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Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:01 pm
Synate.Deszeld wrote:The same ps3 sever error i get ever time i try to upload work units
Since the PS3 servers have really just gotten back online, it could be that they are being overwhelmed with all the backlog of finished WUs trying to be uploaded all at the same time.
So perhaps the problem isn't on your end and if you just give the servers just a little more time to catch up, your WUs will be uploaded.

Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:08 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
no clue according to a speed test on my pc my uploads only bumped up to 0.01 Mb/s so apparewntly AT&T is blocking my upload speed wheres as my download was 2.71 Mb/s so something weird is going on

Not sure but that speed seems slow cause we pay for 6.0 megs.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:09 pm
by VijayPande
We'll look into the PS3 issue. From what we see everything is fine. If you have any idea which WU (project) or server you're trying to send to, we can look.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:11 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
I appologize professor i have no clue what server. Not sure if it will help but im on team 0 & my donor name is PS3 maybe you can see what server i uploaded from on there?
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:12 pm
by noorman
Synate.Deszeld wrote:Upload to Server Failed
Error (0x80710620)
Can't find anything concerning that specific error message on PS3 (don't have one myself either)
You could check the connection to its server, if you can get the IP addy of the server it wants to connect to, you could enter that IP address in the URL bar of a webbrowser and Enter, see what that gives you as a reply ...
( in normal circumstances, you should get an
OK (top left hand corner of blank page), if not that or blank, there 's something wrong outside of your LAN (local area network)
You can test the connection between your system and the Stanford server this way ...
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:16 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
thats the thing i dont know which server my ps3 connects to. I hate being a bother to ya'll but i wanan help you out in your research but i cant get my data sent to ya. i have no idea what else to try.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:18 pm
by VijayPande
PS I can verify that the main PS3 server is being hit very hard right now. That should ease up with some time.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:20 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
excellent are you able to notify us when it eases up alot after its eased up?
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:32 pm
by RAH
AS is really getting slammed also. Net load 507.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:42 pm
by PantherX
noorman wrote:You could check the connection to its server, if you can get the IP addy of the server it wants to connect to, you could enter that IP address in the URL bar of a webbrowser and Enter, see what that gives you as a reply ...
( in normal circumstances, you should get an OK (top left hand corner of blank page), if not that or blank, t...
For FF, it will prompt you to download a file. That too means that it is normal
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:53 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Ok good news Is My ISP Said Every Thing Is All Good. So Its Either My PS3 Or Still A Few Server errors. Gonna attempt to upload my work units once more.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:56 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Weird the status bar for upload barely moves then it drops waaay down then i get upload to server failed
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:11 pm
by Synate.Deszeld
Ok Interesting News

Accoring To My ping plotter pro Its showing Three of the servers with 100% Total Packet Loss & 1 server with 10 to 20 % packet total packet loss. Would Yall Like The ip addresses? Not Sure if It Will Help But If So Ill Send Them.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:25 pm
by bruce
Synate.Deszeld wrote:excellent are you able to notify us when it eases up alot after its eased up?
Personal notification is a costly process but you can figure it out for yourself. At the top of this page, there's a link to ServerStatus. Scroll through that page looking for PS3 in the second column and you'll find the servers to which your WUs need to upload. Even if you don't know the exact server in question, there are only a few choices so look at them and form an impression. Red, yellow colors indicate a problem, even if you're not sure what it means. Green is good. White is probably good. Blue is sort of a temporary red so generally not important as long as there's another server for your type of assignment.
In the columns CPU_LOAD and NET_LOAD big numbers mean it's busy and small mean it doesn't have a lot of work to do. What's big for one server may not be considered big for another server, so it's often not easy to interpret these numbers. Clicking on the IP address will bring up a history file, so once you've got an idea what you want to look for, you can probably find it.
Ping turns up many problems with connectivity. Just entering the IP address into your browser often turns up other problems that can't be seen any other way.'
If you know which project(s) needs uploading, follow the Project Summary page to get an IP address.
All of this is off-top, though, since this topic is about the Stats Server, not a "Can't upload" problem. I'll see about splitting that off to a topic by itself.
EDIT: Off-topic posts merged with another discussion of that topic. We're no longer off-topic.
Re: STATS system down?
Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:24 am
bruce wrote:
All of this is off-top, though, since this topic is about the Stats Server, not a "Can't upload" problem. I'll see about splitting that off to a topic by itself.
Not to make this thread go anymore off-topic then it already is, but I see another thing that Synate.Deszeld should possible correct about his PS3 setup.
Synate.Deszeld posted earlier in this thread (STATS system down?) about having "a very high rank in my team with my data from my PS3.Though the way things are going I'm most likely going to be dethroned mm."
However, later on he posted that he is "on team 0 & my donor name is PS3", which means Synate.Deszeld may not be personally getting any credit or points for the WUs that his PS3 completes and not have any "rank", as his completed WUs are likely being grouped in with other people that have their PS3s set to the same PS3 or a similar default team. ... =userstats
So Synate.Deszeld may want to head into the PS3 Folding@Home settings to select a new team number and also make a individual donor name (perhaps your Synate.Deszeld screen name) and that way you can look up on the "Donor Statistics" page all the WUs you PS3 will have completed after selecting the new team and donor name.
And also if you begin using a computer and/or another PS3 to Fold, then as long as you use the same name team and donor name combination, you will be personally credited for all the WUs that you have completed.
For example, as you can see in my signature I fold for Team "55265", which is the official team number for the Playstation Forums F@H team, but there are countless other teams that you can join as you can see in the other users' signatures with their team numbers and also their unique individual donor names, so do a "Google Search" or use your favourite search engine to check out what they are and you should be able to easily find information about quite a few other F@H teams and perhaps one that may fold for a certain disease or other cause that is close to your heart and that you may want to consider joining.