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Re: folding@home client doesn't run on windows 10

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:02 pm
by Attila1415
Yes, I've tried to fully uninstall and I allowed it to delete all my data. It didn't help.
My laptop is a company owned laptop (it isn't mine) and there is a "domain policy" on it. I don't really understand what it means. For me it's been only a little bit inconvenient so far: E. g. I can change my passworrd only when I'm logged in the company domain. The domain administrator has an account on it. (But I have administrative rigthts, though somehow limited.)

Re: folding@home client doesn't run on windows 10

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:51 pm
by Attila1415
Apologies for the repetition...

Mod Edit: Removed duplicate posts to make it easy to follow along - PantherX

Re: folding@home client doesn't run on windows 10

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:11 pm
by Neil-B
Can I just check that you have permission from the owner of the device to install FaH? ... This is a requirement of the FaH EULA and I just want to make sure we are not assisting you breach that :shock: ... Given that it is a corporate device I would expect there to possibly be something stronger/better than Windows Defender protecting it and it might be that which is interfering - you might want to reach out to your corporate IT support and see if they can assist :?:

What appears to be happening is either the FahClient isn't running or the FahControl can't communicate with the FahClient ... You should be able to check if it is the first scenario on a laptop as even without looking at anything it will probably be warm and fans running - but using the Task Manager (details tab) you should see a FahCore***.exe running ... If it isn't the you need to start the FahClient - If it is then it is the FahControl not be able to communicate with the FahClient which will most likely be something blocking the connection.