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Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 4:56 pm
by Ichbin3
Looks good for me, thanks!
One more wish:
If I could put a name in the host section I could connect via dyndns too.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:01 pm
by WatsOnTV
gs60 wrote:Good luck on your finals!
Thank you!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:02 pm
by WatsOnTV
Ichbin3 wrote:Looks good for me, thanks!
One more wish:
If I could put a name in the host section I could connect via dyndns too.
Oooooh didn't even think about dyndns. I have some uses for that myself. That'll definitely be in a future version.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:42 pm
by bruce
Dyndns is a godsend for remote control and HFM on my LAN.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 2:27 pm
by gs60
I ran into an issue last night on the phone. When I start the app, the window for my connection will grey out. Sometimes it shows the contents before it goes away but most of the time not. So far the chromebook has not shown this issue. Auto updates are turned off on the phone, but in today's update happy world, you never know if it did something. I tried to add a new connection and it worked for a bit before it also grayed out. Reinstalling did not correct the issue. As there are no attachments in this forum. I don't know if the link below to the image will work well.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 9:58 pm
by WatsOnTV
gs60 wrote:Hello,
I ran into an issue last night on the phone. When I start the app, the window for my connection will grey out. Sometimes it shows the contents before it goes away but most of the time not. So far the chromebook has not shown this issue. Auto updates are turned off on the phone, but in today's update happy world, you never know if it did something. I tried to add a new connection and it worked for a bit before it also grayed out. Reinstalling did not correct the issue. As there are no attachments in this forum. I don't know if the link below to the image will work well.
Hi gs60,
Yes, I've been notified of this error. Auto updates should not cause this error. The error is caused by the connection not returning a complete transmission, and thus not parsing, causing an error and showing a grey screen instead.
I'm working on a fix for this.
To everyone else, I'm sorry the next update has taken longer than expected! I might push a small bug fix version to try address those, but new features will not be included. I'm currently in the middle of my finals, so I'm just trying to pass those
If anyone notices any other bugs, I would love if you could either post here or send me an email,
[email protected], where I should be able to address it further.
Thanks all for being so kind!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:16 am
by WatsOnTV
I've just uploaded an update to google play (should be live within a few hours!), new features include single slot control, ability to input a hostname instead of just IP for dyndns, allowing to view more details and some bug fixes. Please let me know what you think! I value your feedback

Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 5:59 pm
by gs60
Thank you! Working just fine on the phone and the chromebook. I tried the new watch ad to support the developer but not sure if it was supposed to change anything? Haven't noticed a grey box. I really like the more details screen!! Only issue I see is the folding slider doesn't match the host and you get connection to client lost while viewing the information.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:24 pm
by WatsOnTV
Thanks for your feedback! Regarding losing connection to host, could you describe this error a little more? E.g. how long after you open the more details screen do you get this error and what version of F@H are you running?
The client needs send a heartbeat message to the device within 10 seconds, and if it does not receive anything the app decides it lost connection. I'll double check I'm recieving the signal correctly.
With regards to the other stuff, they're all super simple fixes!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 1:46 pm
by gs60
It does appear it's ~10 seconds. It happens every time for me. It does the same thing on either the phone or the chromebook. I'm running the current ga version of f@h 7.6.13. Thank you again for building this!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:11 pm
by WatsOnTV
Ok I'll do some debugging!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:43 pm
by Foliant
WatsOnTV wrote:I've just uploaded an update to google play (should be live within a few hours!), new features include single slot control, ability to input a hostname instead of just IP for dyndns, allowing to view more details
Im very pleased.
The grey box issue is gone for me.
I also can confirm the connection is refreshing after energy saving on the phone was active.
Great work!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 10:52 pm
by WatsOnTV
Foliant wrote:
Im very pleased.
The grey box issue is gone for me.
I also can confirm the connection is refreshing after energy saving on the phone was active.
Great work!
Thanks for your support!
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:04 pm
by gs60
Does the app have an expiration date? I ask because it stopped working this afternoon on both the phone and chrome book. On one of my pc's, works fine. I've tried reboot of the fah system and reinstall of the app, but the app no longer works?
Update: It appears after a few restarts of the fah process and a review and save of the remote and local access control, the fah process got it back together. Seems as if there may be an issue somewhere within that part of the code. I didn't view the config xml directly to see if it had made a mess of it which would explain why the issue persisted across restarts. From the log file stand point all seemed the same as when I upgraded to .21. I'll keep a closer eye if it decides to do this again.
Re: Folding@Home Client Control Android App
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 2:09 am
by WatsOnTV
New version could have changed something, I'll take a look for you.