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Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:53 am
by monkeyclaw
Okay cool, thanks for all the info on AMD re-onboarding with F@H :) Read this post a bit ago, but I as always, I don't seem to reply to these posts until well after they are old hah.

One important thing I've realized I haven't asked yet: what are the temps like under full folding load? I am guessing that the watercooling keeps it pretty damn cool, but I have been wondering how well the AiO watercooling system keeps the card cool after the sustained, heavy loading that F@H can sometimes puts onto a card. Also: with more WUs under your card's belt, what would you say the average PPD is for a Furry X? The highest/lowest PPD you get among the different WUs?

Oh man, how I am waiting now for the R9 Fury X to actually just be in STOCK! I've decided to upgrade, and man is this video card upgrade going to last me!

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:56 am
by muziqaz
Temps are stupidly funny. 50-57c ;) fans are at 900rpm and completely silent ;)

Regarding PPD, it is in my older post. 150k PPD with broken core18 and from 330k to 390k with core 17. Core 21 gives me 460k PPD ;)

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:50 pm
by muziqaz

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:21 pm
by DarkFoss
I too am getting great production with my Fury X's compared to what I was getting with my 7970's. Last 3 days leaving them undisturbed on Core 17.

Code: Select all

Daily Production
Day Points WUs
07.23.15 773,520 15
07.22.15 728,899 14
07.21.15 800,609 13
It's nice being able to fold during the summer again. Quite happy to no longer having my comp sound like a hair dryer too. :) ... s=&u=13877

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:27 am
by monkeyclaw
Holy F***. You have two of them, awesome man! That is a great CPU as well... I only have a quad core myself. Regardless, I am STILL checking multiple times a day to try and get a card. Where site did you end on nabbing your two Fury X's? I'm guessing that as the benchmarks/reviews have come out and the card isn't shown to be a lemon, the demand is rising. I've read the production is starting to rise too, but obviously not fast enough...

Thanks DarkFoss for your numbers too. I'm assuming those are days with close to 24 hours of uninterrupted folding? And since you have two of them (and probably a cpu running as well), we can just cut the PPD in half to see roughly what a single Fury X's PPD output is? And that graph of daily production is AWESOME by the way. I hope to see mine jump similarly soon, if only with an upgrade from a single 280x to a single Fury X :D

Thanks again guys! Let's all kick cancer's, Alzheimer's, and other disease research that benefits from all that F@H does, collective asses! :D

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:24 am
by muziqaz
monkeyclaw, you coming from 280x to fury x will see double performance I think. NO wait, I am stupid. 280x is 7970, which gets around 110k PPD with core 17, while fury x gets 390k PPD with core17 WUs ;)
I should be able to confirm this once I reinstall my 7970 into one of the PCs, just to double check ;)
My Fury Xs came from I got them by accident(lucky one) roughly one week after release.
The production is slow due to HBM, but they have quite a few non X fury on sale, which are quite good as well, but not water cooled ;)
I'm considering to grab a 3rd one in near future, once I get Phanteks case and and another new PSU to drive 3 of them. And later in the year will retire 290x and 7970 and equip couple of fury xs.
should be fun ;)

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:32 pm
by DarkFoss
@monkeyclaw yep those are 3 days of 24/7 folding. No cpu folding either. You should see quite a jump as muziqaz has said his numbers are spot on as my similar numbers can attest to. My first furyx I lucked out on I happened to be on ebay and on a whim I typed in Fury X to see what the gougers were charging and newegg on ebay popped up with several in stock. The second I found on newegg using ... d/r9furyx/ there is also a link for the non-x fury ... md/r9fury/ G'luck.

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:04 am
by monkeyclaw
Yeah, I am pretty psyched about it all. I built a dream machine of a computer about 2 years back, and haven't touched it since. Only thing I really held back on was the video card, so now with some more time elapsed on buying big computer parts, this video card is going to really turn the machine into another beast entirely :D

Yeah muziqaz, it definitely does seem like the new-ness of HBM is causing most of the stock issues, besides from the fact that everyone seems like a pack of pirhanas trying to snatch up the cards as soon as they come in stock. On that related note, DARKFOSS. THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME WEBSITE. I think this should help a LOT, as it will be checking the websites.... 2880 times in a 24 hour period (refreshes every 30 seconds, what? Sweet!), as opposed to my checking of a single website about... maybe 6 times a day if I was lucky :D This evens the playing field though, I bet a few others here might end up signing up for that site if the supply issues continue on through the next month.

As a kinda-side note: how do you get access to core 21 cores? I just slapped the client-type=beta flag back onto my GPU slot, but so far no dice. Is Core 21 public/in public beta testing yet?

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:31 am
by bruce
WUs that use Core_21 were in beta long enough to find a problem so it was pulled back for more development work. I'm sure it will be back when it's ready for more beta testing.

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:40 am
by monkeyclaw
Ah, okay. Thanks for the quick and concise info as always bruce =)

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:51 am
by bruce
Concise, but not quite complete. Until somebody updates the psummary script, FahCore_21 is known as UNKNOWN_ENUM and I see some projects are in beta. (As always there's no assurance whether you'll get one or something else.) Unfortunately, those servers are showing 0 WUs so it looks like they're still working on it.

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:14 pm
by muziqaz
p10469 on fury x - 3m31s/frame and 444K PPD

this is core 17

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:34 pm
by toTOW
Unlocking AMD GPUs seems possible : ... d-atomtool :D

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:04 pm
by muziqaz
toTOW wrote:Unlocking AMD GPUs seems possible : ... d-atomtool :D

I would strongly advice against using that method. As it is bricking more cards than unlocking.
So PLEASE, AVOID using unlocking software, at least for the time being, untill they figure out if it is indeed safe.

Re: AMD r9 Fury X

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:15 pm
by toTOW
If you read the topic linked above, it's working pretty well (at least for Fury, most Hawaii or Tonga are not unlockable).

And if a card doesn't start after the mod, it's quite easy to restore the original BIOS.