Based on our FLOP estimate (see ... pe=osstats), Folding@home has passed the 5 petaflop mark recently. To put it in context, traditional supercomputers have just broken the 1 petaflop mark, and even that level of performance is very challenging to aggregate. The use of GPU's and Cell processors is has been key to this, and in fact the NVIDIA numbers alone have just passed 2 petaflops.
Thanks to all who have contributed and we look forward to the next major milestones to be crossed!
We are one powerful global supercomputer...
Congratulations to all for making this feat possible!
I remember back in the days I stuck an FPU in my Amiga 1200 and was amazed that it hit 1.3 megaflops processing power. 5 petaflops, now that would be something else entirely. I would need about 3.800.000.000 of those amigas running side by side to acheive it.
s12a would you mind if I hosted those image? Won't do it now but I want to add some general information about the project to my page and the charts will make the userbase/archievements even more impressive ( as graphs always impress better then words ).
Keep up the good work, I enjoy looking at them!
I thought about writing a script which would automaticly genarete the charts on each update but it's sadly not allowed to use scripts to acces the cgi pages