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Re: Help
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:07 am
by PantherX
Your error message seems to be permission related. Have you tried to run as Administrator:
Right Click the Shortcut
Select "Run as administrator"
Also why is the client.cfg made to open with Office? Please don't open the client.cfg file as doing so will corrupt its data as it isn't a normal text file. BTW I am not sure but modifying the client.cfg is against EULA when done by applications other than the F@H Client.
Re: Help
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:12 am
by MtM
He already admitted to changing the file himself. That's partly why I want him to seperate the issues he seems to be having and report them properly. At this time, his issues are conflicting with eachother.
You're right though, his issue with team and username reseting to default is due to corrupted config file from opening with a text editor... but he was already told that so I didn't answer it again

And the fact he can't unzip the core is a permission error or a disk error ( disk full? ), but he/she hasn't responded to the previous help given and I think it's wise to take it one step at a time.
Re: Help
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:33 pm
by bruce
tes1900 wrote:the Log files have said that for the last 24 hours. I even trried a restart to see if it would change...nope.
These are the files I have available
I was reciving this error message then it went away:
I hope this means something to you...
Everytime I open up the log most of the things in there have reverted to erronious settingsTeam changes back to 0 and user to several digits and from 8 gigs of memory that was set to 7 gigs it changes it's self back to 8.
Delete everything, including any backups that you have.
Install a fresh client. Configure your system the way you want it to be and leave it alone.
One of the best ways to have erroneous team settings is to edit the files or restore a backup while the client is running -- or to run two clients simultaneously.
I don't know any way to determine if that's what happened in your case but it's clear that all of your problems stem from things that YOU are doing, not FAH. You need to start over and then leave everything alone. By now you know all the configuration settings that are best for you so you won't need to keep changing things.
Re: Help
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:19 am
by tes1900
Just so you’re clear:
What I was doing was what I thought I was being told to do; I have made it no secret that I am a total novice.
So just delete the FAH file, as to backups, I think this machine makes them by its self and I wouldn’t have a clue as where to look for them.
As far a being administrator, I am the only one operating the machine, there is now one else.
I know exactly why 6.3 is still beta
Re: Help
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:39 am
by jrweiss
tes1900 wrote:I know exactly why 6.3 is still beta
No, you don't.
You admit that you have no clue as to where your computer saves its backups. Anyone with a reasonable level of computer knowledge would know what backup apps are active and where the target drives/folders are.
Also, a REASONABLE and/or KNOWLEDGEABLE "total novice" who is knowingly dealing with beta software -- despite all warnings -- would read all the guides and FAQs and applicable Wiki articles before messing with it. Then he would ask a few pertinent questions BEFORE attempting to install and run it. Finally, he would take the advice of those knowledgeable volunteers who provide him with pertinent information.
If you can't follow Bruce's advice, you're only setting yourself up for future problems.
Re: Help
Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 4:40 am
by tes1900
Fine...whatever you are always correct!
I am through, that is the last time any of you rude geniuses (and I use the term loosely) will never hear from me again.
One can only wonder just how much damage rude and self rightous individuals like like some of you are doing to the FAH cause?
(I would say that you know who you are; but you probably don't have a clue!)
As of 09/01/2010 I had 3.9829% that’s 261304 points and that is by one person alone.
You can now be proud that you (in your inability to work with people) have thrown away any future contribution that I might have made to the cause.

Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:37 am
by jrweiss
tes1900 wrote:I am through, that is the last time any of you rude geniuses (and I use the term loosely) will never hear from me again.
One can only wonder just how much damage rude and self rightous individuals like like some of you are doing to the FAH cause?
(I would say that you know who you are; but you probably don't have a clue!)
that is the last time ...will never hear from me again.
At least that part was accurate in its own convoluted way...
I will never cease to be amazed by the wealth of wannabe volunteers who seem to know more from the outset than most of us know after 3 or 5 years of evolution with the Project.
I guess I am at least partially responsible for the "damage... to the FAH cause" by giving concise information, then expounding outrageously when the subject couldn't read and heed the advice given by me as well as several others here. In that case, I apologize to the gathered masses for reducing the point count by 0.0000001% and the required support effort by 10.0000000%.
Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:59 am
by tes1900
Apology accepted and with gratitude.
Even though I don’t understand much of what you said I realize it’s an apology and a realization of the situation.
But I still haven’t determined if I am going to try to continue, everything has been erased my BP is up almost 100 points. I was hoping to get this installed and running while I had my health, oh well, I guess it's not to be.
Jrweiss, It is really too bad that some others cannot see through your eyes.
Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:38 am
by PantherX
Well Tom, rather than giving up on F@H SMP2 Client, may I suggest that you look into running a single instance of F@H Classic Client? It is very easy to set-up and once you have familiarized yourself with how F@H Clients work, you can take another swing at the SMP2 Client? I myself started with 1 Classic Client and 1 GPU2 Client (both systray Version) and used it like that for about a year. After that I shifted to SMP2/GPU3 Console Versions.
Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:35 pm
by yahavbr
Hey Tom, just curious to know the status of your folding?
I saw that at some point you said it's working but later you said it's not working anymore.. so where things are standing now?
Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:45 pm
by tes1900
Everything is deleted and probably will never be downloaded again. I have had my fill of being called stupid.
I just think that is so rude and irresponsible.
I will check back on occasion and if there is a client that basically installs its self like some of the older versions then I may reinstall it…maybe. Perhapw after I understand how this new computer (2 weeks old and all new to me) operates. Like everything; time will tell.

Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:33 pm
by MtM
Well that's abit odd, as I can link to a thread which is about a user who never used any smp client before this one because it was to difficult, and who made a thread here praising the ease of installation.
This client does basicly install itself, there are no dependancies anymore, nothing besides a single executable.
No one said you are stupid.
Everyone in this thread has an history of trying to help people, if you think a person was condecending, point it out and maybe he ( I?? ) can excuse himself and offer an explanation as to what he actually ment.
Maybe you should have placed more trust in the advice, and followed it to the letter. As there been very few cases when that happend and we as community couldn't get the person asking for help, on his feet with folding.
So don't feel attacked, just know that there is no one who has anything to gain by thinking you are stupid.
All the people here want as many people to fold as possible, think about it, why would we do anything other then try to help?
Re: Help
Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:38 pm
by lanbrown
No one called you stupid. People would tell you what to do and you did dismiss their suggestions on occasions. An example was running it as administrator and you replied with that you are the only user. Where you place something in Vista/7 does require elevated access, even if you are administrator. So there very well could have been write permissions on where you installed.
6.30 is pretty much drop and fold. If you put it in the wrong place, then you may have issues, like the ones you had.
Another example was that you mentioned that the machine backs itself up but you don't know where. If that is the case, what is the point of it when there is a problem, you don't know where to restore it from or how. I highly doubt it does a backup, more than likely you are thinking of the checkpoint feature.
Re: Help
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:15 am
by tes1900
No one called you stupid
Symantics...ok insults, are you appy now?
Re: Help
Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:01 am
by yahavbr
tes1900 wrote:just more reson not to reinstall it
And never told anyone to F off!
He didn't mean you Tom, see in the end of his post, he meant member called "IanBrown".
People, start using Quote when replying to specific posts!
Anyway for what it's worth I can't see anyone who insulted you directly Tom but I do see why you got insulted indirectly.
Let me share personal story: my sister works with computers for over 20 years but she doesn't understand much in them beyond what she have to do for her daily work.
One day she wanted to find specific picture among hundreds of pictures in certain folder on her machine so she asked for my help. I told her "view the files as thumbnails and you'll find it quickly" and she asked "Thumbnails?!" so I explained in detail how to change the view. Something in my tone insulted her, maybe I sounded bit arrogant as for me it was so clear how to do it. Took her some time to relax and understand I was not trying to insult or patronize her.
Bottom line: some of the things you asked look very trivial to some people so when they answer you might detect that same tone my sister detected. It does not mean in any way that those people try to patronize or pretend they "know better". Hope you can understand that.
Anyhow, all things considered, don't let people stop you from folding! Even if someone did insult you, you won't punish him by stopping to fold..
You can always use the same client you used on your XP, I'm pretty sure it will work on Windows 7 as well.