HFM.NET - Monitoring Application for Folding@Home v7

This forum contains information about 3rd party applications which may be of use to those who run the FAH client and one place where you might be able to get help when using one of those apps.

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Hardware configuration: UserNames: weedacres_gpu ...
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by weedacres »

I had to make some network changes and took one machine off line. It's running an smp client under VmWare under XP Pro 32 running Ubuntu 8.04.
After bringing the machine back online HFM shows that client as greyed out with a "No Log Available" in the log file pane. I initially had failed to turn file sharing back on so did so and got the same thing. At this point I checked that I could get to the fah folder on the Ubuntu client and I can, and was able to open fahlog.txt and unitinfo.txt from my monitoring machine.
Here's the relevant parts (I hope) of the messages window with verbosity on:

Code: Select all

[7/6/2009-19:57] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.ToXml (Meema) Execution Time: 0 ms
[7/6/2009-19:57] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) FAHlog copy (success).
[7/6/2009-19:57] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (start).
[7/6/2009-19:57] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (success).
[7/6/2009-19:57] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) Execution Time: 313 ms
[7/6/2009-19:57] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.ProcessExisting (Meema) Execution Time: 0 ms
[7/6/2009-19:57] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.Retrieve (Meema) Client Status: Unknown
--------------------- F5 refresh --------------------------------------
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) FAHlog copy (start).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) FAHlog copy (success).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (start).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (success).
[7/6/2009-20:00] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) Execution Time: 219 ms
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.ProcessExisting (Meema) Execution Time: 16 ms
[7/6/2009-20:00] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.Retrieve (Meema) Client Status: Unknown
-----------------------F5 Refresh------------------------------------------
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) FAHlog copy (start).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) FAHlog copy (file has not changed).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (start).
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) UnitInfo copy (success).
[7/6/2009-20:00] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.RetrievePathInstance (Meema) Execution Time: 63 ms
[7/6/2009-20:00] + HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.ProcessExisting (Meema) Execution Time: 0 ms
[7/6/2009-20:00] - HFM.Instances.ClientInstance.Retrieve (Meema) Client Status: Unknown
I installed the latest build (28), I've deleted the offending client, added it with different names, deleted the log files in Documents and Settings and they reload after refresh. I can View the Cached log file with no problem and it matches although I haven't done a bit for bit comparison.

So, at this point I'm running out of ideas and hope someone might have invented this wheel already.

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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by weedacres »

weedacres wrote:I had to make some network changes and took one machine off line. It's running an smp client under VmWare under XP Pro 32 running Ubuntu 8.04.
After bringing the machine back online HFM shows that client as greyed out with a "No Log Available" in the log file pane.
This appears to have cured itself overnight with a new wu. :e?:
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

Hi weedacres... sorry for your trouble... but I think I know what the issue is. It's got to do with the SMP log file writes, which can be sporadic.

HFM.NET keys off the a line in the log like the following:

[08:37:40] *------------------------------*

...to find the beginning of a WUs log run, specifically the part after the time stamp.. I bet that this line was corrupted... so HFM could not find where to start parsing the log.

Do you still have that WUs progress in your log file? If so, please send it to me at the following:

harlam357 at gmail dot com

The bottom line is... the next few revisions of HFM are going to address a few issues with the log parsing. Making it smarter than it is now and not subject to the above limitation.
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by weedacres »

Just sent them off. Thanks
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New Version: 0.2.2 - Build 30 - Beta - Download

- md5: ab5884b637143d300f1cf6d8b3906a52

- sha1: 7aabe1ba456de88cc39fb3dd81d03b842fb93bbb

Change Log
  • Fix: FTP Client Type Download on Linux (Mono).
  • Fix: Frame calculations 'AllFrames' and 'EffectiveRate' were not persisting from session to session, would default back to 'LastThreeFrames'.
  • Fix: Allow special keystrokes (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, etc) in Numeric only textboxes.
  • Fix: Formatting error with links to individual clients on the standard web summary.html page (client links would not work when used with Firefox on Linux... Windows based browsers were fine)
  • Fix: Show NotifyIcon (sys tray icon) after Form has been shown (user reported unhandled exception when double-clicking on Icon before main Form is shown).
  • Fix: Current UnitInfo states now being saved correctly when leaving the current configuration (not just on shutdown).
  • Change: Status Color Green is Color.Green (lighter) in lieu of Color.DarkGreen.
  • Change: Halting lookup of unknown protein description when doing Web Generation. Eliminates "HFM.Helpers.ProteinData.DescriptionFromURL threw exception..." messages that appear unnecessarily.
  • Change: Host Configuration - Validate 'Local Path' after returning from the Folder Browse dialog.
  • Change: Added check for EOC XML Stats 'Status' to limit the number of XML data retrievals when the stats do not change (like what usually happens at 12 noon update).
  • Change: Time based column alternate formatting to use leading 0 (i.e. 00min 00sec).
  • Change: Don't show Save Dialog when user selects a "Save" operation and no Filename and no Clients are defined.
  • Change: Added error dialog when Import FahMon Configuration yields no added clients.
  • Change: Added error dialog when Configuration Load yields no added clients.
  • Enhancement: Add support for finding duplicate Project (R/C/G) and User + Machine ID combinations (HTML Summary reflects these changes as well).
Upgrading HFM to the latest release
  • When upgrading HFM, please take the new Zip file and extract it to the same location as your current install and overwrite the older files.
  • The user settings are tied to the location of the HFM.exe file. So if you move or otherwise rename any directory in the path to the HFM.exe file, you will lose your custom settings. Please choose your install location wisely, I recommend a very generic folder name like "\Program Files\HFM". Settings will also not follow the application from machine to machine. It is possible to transfer them and I will post instructions on how to do so at a later time.
Donate to the HFM.NET Project with PayPal

Primarily a bug fix/change release for a few issues that have been discovered by myself or brought to my attention over the last few weeks. Most notibly: 'AllFrame' and 'EffectiveRate' now persist from session to session. The Green Status Color has been changed to make it a ligher shade. Added another check on the EOC Stats refresh to help eliminate continuous refreshes when the stats do not change but have been updated (like what usually happens at 12 noon). Changed the Time based alternate column formatting to use a leading 0 (i.e. 00min 00sec) - this was requested, I think it's fine... but please let me know if you don't like it. I could add the non-leading 0 formatting back in and have another variation, and I might do this anyway but if you like the previous style telling me so will nudge me to add it back in sooner. Otherwise, quite a few changes 'under the hood' to prep for the future. I anticipate this being the last version under the v0.2 moniker. Version 0.3 should be next up baring anything major that crops up from this release. Here's a list of potential changes/enhancements to the next major milestone:
  • Send E-mail or SMS text when detecting an EUE state.
  • Dynamic Web Application Component (ASP.NET based WebApp fed data by HFM.NET client monitor).
  • Auto-Run on Windows Startup option.
  • Add Core Name and Core Version output to CompletedUnits.csv file.
  • Add New Version Notification (possibly download and update as well).
  • Option to show the entire FAHlog file in the HFM UI (in lieu of only the current WU).
  • Others... and many 'under the hood' changes planned that I won't detail.
Thank you again to the following people who have donated to the HFM.NET Project (no particular order... and I apologize if I've missed someone)
  • cuda340
  • David Fonda
  • Michael Obermeier
  • moltenrain
  • David Dory
  • George Stephen
  • Zachary Glazer
  • Jason Farque
  • Michael Metcalf
  • Charles Richards
  • Timothy Hester
  • ChelseaOilman
  • LandShark
Posts: 222
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:03 pm
Location: Alabama - USA

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New Version: 0.2.2 - Build 31 - Beta - Download

- md5: 9a0d3c858fc0c1bdd7fb2a68f152bd04
- sha1: 4eb65e8cb1b6ede4b7b35f4ec792a8de35bab4b3

Change Log
  • Fix: Issue with Save As... function not using the file name supplied by the user in the Save As... Dialog. Was using current config file name instead... which in the case of a new configuration would result in an unhandled exception - Thanks augie!!!
  • Change: Messages Window can now be closed using F7 key.
  • Change: Now a single instance application (attempting to start HFM.exe again won't yield an exception, just a dialog telling you the app is already running).
  • Change: User specific UI settings like log file splitter location, column indexes, and column sort are now being saved at the time they are changed... not just on application shutdown.
  • Enhancement: HTML Summary now respects the 'Allways List Offline Clients Last' option.
  • Enhancement: Add options to turn on/off the search for Duplicate User/Machine ID and Project (R/C/G) (HTML Summary reflects these changes as well).
Upgrading HFM to the latest release
  • When upgrading HFM, please take the new Zip file and extract it to the same location as your current install and overwrite the older files.
  • The user settings are tied to the location of the HFM.exe file. So if you move or otherwise rename any directory in the path to the HFM.exe file, you will lose your custom settings. Please choose your install location wisely, I recommend a very generic folder name like "\Program Files\HFM". Settings will also not follow the application from machine to machine. It is possible to transfer them and I will post instructions on how to do so at a later time.
Donate to the HFM.NET Project with PayPal

A major fix for a nasty bug I created. If you're auto-loading a default config file, you probably didn't experience it. Couple other quick changes and enhancements based on user feedback. Please upgrade to avoid any problems saving your configuration files.

Thank you again to the following people who have donated to the HFM.NET Project (no particular order... and I apologize if I've missed someone)
  • cuda340
  • David Fonda
  • Michael Obermeier
  • moltenrain
  • David Dory
  • George Stephen
  • Zachary Glazer
  • Jason Farque
  • Michael Metcalf
  • Charles Richards
  • Timothy Hester
  • ChelseaOilman
  • LandShark
Posts: 1579
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Hardware configuration: Q6600 - 8gb - p5q deluxe - gtx275 - hd4350 ( not folding ) win7 x64 - smp:4 - gpu slot
E6600 - 4gb - p5wdh deluxe - 9600gt - 9600gso - win7 x64 - smp:2 - 2 gpu slots
E2160 - 2gb - ?? - onboard gpu - win7 x32 - 2 uniprocessor slots
T5450 - 4gb - ?? - 8600M GT 512 ( DDR2 ) - win7 x64 - smp:2 - gpu slot
Location: The Netherlands

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by MtM »

harlam357 wrote:
MtM wrote:Looks nice, got to take a closer look at the source though before I'll say more but the layout is very clean.
Thanks Mtm. :) Would love to collaborate with you. In what language is maxFah written? Sorry if it's in there... I just scanned your post. Lots a screen shots! :D

Sorry for the late reply btw, been off forum. Project is in mot balls again for lots of diffrent reasons, but most of modules where done and those who where not I had the idea they where close to getting there.

Looked at your source some time back, it was pretty clean as far as I could tell ( my c# ( from memory.. it was no vb and it was .net so kind of makes it hard to be otherwise ) is very limited ). If you have anything specific you can always pm me or ask. The monitoring class is open source as it's based on public documentation off the queue.dat structure and the many corrections and helpfull hints given by allot of people here, and that was 100% done ( .001% not, I had some issues storing the correct upload times of wu's for my internal stats gathering ).

But your code and mine are in two diffrent languages and I think from memory I use diffrent approaches ( since I think I was planning of gathering more information ), so it would require more then just a drop in. Atm, I can't really think of something you think I would be able to add to your project? Anything I spoke about or showed in the maxFah thread is something which I have code for, parts aren't 100% done but anything you say is atleast something I can look at.

Infact, I would feel allot happier being able to contribute to your project then to try and get people to help me on my own ;)
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

No prob... I only pop in here from time to time as well.

Hey... just because your project is in VB.NET doesn't mean there's no room to cross pollinate. ;) I work in VB.NET, C#, and C++/CLI on a daily basis... so I can handle any of the .NET core languages. I'd really be interested in the code to read the queue.dat file. If it's VB... no big deal. I can always convert it to C#... as I'd like to keep my project pure C# if possible.

I'm ready to take a look... just point me in the direction of the source. :)
Posts: 1579
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Hardware configuration: Q6600 - 8gb - p5q deluxe - gtx275 - hd4350 ( not folding ) win7 x64 - smp:4 - gpu slot
E6600 - 4gb - p5wdh deluxe - 9600gt - 9600gso - win7 x64 - smp:2 - 2 gpu slots
E2160 - 2gb - ?? - onboard gpu - win7 x32 - 2 uniprocessor slots
T5450 - 4gb - ?? - 8600M GT 512 ( DDR2 ) - win7 x64 - smp:2 - gpu slot
Location: The Netherlands

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by MtM »

http://www.mtm78.nl/binaries/queue.dat.txt ( right click save as? ).

Where it's always been :) I'll put up a link to the complete source in a sec, might help you since I didn't really document that much so seeing properties and functions in action might be handier.

And maybe http://www.mtm78.nl/binaries/clsEOC.vb.txt ( name says it all, saw you already had this as well but maybe it's of use?

edit: http://www.2shared.com/file/7026408/b83 ... kopie.html complete source.

Edit2: I can help you fix #64 on google code for you if you can´t figure it out from the source alone. I think my im info is in my profile. if not give me a pm :)

And maybe you can add some of the tray icon code to good use, allow some greater client control through the interface though the network part wasn´t even started for local clients it was getting there, and when that´s done you can built the network module around it.
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by kiore »

Hi, just downloaded this again as have been traveling.. Thanks all working good so far.
One issue that I am curious about was that I was blocked from downloading this from this site by google, not the usual Sudanese government we don't want you to look at this block, but one from outside the country. Even had issues with my normal proxy bypass.. Ended up getting it from the EVGA site.
i7 7800x RTX 3070 OS= win10. AMD 3700x RTX 2080ti OS= win10 .

Team page: https://www.rationalskepticism.org/viewtopic.php?t=616
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Location: Alabama - USA

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New Version: 0.3.0 - Revision 53 - Beta - Download

- md5: 9c7f1f2b20f0347bb09e4e1cafe81753
- sha1: fde168a5d04491da73058c0d1dc0ca56672913d8

Change Log
  • Enhancement: Log Parsing... Log Parsing... Log Parsing... a new approach, more being identified, just a huge improvement in reliability and future enhancements.
  • Enhancement: Add support for 'GettingWorkPacket' Status (Purple Status Color).
  • Enhancement: Email Reporting - Configure a reporting Email Address and SMTP Server and option to report clients detected in a 24hr. EUE Pause state (not yet tested on live data).
  • Enhancement: Encrypt sensetive data before storing in XML. This includes Host Server Passwords (encrypted the next time the configuration file is saved) and the following preferences fields: Proxy Server Password, SMTP Server Password, & HTML Output Folder or FTP URL (these fields will be encrypted on the first run of HFM v0.3.0).
  • Enhancement: Support for Log Text Coloring. Current Color Key: Blue="Key" Line / Green=Frame Progress Line / Red=Core and Client Shutdown / Grey=Not Identified
  • Enhancement: Add Auto-Run on Windows Startup option (tied to user account via reg key in HKCU).
  • Enhancement: Update code to write Core Name and Core Version, Average Frame Time based on all frames, and upgrade support from previous file layout for CompletedUnits.csv.
  • Enhancement: Indentify a Core Shutdown Result of "INTERRUPTED" and add these to the failed WU count.
  • Fix: Altered code to use DateTimeStyle values specifically for Mono Framework. Mono does not appear to like the NoCurrentDateDefault style, which results in the DateTime.ParseExact method returning a DateTime equivalent to DateTime.MinValue. This yields a TimeOfDay equal to TimeSpan.Zero, which results in no frame durations being calculated. The bottom line... I BELIEVE THIS FIXES THE LOG PARSING ISSUES ON MONO!!!
  • Fix: Use local volatile list in Messages Form to hold current Debug messages in lieu of accessing the current message lines from the TextBox. This appears to have solved the problem with messages that go "missing" from the Messages Form (most evident when running under the Mono Framework).
  • Fix: Unhandled exception when double-clicking a client with the Ctrl key held down - Thanks ixor!
  • Fix: Progress Column sorting. The value 100% was not being sorted properly (sorting was based on text value, now based on float value) - Thanks ixor!
  • Fix: Benchmarks Form to use TableLayoutPanel. Now scales properly when using Large Fonts (120 DPI) - Thanks ixor!
  • Fix: Project ID has to be known before any work unit data is added to the benchmarks data. Any data added by previous versions with a Project ID of 0 will be deleted upon entering the Benchmarks Form.
  • Fix: Fixed a long standing bug that output an incorrect Expected Completion time on Instance web pages.
  • Fix: Correct spelling of "occurred" in process start error messages (ProcessStartError Resource String).
  • Fix: File name validation (as used by the Host Configuration Dialog). FAHlog.txt and unitinfo.txt file names could be entered with grossly unacceptable values.
  • Change: Remove requirement for unitinfo.txt file to be present for log parsing to run.
  • Change: Update Main Form and HTML Summary to draw "Unknown" when Download Time or Deadline is DateTime.MinValue.
  • Change: SysTray Icon ToolTip to read "x Working Clients" and "x Non-Working Clients" to use the same nomenclature as the HTML Output.
  • Change (for anyone building from source): ScriptedRelease config is the only config that runs Pre or Post Build events. It is to be used for CruiseControl.NET CI Server Builds. The standard Debug and Release configs are available to use without any third-party dependencies (MSBuild Community Tasks, NUnit, NCover, FxCop, etc). Set AssemblyVersion.cs Revision number to 0, only official releases should contain the Revision number. This file will be updated only with Major.Minor.Build from now on.
Upgrading HFM to the latest release
  • When upgrading HFM, please take the new Zip file and extract it to the same location as your current install and overwrite the older files.
  • The user settings are tied to the location of the HFM.exe file. So if you move or otherwise rename any directory in the path to the HFM.exe file, you will lose your custom settings. Please choose your install location wisely, I recommend a very generic folder name like "\Program Files\HFM".
Donate to the HFM.NET Project with PayPal

I've been quite busy getting this ready the last month or so. The code has gone through so many changes that the notes above really just touch on the highlights. I really can't say much of anything else... long time coming.

Thank you for using HFM.NET.
Posts: 1579
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:20 pm
Hardware configuration: Q6600 - 8gb - p5q deluxe - gtx275 - hd4350 ( not folding ) win7 x64 - smp:4 - gpu slot
E6600 - 4gb - p5wdh deluxe - 9600gt - 9600gso - win7 x64 - smp:2 - 2 gpu slots
E2160 - 2gb - ?? - onboard gpu - win7 x32 - 2 uniprocessor slots
T5450 - 4gb - ?? - 8600M GT 512 ( DDR2 ) - win7 x64 - smp:2 - gpu slot
Location: The Netherlands

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by MtM »

Repleid on your home forums, no need for double posts but I will repeat there is ( still! ) room for improvements ;)

And, it goes faster with help :)
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Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New version coming soon... very soon... :)
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Location: Alabama - USA

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New Version: 0.4.0 - Revision 86 - Beta - Download (MSI) Download (Zip)

- md5 (msi): 3637aebf71f23d562fe1607bf2a208ea
- sha1 (msi): bca05e7ee40e98acd09886a64e99db96a22fb4bf

- md5 (zip): 1e3d2193becfb5ffae5480b3737c24bc
- sha1 (zip): 5894911479e20ae97a1806283fc3063646ef87bf

Change Log
  • Enhancement: HFM.NET is now also delivered in an MSI Installer Package. This is now the preferred method for installing HFM.NET on Windows.
  • Enhancement: Queue Viewer - for viewing information contained within the F@H client queue.dat file.
  • Enhancement: Benchmarks Upgrades
    - Minimum & Avgerage Frame Time Graphs (bar colors user configurable)
    - Ability to remove all benchmarks associated with a specific Client ("X" next to client names).
    - Ability to remove all benchmarks associated with a specific Project (right-click on Projects).
    - Ability to refresh the Minimum Frame Time based on current cache of 300 Frame Durations (right-click on Projects).
    - Save Benchmark Graphs to file (png, jpeg, gif, tiff). - Note: emf file type crashes under Mono
  • Enhancement: HTML Output Instance Pages - include the FAHlog.txt section for the active work unit.
  • Enhancement: HTML Output Instance Pages - include a link to the full FAHlog.txt file.
    - Note: The option enable or disable the copy/upload of the FAHlog.txt files is available in the Preferences.
  • Enhancement: Benchmarks and Messages Forms now save their Size and Position from session to session.
  • Enhancement: Option to run the application minimized to the system tray.
  • Fix: Bug causing partial cpu client frames to be detected as a full frame.
  • Fix: HTML Output pages are now correctly marked as utf-8 and have their DOCTYPE set to HTML 4.01 TRANSITIONAL.
  • Fix: (Mostly) Compatibility issues with GUI layout under 120DPI fonts (Windows only). There are still some small alignment issues with the queue viewer show/hide functionality.
  • Fix: Grid Tooltip paints when entering a cell the first time, not continually. This fixes high cpu usage on Windows 7 (and probably Vista) due to continual redraw.
  • Change: Text benchmark output only shows production lines when the client is running the benchmark project.
  • Change: Reduced the number of simultaneous log retrieval threads from 64 to 20 (I believe I was starving the thread pool with too many threads).
  • Change: Effective Rate is no longer based on a sliding value (current Date and Time). It is now based on the last log retrieval time for each client, yielding a fixed value between data refresh cycles.
  • Change: VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
    - Due to UAC rules for installed applications under Vista & Windows 7 this version will move your BenchmarkCache.dat, CompletedUnits.csv, & CompletedUnits.0_2_2.csv files to your user's HFM.NET Application Data Folder. *

    * HFM.NET Application Data Folder (example locations)

    - Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\HFM

    - Vista / Windows 7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\HFM
This will be the last version update post in this format. For the sake of simplicity and to make it easier on me to do version update posts on this forum and other forums, I have moved the content found in the Top Post of this thread into This Page in the HFM.NET Google Group. From now on these version update posts will simply be a post with the latest version number and links to the HFM.NET Google Code Homepage and HFM.NET Google Group.

Although I will continue to visit this thread periodically, the HFM.NET Google Group will now be the primary place to go for HFM.NET News, Discussion, and Support - enabling all users to converge in one central location. I encourage all HFM.NET users to join the Google Group. It's Free!

To easily keep up with the latest project news, subscribe to a HFM.NET News Feed!
Posts: 222
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:03 pm
Location: Alabama - USA

Re: HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for Folding@Home

Post by harlam357 »

New Version: 0.4.2 - Revision 92 - Beta - Download (MSI) Download (Zip)


Need help with HFM? Have a Feature Request? Please Join the Discussions. Post in the HFM Google Group.

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