the FAH points. This is the reason why I think curecoin will be a success, because
imaginary money is way better than FAH points.
Personally I don't curecoin will be a financial success / help people to earn money. In the best case scenario, it will end up like bitcoin -- a bunch of pointless numbers. Have you seen anyone buying anything using bitcoin?
However I think curecoin has a very good utilitarian aspect, it diverts people's excess "energy" to something useful.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:55 pm
by CygnusXI
fangfufu wrote:ChristianVirtual wrote:With all the explained GPU power aimed at the project: is there something left for Joe Donor ? Today is already some perceived imbalance of WU for GPU with interesting PPD rates part of discussions.
Well, I don't know about everyone else. I am
donating their computation power, the points are just a bit of extra fun.
Donating implies that one should not be asking things back. I am donating my computational power out of the goodness of my heart. I will donate as long as my computers are still useful for the project. I will donate whether or not I get points for folding.
I understand that not everyone is donating altruistically, which is why some people are so keen on the FAH points. This is the reason why I think curecoin will be a success, because
imaginary money is way better than FAH points.
Personally I don't curecoin will be a financial success / help people to earn money. In the best case scenario, it will end up like bitcoin -- a bunch of pointless numbers. Have you seen anyone buying anything using bitcoin?
However I think curecoin has a very good utilitarian aspect, it diverts people's excess "energy" to something useful.
Joe donor will always have the same thing he had the whole time he has been donating which is mention in the above quote.
out of the goodness of my heart
Joe donor will always have the respect of others and my respect as well. Joe donor will always have a good heart too. Besides, I plan on giving other teams the option to collect curecoins for folding in the future. To donate all the power and wear and tear on your system is a very powerful statement about who you are.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:06 pm
by PantherX
CygnusXI wrote:...Yes the current system is impressive, I have read these specs. My question though is how many more wu's can it send out then it does now on average? How much breathing room does the system have ? I know these things are probably somewhat confidential so if any knows these things they might be better sent in a private message...
This recent post by Dr. Vijay could give you a rough idea (viewtopic.php?p=254990#p254990).
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:45 pm
by CygnusXI
This sounds like good news. Ive already started to send in some small donations to the FAH servers, 125$ in total now. I wanted to get the final receipt first confirming that the money was indeed going straight to the upkeep of the FAH servers. Ill start sending in larger amounts now, until I've reached a total of 5000$ donated. I hope that donation is useful. I know its not small change, however the entire setup of the FAH servers with the upgraded RAM and lots of HDD's, must be very expensive.
Thanks Vijay for bringing us this update!
Thanks to everyone else offering information.
Ive added a new section dedicated on my forum to encourage people to donate directly to FAH servers. I hope to help FAH out as much as I can. - my link to encourage donations
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:23 am
by CygnusXI
Donations totaling $5025 USD have been sent. You can view the emailed receipts at the donation link on my forum. .
Happy new year FAH , keep up the good work! 2014 will surely be a great year!
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:31 am
by John Kenney
Sounds like a great idea. It'll pay for more processing power for folding, not everybody has lots of money to spend or the ability to run lots of computer hardware. If it works it'll help to connect those with the time & ability to spare to be able to run the hardware with those that have money to spare to buy the hardware & pay the bills.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:03 am
by Jesse_V
I got an email from CygnusXI today. He's working with some other developers on his CureCoin backend, and we have been discussing cyber security and some improvements that he could make to his system.
I just noticed that he sent $5k to F@h, which is pretty incredible. Nice!
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 1:37 pm
by jrweiss
So, just to be clear... Is the following true?
We can accumulate curecoins just by folding for the curecoin team (plus registering with curecoin). We do not have to get into mining at all.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 2:26 pm
by ChristianVirtual
No mining, just folding. Which is the nice part.
Whatever total point the specified team makes a day and your own points determine the proportion of coins you get. I think right now the daily allowance is some 7800 cur. If you have 1% PPD of the team you get 78cur. As soon all the new folder got their passkey qualified the proportion will tank.
The overall idea is not bad, but I still struggle with the mandatory team membership.
The mining part is still in the concept, but you can focus on folding, on mining or both if you like, your choice.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 2:49 pm
by bruce
Other teams have awarded a variety of prizes or other incentives that have been limited them to team members. is strictly team-neutral and while we prohibit recruiting on our site, we don't get involved in how a team manages their website or how they attract new members.
If new machines are attracted to FAH which have not been folding, we're all for it. If people move from one team to another there is no benefit (or loss) to FAH so we don't particularly care. Choose your team affiliation based on whatever criteria are important to you, as long as you continue to fold. will continue to maintain strict team neutrality.
Re: Potentially offtopic: curecoins ?
Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:53 pm
by Silver_Pharaoh
There might be more people deleting WU's because it takes a long time to complete the WU's and get paid .......
I suppose one way around this is if a server doesn't see any folding being done a WU, it could cancel it and hand that WU out again. Of course, F@H would have to implement some phone home or check up routine in the client.